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Game Theoretic Strategies for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Network Host Under DDoS Attack



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Game Theoretic Strategies for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Network Host
Under DDoS Attack
Aakif Mairaj, Subhrajit Majumder, and Ahmad Y. Javaid
Abstract— Game theory involves the mathematical model-
ing of the strategic interaction between rational entities. One
such example is the interaction between a hacker and the
defense mechanisms of its target. There have been dierent
kinds of attacks on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV
or drone) Network (UAVNet) or a Flying ad hoc network
(FANET) in the recent past. The rational solution to such
problems is identifying the strategies that can be chosen by
the attacker, and selecting a defensive response that is most
apt and intelligent while considering all the choices that a
target’s defensive mechanisms can make. This paper is an
attempt to identify a game like situation, when a single
UAV is under a DDoS attack, while a genuine UAVNet is
trying to communicate with it. Two dierent cases of this
common attack are simulated, namely, UDP ooding, and
ICMP (Ping) ooding. In both cases, the intensity of these
attacks is gauged with dierent choices made by the attacker
and the target alike. Finally, the decisions that are conducive
to the attacker and the victim are identied.
I. Introduction
Game theory is the study of mathematical models
of the interaction between the conict and coopera-
tion among rational decision-making entities [1]. Since
the early 1970s, it has been considered a signicant
breakthrough in the eld of economics. Furthermore,
it has found applications in sociology and psychology,
epistemology, evolutionary biology, articial intelligence,
politics, etc [2]–[4]. The participants involved in the
interaction behave rationally, are allowed to play as an
individual or a team and called players. Each decision of
the players is based on what will provide the maximum
prot to them. The gain or payos are the numbers that
denote the ’motivations’ of players [1]. The rules of the
game dene the moves available to each player: they can
be the result of a choice or made by chance. Usually, the
games are put in a context of two-player interaction, and
once the entire strategic plan is in action during dierent
situations that might arise within the game, this is where
both players arrive at their decisions, and an outcome is
reached. This outcome is termed as the equilibrium or
solution of the game [5]. To understand the interaction
between the players in a game, let’s consider an example
of a zero-sum game that involves the participation of
two players, where one player’s gain is another player’s
loss [6], [7]. For instance, Table I shows a payo matrix
*This work was not supported by any organization
All authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science, The University of Toledo, OH, USA,
43606, USA. Email: {aakif.mairaj, subhrajit.majumder, ah-
TABLE I: A two-player zero-sum game
X Y Z Maximin
Alice A4 20 6 4
B18 12 10 10
Minimax 18 20 10
for a zero-sum game played between Alice and Bob. Alice
can play the strategies A and B, while Bob has strategies
X, Y, and Z in its prole. The numerical values represent
the payos. To solve the game, Minimax and Maximin
principles are used. The interaction is competitive, and
it involves the following steps [7]:
1) In Minimax strategy, the player minimizes its
maximum loss (Calculate the Minimum values from
each row).
2) In Maximin strategy, the player maximize its
minimum gain (Calculate the Maximum value from
each column).
3) Find the maximum of minimum values (maxmin)
and a minimum of the maximum (minmax) values,
if that matches, it is the solution of the game (see
Table I). It is a payo that is simultaneously a row
minimum and a column maximum.
This above example had only one solution, and hence
it is a case of pure strategy game. In contrast, some
games can have more than one solution; they are called
mixed strategy games, where each strategy is played with
a certain probability [8]. The other common names for
the solution of the game are Saddle Point [9] and Nash
Equilibrium [10]. Usually, the solution of the game is a
state where neither of the players has an incentive to
change their strategy, and it is a point in the interaction
where no player can benet by changing their move while
the other players keep their strategies unchanged [11].
Similarly, the solution in the above example is a state in
a game where no single agent can obtain a better payo
by deviating unilaterally from this junction.
A similar state is possible if a remotely operated UAV
or a UAV-Network is attacked through a Distributed
Denial of Service (DDOS), Jamming, or another access
control attack [12]–[15]. In such a situation, the attacker
intends to cause maximum damage such as gaining
access, causing a crash, or stealing useful information.
2019 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS)
Atlanta, GA, USA, June 11-14, 2019
978-1-7281-0332-7/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 120
Meanwhile, the defense mechanisms try to prevent the
severity of the attack through varying specic commu-
nication parameter of the victim-drone or the genuine
network that is trying to communicate with the hacker’s
target. In this work, two most common DDoS attacks,
UDP and ICMP (Ping) Flooding, are simulated and
studied to identify the possible game like interactions
between the malicious network (Botnet) and the victim.
The eects of dierent parameters are studied to de-
duce a conguration suitable to the hacker, and what
parameters are conducive for the defense mechanism of
the target UAV. The simulations were carried out in
the UAVSim simulator [16], [17] keeping in view the
similarities between the traditional ad hoc networks and
FANETs. The drones considered for these simulations
were particularly the consumer drones, where the ports
used for the communication could be utilized by the
hackers to compromise the information and launch a
Denial of Service (DoS) attack. These attacks can halt
the video streaming, or cause physical damage to the
drones or the environment [12].
A. DDoS Attack
The purpose of any DoS attack is to prevent access to
a legal service [18], while as the DDoS is performed at a
much larger scale by utilizing several machines [19]. Some
of the common methods of launching a DDoS attack
include ooding using common network protocol packets
such as User Datagram Protocol (UDP), Internet Control
Message Protocol (ICMP), Ping, Network Time Protocol
(NTP), and Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) [20].
In this work, the discussion is conned to the UDP and
ICMP (or ping) ooding.
1) UDP ooding: UDP ooding is a DoS attack where
the Botnet overwhelms the ports on the victim’s machine
with UDP packets. On receiving the packets, the victim’s
machine searches for the applications associated with
these UDP datagrams and responds with a ”Destination
Unreachable” message. This back and forth exchange
of messages happens continuously with attacker ma-
chines, and the victim node becomes unresponsive to
the legitimate requests [21]. User Datagram Protocol
(UDP) is a connectionless and sessionless networking
protocol. Unlike TCP protocol, UDP trac doesn’t
require a three-way handshake. It is an ideal protocol for
applications such as online gaming, voice or VoIP [22].
The data loss in such applications would not aect the
perceived quality severely. This property, on the other
hand, makes the protocol vulnerable because of the lack
of initial Handshake, which is essential for establishing
a genuine communication. With such vulnerability, an
attacker can send volumes of ”best eort ”data trac
across the UDP channels. The frequency with which this
attack is conducted can be attributed to the absence of
the built-in mechanism to control the UDP ood, and
the requirement of fewer resources [20]–[22].
2) ICMP (Ping) ooding: Ping (or ICMP) ooding
is a DoS attack where the attacker sends incessant
ICMP echo-request packets to overwhelm the victim’s
machine. This causes the target to become unavailable to
legitimate trac. When this attack comes from multiple
sources, the attack becomes a DDoS attack [23]. Ping
message sends ICMP packets to test the availability of
a node in a network. While executing Ping ooding,
these ICMP packets are exploited by sending a ood of
ping ’echo requests’ from a large number of ’zombies’
or ’bots’ spread throughout the network. The target
responds with ICMP Echo Reply packets, this saturates
the outgoing bandwidth and incoming bandwidth. This
cripples the network, and the victim is deemed unable to
respond to other genuine requests because of its inability
to handle the huge number of ’echo requests’ [24], [25].
II. Related Work
Several studies have been performed to identify a
better defense mechanism against a DDoS attack using
game theory. For example, a recent work proposes a
deception-based security mechanism using game theory
model for interactions between the defender and the
attacker [26]. The goal of the defender is to nd the
best possible conguration to prevent attackers from
launching a DoS attack while providing service to a
recognized network economically. In such an environ-
ment, honeypots were used. Furthermore, another group
of researchers have demonstrated the DDoS attack as a
Bayesian game played among the attacker, the system,
and the legitimate users [27]. In this work, for every
pair of strategies of the attacker and the target, the
payos are dependent on the bandwidth occupied by
the Botnet, the bandwidth used by the recognized users,
and the costs of attacking and defending. In the examples
presented by the authors, every participant attempts to
maximize its prot against all possible moves chosen
by the opponent. Similarly, another work demonstrates
the use of game theory against the prevention of DDoS
attacks where the attackers attempt to create congestion
in bottleneck network links [28]. A design model was
proposed to determine the best defense strategy for the
defender in such attack scenarios. The methods were
presented with the help of numerical computation and
simulations using DeterLab.
In another work, the authors have modeled the DDoS
attack as a non-cooperative, zero-sum game [29]. They
demonstrate that there exists a single optimal strategy
available to the defender. By adopting it, the defender
sets an upper boundary to the attacker’s payo, which is
achievable only if the attacker is a rational participant.
For all other attack strategies undertaken by irrational
entities, the attacker’s payo will be lower than this
boundary. These simulations were validated in NS-2
network simulator, and the results replicated the ana-
lytical model parameters, thus conrming the accuracy
of the proposed models. These models can be helpful
for the network managers and security administrators
to improve rewall performance if the system is under
the DDoS attacks.
Likewise, another work utilizes game theory model to
explain the attack on the Cloud of things (CoT), the at-
tacker tries to use minimum set and energy consumption
of IoT attack devices to occupy the maximum number
of bandwidth resources in a given period, while as the
defender attempts to minimize false alarms [30]. This
game theory model is a non-cooperative and repeated
incomplete information game, where Nash equilibrium
is existent. In such a situation the strategy for each
stage of the attack is to adjust the attack link number
dynamically based on the compared results of value and
turning point for each period. Meanwhile, the targeted
host changes the threshold value dynamically, based on
the analyzed results of the Load harm of a DDoS attack.
NS-3 simulated network was utilized to validate the
eciency of this model.
In [31], the authors propose a non-cooperative game-
based model against a DoS attack on vehicular networks.
The set of strategies are limited - attacker has the
freedom to either continue or stop the attack. While
the target vehicle can either continue its motion in a
particular direction or change its course to run away
from the attacker.
In another recent work, authors model the interaction
between the attacker and the defender as a two-player
non-zero-sum game for two DoS attack scenarios: (1)
one single attacking node and (2) multiple attacking
nodes [32]. The defender node aims to nd the best
possible rewall settings to hinder the malicious trac
while communicating with the genuine nodes. Here the
worst case scenario is considered, in which the attacker
aims to identify the most eective sending rate or
Botnet size (No of nodes). Authors have proposed static
and dynamic game interactions to compute the Nash
equilibrium - The models were validated using NS-3. In
addition to the above work, another recent work has done
DDoS attack simulation and analysis for a connected
automated vehicle using OMNeT++, however, this work
didn’t use game theoretic strategy and only focused on
the analysis of eects on the vehicular network [33].
III. The Proposed Method
For the simulation of an attack on a network, a testbed
or a simulator is needed. Since there are existing simula-
tors for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and dierent
types of ad-hoc networks, it is essential to choose a
simulator that’s suitable for FANETs. Therefore, such
simulator should have the following properties [13], [16]:
1) Adjustable speed for all the UAVs.
2) Allow simulations with dierent mobility models.
3) Possess a good GUI.
4) Accurate networking models.
5) Module for graphical result analysis.
UAVSim is an OMNeT++ based networking simulator
that meets these requirements [16], [34], and all the
simulations in this work were performed after making
certain modications in several .ini les. Creating a
game-like scenario requires the identication of the steps
that can be taken by the participants to maximize their
payo. Since it is competitive (Non-Cooperative), the
prot of one is the loss of the opponent. Therefore, to
form a game, specic procedures are followed in a step-
wise manner. First, we identify the competing agents
(Botnet and Target UAV). Second, we choose suitable
strategies for both the participants. For example, in
our work, simulations related to UAVNets were carried
by changing dierent parameters. The eect of each
parameter on the payo was plotted to identify how
friendly they are for the attacker or the victim.
A. UDP based DDoS attack
Out of all possible choices, we selected the message
length, send interval, and the number of nodes as change-
able parameters for the attacker. On the other hand, only
ports were selected as choices for the target. The purpose
was to identify the relationship between these parameters
and the packet delivery of the legitimate data. These
results were obtained for a UDP-based DDoS attack,
and the parameters were changed for a certain range
of values. The network chosen for these simulations is
shown in gure 1. The number of nodes in the Botnet
may vary, e.g., gure 1 shows three nodes (Q, R and
S). To get a better understanding of the relationship
between each parameter and payo, only one parameter
was varied, while others were kept constant. To begin
with, message length was selected as a variable, and
send interval was kept constant, and only one node
was included in the Botnet. After varying the message
length between 300-800 Bytes, it was found that the
increase in the message length improves the payo of
the attacker, as shown in gure 2a. Similarly, in another
set of simulations, the values of the message length and
number of nodes were kept xed at 1000 Bytes and
a single node while send interval was varied between
.00001 1sexponentially. It was found that the packet
delivery increased with an increase in the value of send
interval, as seen in gure 2b.
Likewise, in the third set of simulations, the number of
nodes was increased, and their eect on the missed ratio
was noted while keeping the message length and the send
interval to be constant, i.e., 1000B and .01s respectively.
gure 2c shows the plots, with an increase in the number
of nodes the packet delivery decreases. Therefore, if each
node is with a higher value of the message length, and
smaller send interval, its eect on the Impact of DDoS
attack will be more. Table VIII shows the changeable
parameters in Botnet and their ranges.
On the other hand, for the victim’s side, it is essential
to look for the parameters that are conducive to the
packet reception. Changing the message length and send
Fig. 1: Example of UAV-Network under DDoS attack
TABLE II: Possibilities of the open ports in a UAV
Strategies 5554 5555 5556
S1 0 0 0
S2 0 0 1
S3 0 1 0
S4 0 1 1
S5 1 0 0
S6 1 0 1
S7 1 1 0
S8 1 1 1
interval, has no impact on the packets received from
the genuine network. To inhibit malicious trac ports
can play an important role. In drones three ports i.e.
5554, 5555 and 5556 are involved during the UDP data
exchange (Table III) [35]. There are eight possibilities (S1
- S8) as shown in Table II. Each possibility is represented
with a combination of 0s and 1s, where 0 means an
OFF state, and 1 means an ON state. This set of eight
strategies can further be reduced to four strategies. The
classication of these four strategies is done based on the
number of ON ports. For example, all the three ports
will be o only once, and hence it is represented with
S1. Similarly, one port will be open three times, and it
is represented with S2, and so on, as shown in Table VI.
While simulating the UDP ooding, we assume the
destination ports for all UDP apps in the Botnet are
5554, 5555 and 5556 respectively. In consumer drones,
these open ports can lead to several vulnerabilities. For
example, a study [12] has shown that a DoS attack on
TABLE III: Ports for UDP communication in UAVs
Port Type Port Number
Navigation Data Port 5554
On-Board Video Port 5555
AT Command Port 5556
TABLE IV: Probabilities of losing data from the UAVNet
Destination Ports Possibilities Probability
5554 S5,S6,S7 and S8 0.5714
5555 S3,S4,S7 and S8 0.5714
5556 S2,S4,S6 and S8 0.5714
5554,5555 S3,S4,S5,S6,S7 and S8 0.8571
5554,5556 S2,S4,S5,S6,S7 and S8 0.8571
5555,5556 S2,S3,S4,S6,S7 and S8 0.8571
5554,5555,5556 S2,S3,S4,S5,S6,S7 and S8 1
several ports can disrupt the video streaming that is
essential for applications such as disaster management,
locating a criminal, and lming; or bringing the drone
down by targeting several other ports. The victim UAV
can choose any of the 8 possibilities. The safest of all is
strategy S1, but the purpose of the defense mechanism
is to hinder the malicious trac to the best of its
ability while allowing maximum ow of legitimate trac.
Therefore the apt situations to be considered in a game
like scenarios are where the data is received from both
the attacker-network and the normal-network. Thus to
establish the continuous communication between the
normal-network and the target node, we exclude the S1
possibility. Since in this situation no genuine data will
be received. Out of all possible choices, the probability
of losing the genuine data gets minimized when there is
only one destination port in all UDP apps belonging to
the genuine UAVNet. It is least if the data is destined
to one port and highest if the data is sent to all three
ports, see Table IV. From the entire set, only in four
possibilities Table II, the data will be received. Since we
don’t consider the possibility S1, therefore there are 7
possibilities in total, and hence the probability becomes
0.5714. If there are two destination ports, the chances
of losing the data become 0.8571, and similarly, for
three ports the probability becomes 1. Table V show
the fraction of the total packets send from the attacker-
network and the normal-network that was dropped once
the destination ports in the normal-network were set
to 5554, 5555, and 5556 respectively. So these are the
choices that can work in favor of the victim in terms of
minimizing the lethality of the DDoS attack.
The limitation of this approach becomes evident in
OMNeT++ when we need to dierentiate between ma-
licious trac and good trac. Technically the defense
mechanism should consider only the data that is coming
from the normal UAV-Network, but in OMNeT++ we
are not able to calculate the exact fraction of the lost
packets from the genuine trac, it is only able to
calculate the fraction of lost data from the entire data,
which includes Botnet and the normal UAV-Network.
This limitation is because the UDP protocol is a connec-
tionless protocol, and hence it has no acknowledgment.
To address this limitation, we proposed two alternate
methods, and we will be utilizing the accurate one when
required. Both of these methods are discussed in the
300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
Message Length (B)
Packet delivery (%)
(a) Message length vs. packet delivery
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Send interval(s)
Packet delivery (%)
(b) Send interval vs. packet delivery
Number of nodes in botnet
Packet delivery (%)
(c) Additional nodes vs. packet delivery
Fig. 2: Missed packet ratio variation analysis with respect to message length, send interval, and number of additional
TABLE V: Packet loss for the three destination ports
Port Strategies Dropped Packets
Dropped Packets
S5 0.74 0.21
S6 0.51 0.21
S7 0.51 0.21
S8 0.27 0.18
S3 0.78 0.34
S4 0.56 0.33
S7 0.46 0.32
S8 0.21 0.30
S2 0.73 0.20
S4 0.48 0.20
S6 0.51 0.20
S8 0.27 0.18
TABLE VI: Strategies based on the number of open ports
Strategies No of open ports Occurrences
S1 0 1
S2 1 3
S3 2 3
S4 3 1
next subsections. To understand the signicance of the
proposed methods, we need to have a general network as
a reference. These two networks are slight modications
of the general network, gure 3 is a simplied example
of such a network.
1) Method one: In this method (gure 4), an addi-
tional node B1 was created. This node is a replica of
node B. Instead of sending the Total (B) (packets from
the Botnet) to the victim B, it was sent to B1. The
number of packets received by B1 (Received (B)) was
noted down. Similarly the fraction (Received (N)) of the
total packets send from genuine network (Total (N)) was
noted down. The value of Received (B) is important
for calculating the number of the packets received from
the genuine UAVNet in the original settings (gure 3)
during a DDoS attack. Since in the original network,
the Received(T) is the total number of packets received
TABLE VII: Variables in a UDP based Network
No. Variable Representation
1 Packets sent from Botnet node N (i)
2 Packets sent from UAVNet node n(i)
3 Total Packets from the Botnet T otal(B) =
4 Total Requests from the
UAVNet T otal (N) =
5 Total Replies from the UAVNet T otal(R) =
6 Fraction of [(3) + (4)] received
at B
Received (T)
7 Fraction of (3) received at B Received (B)
8 Fraction of (4) received at B Received (N)
from both, the Botnet and the genuine UAVNet. The
only value we obtain, but only the fraction of the total
packets send from the genuine UAVNet is of signicance.
To get that fraction we substitute the value Received (B)
in the following equation:
F raction(T) = Received(T)
T otal(B) + T otal(N)(1)
That fraction (Fraction (N)) is obtained by subtracting
Received (B) from the numerator and subtracting the To-
tal (B) from the denominator of Equation 1 respectively,
the values obtained are shown in Equation 2
F raction(N) = Received(T)Received(B)
T otal(B) + T otal(N)T otal(B)(2)
2) Method Two: In this method, no additional node
is created; instead, the entire malicious data gets for-
warded to one of the nodes in the normal UAVNet.
Unlike Method One, this method reduces the additional
calculations. The only packets received at B are from the
nonmalicious network. However, this value diers from
the packets received in the original network.
Fig. 3: An example simulation setup
Fig. 4: Method One
And once the values from both these methods were
compared, it turned out that Method One is more
Fig. 5: Method Two
B. Ping App based DDoS attack
ICMP (Ping) ooding is another common Denial of
Service (DoS) attack. It is very similar to UDP ooding,
as both are intended to overwhelm the victim’s resources.
Fig. 6: An example UAVNet under ping ooding
However, in the Ping ooding, the Zombie network or
Botnet sends the ICMP Echo Request (ping) packets at
a rapid rate, without waiting for replies, which leads to
the saturation of the two-way bandwidth, as the victim’s
server will often try to respond with ICMP Echo Reply
packet [36]. The reason for simulating this attack was to
identify a game like situation, in case if such attacks were
launched on FANETs. Hence, a solution to a game can
minimize the risk or damage done through this attack.
To begin with the simulations, a network similar to
gure 3 was created. Unlike the UDP ooding, we were
able to measure the packet loss by counting the total
number of the ICMP Echo replies. Therefore, there was
no need for an addition replica node in the network,
as in Method One of UDP attack (gure 4), or some
extra calculations , for example in Method two of UDP
attack (gure 5). In gure 6 the Total(N) represents
the n
i=1 n(i), where n(i) is the number of ICMP Echo
requests from nodei in the normal UAV-Network, and
Total(R) denotes n
i=1 r(i). where r(i) is the number of
ICMP Echo replies received by the node i in the genuine
UAVNet. The ratio Total(R)/Total(N) provides an idea
about of the packets received and packets lost within the
normal network. Out of all the parameters that could
be selected by the attacker, victim, and the Normal
UAVNet, we selected send interval and number of nodes
for the attacker, while as the mobility and number of
pingapps for the victim and normal UAVNet.
The simulations were carried out for a network as
shown in gure 6 while keeping all other parameters
constant, the number of nodes was increased from 1 to
100 in the Botnet. It was found that the packet delivery
decreased with an increase in the number of nodes
(Fig.7a). Addition of more nodes in the Botnet enhances
the intensity of the packet ood. With each node,
the magnitude gets multiplied. Therefore, if this ow
is beyond the capacity of the victim’s communication
resources, many packets from the genuine network will
be dropped.
Similarly, in another set of simulations, only the send
interval in the Botnet pingapps was varied from 10s
to 0.0005s, and it was found that the decrease in the
send interval leads to an increase in the intensity of
the attack (gure 7b). Send-interval is the duration
during which a sender node forwards data to another
receiving node and waits for an acknowledgment to
forward the next chunk of the data in the sequence. If
the acknowledgment is not received, the process repeats.
And hence, in the cases where the send-interval is set
to smaller values, the probability of losing the data
become higher because of repetitive requests and a
fewer number of acknowledgments. Overall, the channel
gets ooded and it aects the delivery of the genuine
communication packets. On the other hand, in a dierent
set of simulations for the same network, it was found
that there was no predictable relationship between the
increased pingapps in the normal UAVNet and the packet
reception (gure 7c). The number of pingapps in the
UAVNet was increased from 1 to 10 in each node,
including the target node.
Furthermore, the UAVNet along with the target UAV
were set to dierent modes of mobilities. They are as
follows [37]:
1) Random Waypoint: UAV moves to random loca-
tions with random speed.
2) Linear: UAV moves with a constant speed or
constant acceleration.
3) Circle: UAV ies around a circle parallel to the XY
plane with a constant speed.
4) Rectangle: UAV ies around a rectangular area
parallel to the XY plane with constant speed.
5) Tractor: UAV’s motion is similar to a tractor on a
eld with some rows.
These simulations were carried out 10 times for each
mobility, and the mean values of the packets received
were calculated. All other parameters including the
starting positional values of x y and z; the radius of
the circle etc. were kept constant. It was found that out
of these selected mobility models, in case of the Random
Waypoint, the packet reception was highest, while as
in the Tractor mobility it was lowest (gure 7d). After
these rounds of simulations, one can deduce that, in a
game like situation during a ping ood attack, if the
attacker and the target had to choose from these four
parameters, then smaller values of send interval and more
number of nodes in Botnet will work in favor of the
attacker. Meanwhile, the Random Waypoint mobility in
UAVNet nodes and target nodes will be conducive for
legitimate communication. It is well-known that mobility
aects the packet loss, quality of the communication
and the performance of protocols [38], [39]. This could
be attributed to the dependence of the packet delivery
or other metrics on the stability of the links between
dierent nodes the network [40]. Moreover, the PingApp
is an application of hosts that disable send and specify
TABLE VIII: Botnet and UAVNet parameters with their
Attack Network Variable Range
Send Interval .00001-1s
Nodes 1-7
Target Node UDP Ports 5554-5556
Botnet Send Interval 0.0005-10s
Nodes 1-100
UAVNet/Target Ping Apps 1-10
Mobility 5 types
an empty destination address. From our simulations,
the relation between the number of PingApps in the
UAVNet and the packet loss was unpredictable, and
hence it will be excluded from the list of choices for
the target’s defensive strategies. Table VIII shows the
range of variables changed in Botnet, UAVNet and the
target node.
IV. Conclusions
In this work, two dierent types of DDoS attacks were
simulated, and the eects of dierent parameters were
analyzed. The goal was to identify the congurations and
variables that work in favor of the hacker and the victim’s
defense mechanism. The parameters involved in the game
like interaction were identied. For example, in the UDP
ooding, smaller values of send interval, larger values
of message length, and increased number of nodes in
Botnet were conducive for a severe attack, while shutting
dierent ports might work in favor of the target drone’s
defense. Similarly, in ICMP (Ping) ooding, the small
values of send interval and increased number of nodes
in the zombie network amplify the eect of the DDoS
attack, while the Random Waypoint mobility was found
to be congenial to the target’s defensive mechanism.
In our future work, more emphasis will be laid on a
comprehensive strategic prole of the attacker and the
target drone and obtaining a meaningful solution for such
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... (1) User Datagram Protocol (UDP) flooding attack, where the attack can impact the drone processor, latency, and applications related to video streaming navigation and command signals [8,9]. ...
... One of the limitations of the UDP protocol is that it has no acknowledgment mechanism. But we can have an estimate of the packet reception by utilizing a method explained in [8]. According to this method, packet delivery is equal to the percentage of packets received by the target-node divided by the number of packets sent from the genuine network. ...
... Meanwhile, for the target-UAV, we were able to vary the number of pingapps and Mobility. The 425 effect of all these parameters on the packet delivery was predictable except for the pingapps [8]. Hence, we selected only three parameters for the game formulation, i.e., Send interval and Botnet size; and Mobility for the target node. ...
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Game theory is being used in cybersecurity to observe different attacks as it can provide a mathematical representation of the interactions between system admins, hackers, and users. The game-theoretic solution determines the favorable parameters (strategies), predicts the player’s behavior, and suggests the best settings for minimizing the attack’s effect. To this end, our paper attempts to study the usefulness of game-theoretic applications for the prevention of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks on a drone by deriving the information from conventional game solutions and augmenting that with the bounded rationality concept called Quantal response equilibrium (QRE). In this process, we identify feasible strategies for each player through simulations and formulate five non-cooperative game scenarios for two variants of DDoS attacks. In these games, the traditional game-theoretic solution or Nash Equilibrium (NashE) provides information about the drone’s recommended settings, the hacker’s preferred strategy, and the game-theoretic threshold assuming that all participants are highly intelligent. We augment this information by considering the participant’s tendency to make errors and the evolution in their behavioral pattern from zero to high-values of rationality using QRE. The information coupled from NashE and QRE provides better clarity to a drone operator, thus improving the drone’s security by two levels and allowing the drone operator to take timely precautions. Inspired by this multilevel process, we propose an equivalent real-world framework for protecting Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) nodes against a DDoS attack.
... Jun L et al. [12] used the complete and perfect information dynamic game method to analyze the information security problem of a power grid SCADA system. Distributed Denial of Service Attacks (DDoS) can also be defended using game methods [13,14]. Learning the experience of scholars using game theory to study information security problems over the years [15], we can conclude that there are three main advantages of using EGT to study information security problems of UTC system. ...
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In recent years, emerging technologies such as smart cities, Urban Traffic brains, and car networking are vigorously promoting the intelligent development of urban traffic signals, which means that the Urban Traffic Control (UTC) system will interact with more and more network and physical terminals, which will lead to more malicious attacks and information destruction. It will be a great threat to the personal and property safety of participants in urban traffic. In response to this severe demand, this paper studied the network topology of UTC system and based on the tripartite evolutionary game theory (TEG), A Signal control security game model involving attackers, Upper Computer (UC) and Traffic Signal Machine (TSM) is designed, and the evolutionary stability of strategy selection of each participant is analyzed. This paper discusses the comprehensive judgment principle of each element on attack cost and defense cost, compares the influence of tripartite strategy selection, and further analyzes the stability of equilibrium point in tripartite evolutionary information security game system with Lyapunov's first method. Finally, by using real data and MATLAB simulation analysis, the impact of key parameters such as attack cost, defense cost and detection rate on information security game participants is verified, making theoretical contributions to enhancing the security of urban traffic signal control system.
... where "∃" represents "there exists", "∈" represents "belongs to", "∧" represents "logical AND", and " " represents "not". The impact of a Slowloris attack on the web server can be expressed as follows: For each u i , if there exist a server s j and type of traffic t i such that L(s j , t i ) = 1 and the traffic type t i is required by u i , then the server becomes overwhelmed with incomplete HTTP requests [24], preventing it from handling legitimate traffic. This can be expressed mathematically, as shown in Equation (2). ...
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An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is an autonomous flying robot that has attracted the interest of several communities because of its capacity to increase the safety and productivity of labor. In terms of software engineering, UAV system development is extremely difficult because the focus is not only on functional requirement fulfillment, but also on nonfunctional requirements such as security and safety, which play a crucial role in mission success. Consequently, architecture robustness is very important, and one of the most common architectures developed is based on a centralized pattern in which all UAVs are controlled from a central location. Even though this is a very important problem, many developers must expend a great deal of effort to adapt and improve security. This is because there are few practical perspectives of security development in the context of UAV system development; therefore, the study of attack and defense patterns in centralized architecture is required to fill this knowledge gap. This paper concentrates on enhancing the security aspect of UAV system development by examining attack and defense patterns in centralized architectures. We contribute to the field by identifying 26 attack variations, presenting corresponding countermeasures from a software analyst’s standpoint, and supplying a node.js code template for developers to strengthen their systems’ security. Our comprehensive analysis evaluates the proposed defense strategies in terms of time and space complexity, ensuring their effectiveness. By providing a focused and in-depth perspective on security patterns, our research offers crucial guidance for communities and developers working on UAV-based systems, facilitating the development of more secure and robust solutions.
... A DDoS attack could be a large-scale interruption strategy performed by a have source that causes negative impacts to legitimate clients by withholding services once the attacker picks up get to the system, modern instruments can be utilized to pick up control of the have [89] . Infected systems proceed to search for other vulnerable systems and attack them. ...
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The lightweight Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) flight activities are constrained, particularly in the UAV range or activity span and perseverance, by the strategic correspondence link capabilities. This paper tends to the different overlap issue of trading off a set of mission prerequisites, the UAV execution parameters, and strategic credibility; thus compromising between the communication load characterized by a crucial, communication link transmitting power necessities, power accessibility onboard UAV as a weight-restricted parameter, and the UAV security.
UAVs have found their applications in numerous applications from recreational activities to business in addition to military and strategic fields. However, research on UAVs is not going on as quickly as the technology. Especially, when it comes to the security of these devices, the academia is lagging behind the industry. This gap motivates our work in this paper as a stepping stone for future research in this area. A comprehensive survey on the security of UAVs and UAV-based systems can help the research community keep pace with, or even lead the industry. Although there are several reviews on UAVs or related areas, there is no recent survey broadly covering various aspects of security. Moreover, none of the existing surveys highlights current and future trends with a focus on the role of an omnipresent technology such as AI. This paper endeavors to overcome these shortcomings. We conduct a comprehensive review on security challenges of UAVs as well as the related security controls. Then we develop a future roadmap for research in this area with a focus on the role of AI. The future roadmap is established based on the identified current trends, under-researched topics, and a future look-ahead.
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The automotive industry is developing trends in autonomous driving and connected vehicular systems. These vehicles can access and send the data, download the software updates, connect with other vehicles or other IoT devices via the internet or wireless communication. Autonomous vehicle control urges very strict requirements about the security of the communication channels used by the vehicle to exchange information and the control logic that performs complex driving tasks. So, the increased connectivity results in a heightened risk of a cyber-security attack. For maintaining the advances in safe communication, it is important to establish strong security for connected vehicular systems. For this, existing cybersecurity attacks must be considered to minimize future cybersecurity risks in the connected and autonomous vehicle systems. In this chapter, the authors will emphasize recent works on how autonomous vehicles can ensure strong operation under ongoing cyber security attacks and their possible solutions.
Conference Paper
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The increasing use of autonomous systems (AS) aims to improve efficiency, costs, and safety of numerous operations. Yet, they also pose several safety challenges. Most of AS will operate in a dynamic environment, interacting with non-autonomous and/or other autonomous systems. The anticipation of both the AS and non-AS possible decisions during these interactions is crucial to identify and analyze potential hazards and risks, and to guarantee a safe operation. Game Theory (GT) has been increasingly used for modeling the interactions between AS and other agents in conflicting or cooperating situations. Recent applications of GT for AS also include the use of game-theoretical approaches for algorithm-testing and development, as well as for cyber-physical security assessment. Yet, the application of GT for analysis of AS operations under a risk perspective can still be considered in an early stage. This paper provides an overview of how GT is being applied to AS in the context of risk assessment. A review of the recent literature on GT applied to AS was carried out on the Scopus database using a combination of relevant keywords. It resulted in 100 articles within the period of 2015-2021. The articles were analyzed with regard to the technical domain of application and the scope of use of GT.
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Over the past two decades, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), more commonly known as drones, have gained a lot of attention, and are rapidly becoming ubiquitous because of their diverse applications such as surveillance, disaster management, pollution monitoring, film-making, and military reconnaissance. However, incidents such as fatal system failures, malicious attacks, and disastrous misuses have raised concerns in the recent past. Security and viability concerns in drone-based applications are growing at an alarming rate. Besides, UAV networks (UAVNets) are distinctive from other ad-hoc networks. Therefore, it is necessary to address these issues to ensure proper functioning of these UAVs while keeping their uniqueness in mind. Furthermore, adequate security and functionality require the consideration of many parameters that may include an accurate cognizance of the working mechanism of vehicles, geographical and weather conditions, and UAVNet communication. This is achievable by creating a simulator that includes these aspects. A performance evaluation through relevant drone simulator becomes indispensable procedure to test features, configurations, and designs to demonstrate superiority to comparative schemes and suitability. Thus, it becomes of paramount importance to establish the credibility of simulation results by investigating the merits and limitations of each simulator prior to selection. Based on this motivation, we present a comprehensive survey of current drone simulators. In addition, open research issues and research challenges are discussed and presented.
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Distributed denial-of-service is one kind of the most highlighted and most important attacks of today’s cyberworld. With simple but extremely powerful attack mechanisms, it introduces an immense threat to current Internet community. In this article, we present a comprehensive survey of distributed denial-of-service attack, prevention, and mitigation techniques. We provide a systematic analysis of this type of attacks including motivations and evolution, analysis of different attacks so far, protection techniques and mitigation techniques, and possible limitations and challenges of existing research. Finally, some important research directions are outlined which require more attentions in near future to ensure successful defense against distributed denial-of-service attacks.
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Denial of Service (DoS) attacks are a form of attack that seeks to make a network resource unavailable due to overloading the resource or machine with an overwhelming number of packets, thereby crashing or severely slowing the performance of the resource. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) is a large scale DoS attack which is distributed in the Internet. Every computer which has access to the Internet can behave as an attacker. Typically bandwidth depletion can be categorized as either a flood or an amplification attack. Flood attacks can be done by generating ICMP packets or UDP packets in which it can utilize stationary or random variable ports. Smurf and Fraggle attacks are used for amplification attacks. DDoS Smurf attacks are an example of an amplification attack where the attacker sends packets to a network amplifier with the return address spoofed to the victim's IP address. This book presents new research and methodologies along with a proposed algorithm for prevention of DoS attacks that has been written based on cryptographic concepts such as birthday attacks to estimate the rate of attacks generated and passed along the routers. Consequently, attackers would be identified and prohibited from sending spam traffic to the server which can cause DDoS attacks. Due to the prevalence of DoS attacks, there has been a lot of research conducted on how to detect them and prevent them. The authors of this short format title provide their research results on providing an effective solution to DoS attacks, including introduction of the new algorithm that can be implemented in order to deny DoS attacks. A comprehensive study on the basics of network security. Provides a wide revision on client puzzle theory. An experimental model to mitigate distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks.
Conference Paper
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Denial of Service (DoS) attacks prevent legitimate users from accessing resources by compromising availability of a system. Despite advanced prevention mechanisms, DoS attacks continue to exist, and there is no widely-accepted solution. We propose a deception-based protection mechanism that involves game theory to model the interaction between the defender and the attacker. The defender’s challenge is to determine the optimal network configuration to prevent attackers from staging a DoS attack while providing service to legitimate users. In this setting, the defender can employ camouflage by either disguising a normal system as a honeypot, or by disguising a honeypot as a normal system. We use signaling game with perfect Bayesian equilibrium (PBE) to explore the strategies and point out the important implications for this type of dynamic games with incomplete information. Our analysis provides insights into the balance between resource and investment, and also shows that defenders can achieve high level of security against DoS attacks with cost-effective solutions through the proposed deception strategy.
p>Abstract not available Philosophy and Progress, Vol#59-60-; No#1-2; Jan-Dec 2016</p
Integration of the IoT (Internet of Things) with Cloud Computing, termed as the CoT (Cloud of Things) can help achieve the goals of the envisioned IoT and future Internet. In a typical CoT infrastructure, the data collected from wireless sensor networks and IoTs is transmitted through a SG (Smart Gateway) to the cloud. The bandwidth between an IoT access point and SG becomes a bottleneck for information transmission between the IoT and the cloud. We propose a novel game theory model to describe the CoT attacker, who expects to use minimum set and energy consumption of IoT attack devices to occupy as many bandwidth resources as possible in a given time period; and the defender, who expects to minimize false alarms. By analyzing this model, we have found that the game theory model is a non-cooperative and repeated incomplete information game, and Nash equilibrium is existent, perfected by the subgame. The best strategy for each stage of the attack is to adjust the attack link number dynamically based on the comparison results of value ϵ and turning point ϵ0 for each time period. At the same time, the defender adjusts the threshold value β dynamically, based on the comparison results of the Load value and expected value of a for each time period. The simulation result shows that our strategy can significantly mitigate the harm of a distributed denial of service attack.