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Future of Humanity: Energy and Knowledge Engineering


Abstract and Figures

Energy has become the keyword relevant to the economic and social development and sustainability of all countries as well as the ecological future of the world. Knowledge-based strategic planning and decisions in energy are therefore very crucial for all. Knowledge may be defined as the information needed for good planning and intelligent decisions for any human being, from a lay man to a top man in a public or private organization up to even the country president. In the article, after some introductory remarks about energy and knowledge, knowledge - energy relation is defined. Smart cities and intelligent utilities / smart energy, Energy Engineering and Knowledge Engineering terms are also elaborated. As a conclusion, the synergy and even a symbiosis between energy and knowledge is noted and it is stated that energy engineering and knowledge engineering together with nano science and technology will be very crucial for the future of humanity.
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Computer Science and Information Technology 5(1): 8-17, 2017
DOI: 10.13189/csit.2017.050102
Future of Humanity: Energy and Knowledge Engineering
A. Ziya Aktaş
Department of Computer Engineering, Baskent University, Turkey
Copyright©2017 by authors, all rights reserved. Authors agree that this article remains permanently open access under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License
Abstract Energy has become the keyword relevant to
the economic and social development and sustainability of
all countries as well as the ecological future of the world.
Knowledge-based strategic planning and decisions in energy
are therefore very crucial for all. Knowledge may be defined
as the information needed for good planning and intelligent
decisions for any human being, from a lay man to a top man
in a public or private organization up to even the country
president. In the article, after some introductory remarks
about energy and knowledge, knowledge - energy relation is
defined. Smart cities and intelligent utilities / smart energy,
Energy Engineering and Knowledge Engineering terms are
also elaborated. As a conclusion, the synergy and even a
symbiosis between energy and knowledge is noted and it is
stated that energy engineering and knowledge engineering
together with nano science and technology will be very
crucial for the future of humanity.
Keywords Decision Making, Energy, ICT
(Information and Communications Technologies),
Intelligence, Knowledge, Smart City, Smart Energy
1. Introduction
First, the critical place of energy in life, life of anything
alive, is briefly noted in the article. As it is elaborated a bit
later in the article, knowledge is needed for good decision
making in any action by any human being. Thus it would be
proper to discuss briefly the triad:
data-information-knowledge and ICT (information and
communications technologies). Next, energy and ICT
relation is elaborated and smart cities intelligent utilities or
smart energy are defined and discussed. The article ends
with discussions and conclusions. The relevant references
are given at the end.
Two major objectives of the article are first to elaborate
the synergy and symbiosis between energy and knowledge
and later to claim and prove that energy engineering and
knowledge engineering together with nanoscience
/technology will have a very special value for the future of
2. Energy and Life
Energy has a controlling and coordinating role over
economical, ecological and social life of humanity all over
the world. It is, therefore, very vital for all countries with no
exception at all. Clearly, sustainable and reliable supply of
energy is one of the major preconditions for achieving the
primary human development goals.
Zhang and Ding [1] had noted that as the pressing social,
economic, energy and environmental challenges unfold
simultaneously in China at this new decade, makes it
imperative to alter the current development course in dealing
with the climate change as well as improving the country’s
long term economic competitiveness and social welfare.
Thus China has decided to change its development model by
creating knowledge-intensive and green technology-based
inclusive economic growth. Considering the growing
potential of China in the world arena one should pay
attention to the reasoning behind such a strategic decision for
the future of the world.
EU Energy Road Map 2050 [2] is an important step for
energy future of EU. As noted in there, people’s well-being,
industrial competitiveness and the overall functioning of
society are all dependent on safe, secure, sustainable,
affordable and smart energy. The social dimension of the
energy roadmap is important. Engaging the public is crucial
for the success of that attempt. The transition will affect
employment and jobs, requiring education and training and a
more vigorous social dialogue. In order to efficiently manage
the change, involvement of social partners at all levels will
be necessary in line with just transition and decent work
principles. Mechanisms that help workers confronted with
job transitions to develop their employability are needed.
Recently Sano and Richards [3] noted “A groundbreaking
study published in November 2013 revealed that the
activities of a mere 90 producers of coal, oil/ gas, and cement
dubbed the “carbon majors” have led to 63% of all CO2
emissions since the Industrial Revolution. The report was
released just weeks after Typhoon Haiyan (or Yolanda) tore
through a region in the Philippines. With unprecedented
wind speeds of 315 kilometers per hour, the storm killed
6,300 people, left four million homeless, and caused more
than $2 billion of damage.”
Computer Science and Information Technology 5(1): 8-17, 2017 9
3. ‘Data-Information-Knowledge’ Triad
and ICT
Before going further to elaborate the relationship between
energy and knowledge, it would be proper to discuss briefly
here the three terms that are used as if synonymously,
although untrue.
According to its meaning content, one may define a
message being transmitted in any media as data, information
and knowledge, successively. [4-6]
Data comprises facts, observations, or perceptions; and
represents raw numbers, characters or assertions.
Information is processed data; is a subset of data, only
including those data that possess context, relevance and
purpose; and involves manipulation of raw data.
Knowledge is a justified true belief; it is the richest,
deepest & most valuable of the three; and it is information
with direction.
Thus, knowledge is different from data & information; it
is at the highest level in a hierarchy of meaning content of a
message with information at the middle level, and data to be
at the lowest level as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. ‘Data-Information-Knowledge’ Triad
In general knowledge is further classified into two as tacit
knowledge and explicit knowledge. In the early years of
computer engineering / science and data processing area,
only ‘data’ and ‘information’ terms were being used.
Information Technologies (IT) was the relevant term that we
had used. We had used the term ’Information Age’ to define
post-industrial era. Starting in early and mid-eighties the
term ‘knowledge’ also appeared and we had to use these
terms more carefully and properly since then. After internet
explosion in late nineties early years of 2000 and realizing
the value of data communication and networking, we started
to use the term ICT (Information and Communications
Technologies). Starting first in OECD circles
“Knowledge-Based Economy” term initiated the term
‘knowledge’ in its proper place. In the early years of this
century it became acceptable to name the new era and
society as “Knowledge Age and Knowledge Society” to
replace the former “Information Age and Information
Society”. As noted by Grant et al. [7] a respect for both
explicit and tacit knowledge opens a wealth of previous
research that can be drawn upon to strategically identify
opportunities for successful development. The growing
research in knowledge management provides tactical
methods for leveraging the “information or knowledge
revolution” to facilitate both tacit and explicit knowledge
flow. Further development should be considered to provide
ICT support that follows synergy development through
barrier removal, commercialization, review, and
documentation. Lastly, creating a successful knowledge
network requires establishing a critical mass as networks’
value in the user participation. A knowledge network
requires a great deal of upfront investment to create the
participant-driven value required to self-perpetuate the
system. Understanding how knowledge is communicated
requires a distinction between two types of knowledge as
explicit knowledge or information and tacit knowledge or
know-how. Explicit knowledge or information is easily
communicated, codified, or centralized using tools such as
statistics. However, tacit knowledge is complex and is not
easily codified as noted earlier. It is revealed through
application and context and is therefore costly to
communicate between people [7].
4. Energy Efficiency, Security,
Sustainability and ICT
As recent researches clearly show, there has been a very
close relationship between ICT and efficiency, security,
sustainability of energy and smart cities. It would be proper
first to give general and common definitions of these energy
relevant terms. Referring mainly to NSTI (National Science
and Technology Institute) of the USA and IEA (International
Energy Agency) one would then define them as follows:
Energy efficiency is the goal to reduce the amount of
energy required to provide products and services.
Energy security is the uninterrupted availability of
energy sources at an affordable price.
Sustainable energy is a term used to describe the
provision of energy in a way that will not affect the ability of
future generations to harness the same energy for their needs.
This type of energy is renewable and does not cause
permanent change to the means by which it was received.
Smart Cities have intelligent transportation and smart
grid standards for electrical and lighting management
systems [8-10].
Espiner [11] was stating that EU Information Society and
Media commissioner V. Reding has urged member states to
use information and communication technologies to
consume less power and improve energy efficiency and so
combat climate change and aid economic recovery.
"Targeting energy-efficient and low-carbon growth will help
Europe face its biggest challenges: climate change, energy
security and the economic crisis," Reding said in the
Commission's statement. "ICT have an enormous untapped
10 Future of Humanity: Energy and Knowledge Engineering
potential for saving energy right across the economy."
Another interesting note was delivered as ACM Tech
News reporting the results of a study at the University of
Melbourne saying that “High Speed Broadband Will Create
Energy Bottleneck and Slow Internet”. Study also claimed
that the growing use of VOD (Video on Demand),
Web-based real-time gaming, social networking,
peer-to-peer networking, and other advanced Web
applications will drive the increase in power consumption.
"To support these new high-bandwidth services, the capacity
of the Internet will need to be significantly increased. If
Internet capacity is increased, the energy consumption, and
consequently the carbon footprint of the Internet, will also
increase". [12]
Wing [13] was claiming that ICTs account for 2% of
global carbon emissions, according to estimates by Gartner
five years ago. She was adding that reducing our footprint
with more energy-efficient devices, computers, and data
centers would have a direct effect on ICTs’ carbon footprint.
Moreover, we needed to look at the entire lifecycle: creation,
use, re-use / re-purpose/recycle, and disposal of energy. She
was asking the question: And what about ICTs’ role in the
other 98%? Answer was that ICTs will enable smart cars,
smart buildings, smart infrastructure, smart grids, and smart
logistics; they would enable telecommuting, telepresence,
and telemedicine. So, ICTs have had an indirect effect too,
by helping other sectors save energy.
In IEEE Software, Penzenstadler et al. [14] were
considering the five dimensions of sustainabilityhuman,
social, environmental, economic, and technicalall but one
can be supported to some extent by current software
engineering methods because the concerns are not new, per
se. They were claiming that missing from consideration is
environmental sustainability.
5. Knowledge and Energy
As stated by Masanet and Matthews [15], when the first
commercialized transistor entered into the solid-state area
nearly 60 years ago, few could have imagined the many ways
that information technology (IT) first and later information
and communication technology (ICT) would permeate and
transform our lives ever growing even in the 21st century.
Today, ICT is a critical component of nearly every sector of
the global economy, and has led to considerable
transformations in the way that humans interact with each
other and with the world around them. Information and
communication technology (ICT) can be broadly defined as
systems whose fundamental functions are anchored in the
generation, processing, storage, communication, and/or
presentation of digital information. Many ICT systems
employ most or all of these elements, and the vast majority
of these systems are based entirely on solid-state
technologies. Arguably the most prominent example of a
transformative ICT system is the Internet, which serves as
the global backbone of the information or knowledge age
and whose reach extends into most modern ICT applications
in every sector. Increasingly, ICT systems are being
recognized and promoted for their benefits to productivity,
cost effectiveness, energy and resource efficiency, and
environmental burden reduction in many applications.
Chowdhury [16] discusses building green information
services. Climate change has become a major area of
concern over the past few years, consequently many
governments, international bodies, businesses, and
institutions are taking measures to reduce their carbon
footprint. However, to date very little research has taken
place on information and sustainable development in general,
and on the environmental impact of information services in
particular. Based on the data collected from various research
articles and reports, such a review article showed that
information systems and services for the higher education
and research sector currently generate massive greenhouse
gas (GHG) emissions, and it was argued that there was an
urgent need for developing a green information service that
should be based on minimum GHG emissions throughout its
lifecycle. Based on an analysis of the current research on
green information technology, it is proposed that a green
information services should be based on the model of cloud
6. Energy Plus Knowledge Equals Smart
Utilities and Smart Cities (E+K = SU +
The evolution of SG (Smart Grids) relies on not only the
advancement of power equipment technology, but also the
improvement of sophisticated computer monitoring, analysis,
optimization, and control from exclusively central utility
locations to the distribution and transmission grids. Many of
the concerns of distributed automation should be addressed
from an information technology perspective, such as
interoperability of data exchanges and integration with
existing and future devices, systems, and applications. A
smart information subsystem is used to support information
generation, modeling, integration, analysis, and optimization
in the context of the SG.
Smart Cities is a vendor / city term commonly used to
refer to the creation of knowledge infrastructure. Smart City,
in everyday use, is inclusive of terms such as ‘digital city’ or
‘connected cities’. Smart Cities as an applied technology
term often refers to smart grids, smart meters, and other
infrastructure for distribution and metering of power and
water supply as well as the waste management system.
Conti [17] stated that in a smart city, the widespread use of
ICT technologies provides a virtual infrastructure for the
control and coordination of physical-city services: transport,
energy and lighting, waste management, entertainment, etc.
The ICT infrastructure is able to learn the behaviors and
needs of the citizens in order to adapt the services of the city
to their actual needs and, at the same time, to reduce the
Computer Science and Information Technology 5(1): 8-17, 2017 11
wastage of resources and make the city sustainable; for
example, adapting the public lighting to the safety
requirements. Smart cities generate several new research
questions for computer-communication researchers.
Balancing the efficiency of the smart city (which depends on
the accuracy of the monitoring activities) with the privacy of
the citizens is one of the hottest research questions. Another
relevant example of cyber-physical system is the emerging
concept of smart grid. The term smart grid (SG) is commonly
used to refer to an advanced electrical system in which new
and more sustainable models of energy production,
distribution and usage will be made possible by
incorporating, in the power system, pervasive
communication and monitoring capabilities, as well as
distributed and autonomous control and management
An example of Microgrid with power flow and
information flow is given by Fang et al. [18] in Figure 2. In
that figure the Microgrid at the lowest layer shows a physical
structure of the Microgrid which has buildings, wind
generators, solar panel generators, and one wireless access
point (AP). These buildings and generators exchange power
using power lines. They exchange information via an
AP-based wireless network. The top layer shows the
information flow within the Microgrid and the middle layer
shows the power flow.
As noted by Gattuso and Pellicano [19], the term ITS,
“Intelligent Transportation System”, refers to integrated
telematics, communication, control and automation
technologies that contribute significantly to improve the
quality of transport services. At the end of last century,
studies about ITS applications were mainly focused on urban
public transport. Another comment made by van Arem et al.
[20] states that “The Keys to Success in Transportation
Systems are Networks and Information”.
Aghemo, C. et al. [21] note that one of the major
challenges in today’s society concerns the reduction in
energy use and CO2 footprint in existing public buildings
without significant construction works. In this context, key
challenges are concerned with the design and the
development of a monitoring and control infrastructure to
manage appliances so as to effortlessly optimize energy
efficiency usage without compromising comfort for
occupants in lighting and HVAC (Heating, ventilating and
air conditioning) services and to offer to decision makers
dedicated tools to plan and manage energy saving strategies.
As a conclusion of a research conducted in this field, actions
of retrofitting on building envelopes or services to reduce
energy consumptions are not always possible or
economically convenient in existing buildings and in
particular in historical buildings where conservation is a
matter of priority. Nevertheless savings can be achieved by
designing intelligent ICT-based service to monitor and
control environmental conditions, energy loads and plants
operation. [21]
It would be proper here to recall IBM effort in ‘smart
planet’ and European plans for Green Europe. In the year
2010, IBM started a move that they called then “Let’s build a
smarter planet” and declared “The decade for a smarter
planet”. [22] Energy is one of the seven key industries, for
any developed country, together with Banking, Education,
Government, Healthcare, Telecom, and Transportation.
Smarter power for a smarter planet” is claimed as a motto
for energy. In that move IBM claimed that “Our political
leaders are not the only ones who have been handed a
mandate for change. Leaders of businesses and institutions
everywhere have a unique opportunity to transform the way
the world works. We find ourselves at this moment because
the crisis in our financial markets has jolted us awake. We
are seriously focused now on the nature and dangers of
highly complex global systems. And this isn’t our first such
jolt. Indeed, the first decade of the twenty first century, that
is the new century, has been a series of wake-up calls with a
single theme: the reality of global integration. The problems
of global climate change and energy, global supply chains
for food and medicine, new security concerns ranging from
identity theft to terrorism all issues of a hyper connected
world have surfaced since the start of this decade. The
world continues to get “smaller” and “flatter.” But we see
now that being connected isn’t enough. Fortunately,
something else is happening that holds new potential: the
planet is becoming “smarter”. That is, intelligence is being
infused into the way the world literally works into the
systems, processes and infrastructure that enable physical
goods to be developed, manufactured, bought and sold. That
allows services to be delivered. That facilitates the
movement of everything from money and oil to water and
electrons. And those helps billions of people work and
live. . . . “
Jennings [23] stated that in recent years a host of national
and state governments have planned for large scale metering
upgrades. Some governments have recently mandated the
replacement of domestic gas and electricity meters with
smart meters. Their deployment strategies differ based on the
extent to which deregulation of the gas and electricity market
has been successful. There were two major premises for
rolling out automated meter readers to the housing sectors:
demand management, and accurate billing.
On 3rd of March 2010, the European Commission has
launched the EUROPE 2020 Strategy [24] to go out of
economic crisis and prepare EU economy for the next decade.
The Commission identified three key drivers for growth, to
be implemented through concrete actions at EU and national
levels: smart growth (fostering knowledge, innovation,
education and digital society), sustainable growth (making
our production more resource efficient while boosting our
competitiveness) and inclusive growth (revising
participation in the labor market, the acquisition of skills and
the fight against poverty). Sustainable growth also includes
promoting a low-carbon, resource-efficient and competitive
economy. Program towards these objectives will be
measured against five representative headline EU level
targets, one of which is stated as “The “20/20/20”
climate/energy targets should be met.”
12 Future of Humanity: Energy and Knowledge Engineering
The "20/20/20" climate / energy targets of the EU were
defined as follows:
a. A reduction in EU greenhouse gas emissions of at
least 20% below 1990 levels;
b. 20% of EU energy consumption to come from
renewable resources;
c. A 20 % reduction in primary energy use compared
with projected levels, to be achieved.
d. In order to meet these targets, the commission had
promised the EUROPE 2020 agenda consisting of a
series of flagship initiatives. Three of these flagship
initiatives were stated as:
A digital agenda for Europe-All Europeans should
have access to high speed internet by 2013.
Resource-efficient Europe: supporting the shift
towards a resource efficient and low-carbon
economy. Europe should stick to its 2020 targets
in terms of energy production, efficiency and
consumption. This would result in €60 billion less
in oil and gas imports by 2020.
An industrial policy for green growth-helping the
EU’s industrial base to be competitive in the
post-crisis world, promoting entrepreneurship and
developing new skills. This would create millions
of new jobs.
Right after declaration of EUROPE 2020 strategy on
March 3rd, the European Commission declared the European
Digital Agenda on 19 April 2010. [25]. Two of the most
recent publications of EU on the energy issue may be cited as
[26, 27].
One may refer to Lazaroiu and Roscia [28] for a definition
methodology for the smart cities model. They stated in their
article that the cities consume a large amount of energy,
demanding more than 75% of world energy production and
generating 80% of greenhouse gas emissions. Nowadays, the
large and small districts are proposing a new city model,
called “the smart city” which represents a community of
average technology size, interconnected and sustainable,
comfortable, attractive and secure. In their article, they
proposed a model for computing “the smart city” indices.
The chosen indicators were not homogeneous, and contain
high amount of information. They claimed that smart city
objective can be reached through the support of various
information and communications technologies. These can be
integrated in a solution considering the electricity, the water
and the gas consumptions, as well as heating and cooling
systems, public safety, wastes management and mobility. A
smart city model is proposed by the Department of Spatial
Development Infrastructure and Environmental Planning of
Vienna University of Technology SRF - Centre of Regional
Science. [29, 30] In that model a smart city is supposed to
have six characteristics as shown in Fig.3. Marciniak and
Owoc [31] have added four basic factors such as
Technological, Economic, Social, and Environmental, to that
Figure 2. An example of Microgrid with power flow and information flow
Computer Science and Information Technology 5(1): 8-17, 2017 13
Figure 3. A Smart City network and four basic factors
Figure 4. Renewable energy sources in Europe
14 Future of Humanity: Energy and Knowledge Engineering
Figure 5. The foundations and six pillars of knowledge engineering
Figure 6. Energy-Knowledge Relationships
Computer Science and Information Technology 5(1): 8-17, 2017 15
Henry et al. [32] claimed “Transmission Grids as Enablers
of the Transition to a Low-Carbon European Economy”.
They also noted that the transition to a low-carbon economy
will create major challenges for the European energy sector
in the 21st century. In this sector, electricity is a very
important vector for allowing a lower consumption of fossil
fuels while maintaining a competitive European economy.
The European transmission grid and European transmission
system operators (TSO s) are at the core of the complex
European electrical system. Aging infrastructure, low public
acceptance of new overhead power lines, and long
permitting processes only increase these challenges. In the
low carbon Europe renewable energy has the most promising
and crucial position. Henry et al. had given the location of
renewable energy sources across Europe in Figure 4 where
European Electricity Highways of 2050 is also shown. [32]
Çolak et al. [33] had defined a smart grid as a system that
uses ICT to integrate, in an intelligent way, all users
connected to the electrical power system considering their
behavior and actions. For this purpose, information about the
electrical network, such as the current, the voltage or the
power, is gathered together overtime so that the behavior of
suppliers and consumers can be observed and automatically
coordinated. Smart grids are becoming a significant part in
the configuration of future electrical power systems. In that
article difficulties transforming conventional electrical
networks into smart grids were elaborated. These difficulties
were named as the integration of renewable energy and
different grid systems at national and international levels due
to changes in frequency, voltage and in the synchronization
mechanism. In the article an outline of the European smart
grid projects was provided and an overview of the current
infrastructure and smart grid applications of the Turkish
Electricity System was given.
A significant part of smart cities may be cited as Smart
Energy Management noting intelligent control and
management of street lighting as a special topic.
As noted by Wojnicki, Ernst and Kotulski [34], methods
of obtaining energy from renewable resources are
well-studied and under constant improvement. Yet
reduction of power consumption is the other main factor
contributing to improvement of sustainability. Consumption
reduction techniques are therefore most important in global
electricity usage.
Outdoor lighting accounts 19% globally and is around
14% in the European Union. The difference is due to EU’s
commitment to replacing legacy technologies, with
eco-friendly ones like Solid State Lighting (SSL). They
claim that the change of technology itself usually yields
savings of 40%, though this value may increase depending
on the initial technology used and the quality of the existing
infrastructure. An additional 30% reduction can be achieved
by improving the design quality (thus reducing over
lighting) and introducing adaptive or dynamic control of
light intensity based on sensor data. They note that SSL can
also decrease the maintenance costs, improving the total
cost of ownership (TCO). The domain of energy
management and distribution is an example of problems
that appeared after the rapid development of technologies
and their practical applications. Sedziwy and Kotulski [35]
focused on the following two problems in their article: how
does one design (retrofit) energy-efficient street lighting in
the scale of an entire urban area, and what is the control
strategy leading to the maximum power savings?
7. Twin Engineering: Energy
Engineering and Knowledge
Engineering is the analysis, design and/or construction of
works for practical purposes of humans. One who practices
engineering is called an engineer. Engineers use imagination,
judgment, appropriate experience and know how (tacit
knowledge), and reasoning to apply science, technology,
mathematics, and practical experience. The result is the
design, production, and operation of useful objects or
processes. The crucial and unique task of the engineer is to
identify, understand, and interpret the constraints on a design
in order to produce a successful result. It is usually not
enough to build a technically successful product; it must also
meet further requirements.
Engineering is a key driver of human development. As
with all modern scientific and technological endeavors,
computers and software play an increasingly important role
in engineering.
In addition to classical engineering disciplines, there are
some new engineering fields relevant to knowledge such as:
Business Engineering, e-Business Engineering, Enterprise
Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, and Knowledge
Engineering. Nearly twenty years ago the term “Knowledge
Engineering” started to be used as a part of AI concerned
with the principles, methods and tools for acquiring
knowledge and developing knowledge-based systems. More
recently we have been talking about ‘knowledge workers’
and a new context for “Knowledge Engineering” to include
AI but also business engineering, e-business engineering,
computer science/engineering, software engineering, Data
Mining, Big Data, ICT and knowledge management.
“In the 1990s, knowledge engineering emerged as a
mature field, distinct from but closely related to software
engineering. Among its distinct aspects are a range of
techniques for knowledge elicitation and modeling, a
collection of formalisms for representing knowledge, and a
toolkit of mechanisms for implementing automated
reasoning.” [36]
The knowledge society has been developed and shaped by
amazing improvements during the last two decades. On that
development and improvement, social sciences such as
psychology or anthropology have also had significant impact
as much as real sciences like medicine or engineering,
especially Information Technology (IT) or Information and
Communications Technology (ICT). The new trends and
explosion of knowledge due to Internet and Web
16 Future of Humanity: Energy and Knowledge Engineering
technologies have radically changed the way we structure
business and its main building block, i.e. “knowledge”.
Though information system and knowledge system
development efforts have been regarded formerly as mere
information technology activities, now we have been
experiencing alternative ways that business departments
model, design and execute the actual businesses where
information technology professionals assist them with tools
and techniques. Hence, all these advancements force us to
revisit the classical definition of "knowledge engineering" or
"expert system development". In that article, it was pointed
out the needs for this redefinition by reviewing the steps
forward in software engineering and how these steps have
supported the knowledge engineering so far. Also, in Figure
5 the authors put forward an improved definition of
knowledge engineering, which raises on the pillars of
emerging engineering disciplines such as domain, service
and business engineering, as well.
8. Discussions and Conclusions
Modrea [37] discusses a strategy for the future in terms of
research and development in the field of nanoscience and
nanotechnology. In a different article, Markovic et al. [38]
discussed the impact of nanotechnology advances in ICT on
sustainability and energy efficiency. Gammaitoni [39] had
already discussed Sustainable ICT: Micro and nano scale
energy management.
In addition to nanoscience and technology and energy and
ICT relation, Cloud Computing is the relatively new field for
energy and ICT symbiosis and synergy. Addis et al. [40]
reported their research in an article titled as Energy-aware
joint management of networks and Cloud infrastructures.
The futurists Meyer and Davis [41] were predicting that
energy will shape the future of humanity. Recall that
information and lately knowledge has become the name of
the age that followed Agricultural and Industrial Ages of
humanity as shown in Figure 6. One may then speculate the
name of the next age as Knowledge Energy Age as depicted
in Figure 6.
The key point in this article is that energy issue is very
crucial for any country, developing or developed in the
whole world. In handling such an issue, many dimensions
must be taken into consideration. ICT and more explicitly
knowledge and energy synergy becomes almost number one
issue to be taken care of.
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This paper presents and compares the possible energy savings in various approaches to outdoor lighting modernization. Several solutions implementable using currently-available systems are presented and discussed. An innovative approach using real-time sensor data is also presented in detail, along with its formal background, based on Artificial Intelligence methods (rule-based systems) and graph transformations. The efficiency of all approaches has been estimated and compared using real-life data recorded at an urban setting. The article also presents other aspects which influence the efficiency and feasibility of intelligent lighting projects, including design quality, design workload and conformance to standards.
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The technologies related to green energy, smart cities and similar areas being dynamically developed in recent years, face frequently problems of a computational nature rather than a technological one. The example is the ability of accurately predicting the weather conditions for PV farms or wind turbines. Another group of issues is related to the complexity of the computations required to obtain an optimal setup of a solution being designed. In this article, we present the case representing the latter group of problems, namely designing large-scale power-saving lighting installations. The term “large-scale” refers to an entire city area, containing tens of thousands of luminaires. Although a simple power reduction for a single street, giving limited savings, is relatively easy, it becomes infeasible for tasks covering thousands of luminaires described by precise coordinates (instead of simplified layouts). To overcome this critical issue, we propose introducing a formal representation of a computing problem and applying a multi-agent system to perform design-related computations in parallel. The important measure introduced in the article indicating optimization progress is entropy. It also allows for terminating optimization when the solution is satisfying. The article contains the results of real-life calculations being made with the help of the presented approach.
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This paper analyzes methods and models for ITS applications in freight transport. A new interpretation is provided, which collects and groups studies into five macro-categories, according to the spatial context in which the supply chain works. The analysis is based on the approaches adopted by different authors: statistical surveys, “what if” and “what to” analyses and project proposals.
Conference Paper
On the background of globalisation and climate change discussions about urban development are increasingly concentrating on economic performance and positioning as well as issues of social polarization and environmental conditions. As such trends are in particular affecting urban development attention is focusing on the question how cities might meet challenges of improved quality of life, energy efficiency and sustainable development, but also of improved urban competitiveness in an interregional and even global context. Due to these trends and challenges the idea of a Smart City concept emerged and has been widely discussed. However, looking on this discussion (and respective strategic efforts) one can easily detect the different understandings which are more or less directly related to the question ‘How can cities use and implement technical innovations in the urban fabric?’. Facing these trends this paper will deal with following questions: Which meaning do innovations have in the different Smart City approaches? What are the impacts of different understandings? Why does the place based understanding of Smart City strengthen a sustainable development?. Dealing with these questions the contribution gives an overview about the understanding of the Smart City idea and the differences existing across specific approaches. Then, chances and risks regarding energy efficient urban developments are worked out. Finally, the contribution will conclude with specific suggestions of a place based understanding of Smart City initiatives from the point of view of strategic planning.
The knowledge society has been developed and shaped by amazing improvements during the last two decades. On that development and improvement, social sciences such as psychology or anthropology have also had significant impact as much as real sciences like medicine or engineering, in particular, Information Technology or Information and Communications Technology. The new trends and explosion of knowledge due to Internet and Web technologies have radically changed the way we structure business and its main building block, i.e. "knowledge". Though information/knowledge system development efforts have been regarded formerly as mere information technology activities, now we have been experiencing alternative ways that a business department models, designs and executes the actual business where information technology professionals assist them with the relevant tools and techniques. Hence, all these advancements force us to revisit the classical definition of "knowledge engineering" which was merely "expert system development". This paper points out the needs for this redefinition by reviewing the steps forward in software engineering and how these steps have supported the knowledge engineering so far. Also, authors put forward an improved definition of knowledge engineering, which raises on the pillars of emerging engineering disciplines such as domain, service and business engineering, as well as transdisciplinary approaches. In short, the authors claim the need for the "rebirth" of Knowledge Engineering.
Enterprises, governments, and societies at large have a new important agenda: tackling environmental issues and adopting environmentally-sound practices. While many people consider IT is part of the problem to environmental pollution, it can be saviour too. IT is both a solution and a problem for environmental sustainability. We can exploit the power of IT in innovative ways to address mounting environmental issues and make our IT systems — and their use — greener. Green IT refers to environmentally sound information technologies and systems, applications, and practices. This chapter examines environmental impacts of IT and explains what Green IT is. It presents a holistic approach to greening IT and highlights how IT could help businesses in their environmental initiatives and reduce their carbon emissions
The transition to a low-carbon economy will create major challenges for the European energy sector in the 21st century. In this sector, electricity is a very important vector for allowing a lower consumption of fossil fuels while maintaining a competitive European economy. The European transmission grid and European transmission system operators (TSOs) are at the core of the complex European electrical system (see Figure 1). Aging infrastructure, low public acceptance of new overhead power lines, and long permitting processes only increase these challenges. All over Europe, the required investments are very significant, and R&D activities must be performed to allow an optimization of these investments. ENTSO-E, Europe?s association of transmission system operators, has defined an R&D roadmap for tackling the most challenging issues. RTE, the French TSO, has participated in the definition of this roadmap and is a major contributor to ongoing European research projects.
Climate change has become a major area of concern over the past few years and consequently many governments, international bodies, businesses, and institutions are taking measures to reduce their carbon footprint. However, to date very little research has taken place on information and sustainable development in general, and on the environmental impact of information services in particular. Based on the data collected from various research papers and reports, this review article shows that information systems and services for the higher education and research sector currently generate massive greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and it is argued that there is an urgent need for developing a green information service, or green IS in short, that should be based on minimum GHG emissions throughout its lifecycle, from content creation to distribution, access, use, and disposal. Based on an analysis of the current research on green information technology (IT), it is proposed that a green IS should be based on the model of cloud computing. Finally, a research agenda is proposed that will pave the way for building and managing green ISs to support education and research/scholarly activities.
Fueled by the massive adoption of Cloud services, the CO2 emissions of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) systems are rapidly increasing. Overall service centers and networks account for 2-4% of global CO2 emissions and it is expected they can reach up to 10% in 5-10 years. Service centers and communication networks have been managed independently so far, but the new generation of Cloud systems can be based on a strict integration of service centers and networking infrastructures. Moreover, geographically-distributed service centers are being widely adopted to keep Cloud services close to end users and to guarantee high performance. The geographical distribution of the computing facilities offers many opportunities for optimizing energy consumption and costs by means of a clever distribution of the computational workload exploiting different availability of renewable energy sources, but also different time zones and hourly energy pricing. Energy and cost savings can be pursued by dynamically allocating computing resources to applications at a global level, while communication networks allow to assign flexibly load requests and to move data.
Capturing electricity from ambient RF transmissions can keep low-power applications off the grid.