Asked 30th Sep, 2017

- how pedagogical approaches are influenced by the evolution of teaching techniques?

- how pedagogical approaches are influenced by the evolution of teaching techniques?
- Are the norms of Behaviorism still valid?

Most recent answer

Azhar Al-Ankoshi
Jabir ibn Hayyan Medical University
I agree with Isam Issa Omran
7 Recommendations

Popular answers (1)

Malaoui Abdessamad
University Sultan Moulay Slimane
thank you dear colleagues
22 Recommendations

All Answers (25)

Ali hadi Ghawi
University of Al-Qadisiyah
The more modern and applied teaching techniques are, the more positive they will be reflected in research methods
5 Recommendations
Isam Issa Omran
Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University
Successful education for all depends on the teacher who is able to adopt both the art and science of education, and act as "parents" who understand the needs, abilities and experiences of their students. At present, the teacher is taking advantage of modern techniques and training on the best means of communication with students for the purpose of providing what is useful to them.
8 Recommendations
Derra Mourad
University Ibn Zohr - Agadir
Wonderful chapter about this topic : "Current approaches and teaching methods"
3 Recommendations
Arwa Abdulrasoul Salman
University of Diyala
To teach in a successful way depends 90 percent o the skillfulness of the teacher and the methods adopted by him. And his ability to use another approach if the current one he is adopting appears to be invalid.
3 Recommendations
Ljubomir Jacić
Technical College Požarevac
New teaching techniques involve technology in classroom.
“We need technology in every classroom and in every student and teacher’s hand, because it is the pen and paper of our time, and it is the lens through which we experience much of our world.” - David Warlick
“...if we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow.” - John Dewey
New technologies and communication platforms also allow for greater interactivity between the teacher and the student, and between students both inside and outside the classroom. While much of the content of programmes can be delivered through “self-administered” e-learning, teachers can concentrate on their role as mentor, developing with students the skills of information management, understanding and questioning, critical thinking and knowledge application. Thus, digital media can facilitate more active, problem-based learning which has been demonstrated to encourage greater student engagement and leads to better learning outcomes.
Digital assessment tools can enable quick feedback on student progress and curriculum adjustment to student needs. Technology’s potential to free teachers and students alike from the “old ways” of doing things, to complete the move, long talked about but less frequently delivered, from the mere transmission of information to a co-partnership in learning, can have a worthwhile, meaningful impact on both the learning and the teaching experience...
3 Recommendations
Ljubomir Jacić
Technical College Požarevac
Since the emergence of a global movement that calls for a new model of learning for the twenty- first century, it has been argued that formal education must be transformed to enable new forms of learning that are needed to tackle complex global challenges. Literature on this topic offers compelling arguments for transforming pedagogy to better support acquisition of twenty-first century skills. However, the question of how best to teach these skills is largely overlooked. Experts recognize that the ‘transmission’ or lecture model is highly ineffective for teaching twenty-first century competencies and skills, yet widespread use of this model continues. In spite of worldwide agreement that learners need skills such as critical thinking and the ability to communicate effectively, innovate, and solve problems through negotiation and collaboration, pedagogy has seldom adapted to address these challenges. Rethinking pedagogy for the twenty-first century is as crucial as identifying the new competencies that today’s learners need to develop. This paper, the third and last in a series on the Futures of Learning, explores pedagogies and learning environments that may contribute to the development and mastery of twenty-first century competencies and skills, and advance the quality of learning...
3 Recommendations
Ibtisam Sahib Al-Zuwainy
University of Babylon
Hello Doctor because it helps to simplify the subject matter and use more than one sense.
2 Recommendations
José Luis García Vigil
Jubilado del Mexican Institute of Social Security, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Dear Malaoui Abdessamad
Pedagogical Approaches do influence; in some cases in Evolution and others in the Stagnation of Teaching and Learning Techniques, by the following:
  • Each stream starts from a Specific Pedagogical Discourse with Theoretical Bases, Strategies, Techniques, Methods and Instruments; which together will guide Plans and Programs of Study, Curriculum, Labor Market, Profile of the Graduate and Profile of the Post.
  • The norms of Behaviorism or Associationism, has some validity within the pedagogical current of the vertical chair, professor director and process of teaching-learning, which has become increasingly obsolete by virtue of the advent of better ways and methods in the promotion of meaningful student learning.
  • At present and in line with the opinion of Professor Ljubomir Jacić, it is a matter of evolving to an educational current where the pedagogical discourse has a preponderance in a human communication model, with a dialogical and horizontal relationship between the teacher and the student.
  • In this new Pedagogical Model, the preponderant role of the teacher is to coordinate and promote student learning, and the student to be more participatory in obtaining and building their own learning. All this is feasible with the help of telecommunications technology, distance education and the support of computer science and artificial intelligence.
Jose Luis
Estimado Malaoui Abdessamad 
Los Enfoques Pedagógicos si influyen; en algunos casos en la Evolución y en otros en el Estancamiento de las Técnicas de Enseñanza y Aprendizaje, por lo siguiente:
  • Cada corriente parte de un Discurso Pedagógico Específico con Bases Teóricas, Estrategias, Técnicas, Métodos e Instrumentos; que en conjunto orientarán Planes y Programas de Estudio, Currícula, Mercado de Trabajo, Perfil del Egresado y Perfil del Puesto.
  • Las Normas del Conductismo o Asociacionismo, tiene cierta validez dentro de la corriente pedagógica de la cátedra vertical, profesor director y proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, el cual cada vez se ha tornado más obsoleto en virtud del advenimiento de mejores formas y métodos en la promoción del aprendizaje significativo de los alumnos.
  • En la actualidad y en consonancia con la opinión del profesor Ljubomir Jacić, se trata de evolucionar a una corriente educativa donde tenga preponderancia el discurso pedagógico en un modelo de comunicación humana, con una relación dialógica y horizontal entre el profesor y el alumno.
  • En este nuevo Modelo Pedagógico,  el papel preponderante del profesor es la de coordinar y promover el aprendizaje del alumno, y el alumno ser más participativo en la obtención y construcción de su propio aprendizaje. Todo ello es factible con auxilio de la tecnología de las telecomunicaciones, la educación a distancia y el apoyo de la informática e inteligencia artificial.
José Luis
4 Recommendations
Oh my goodness. After my 37 year university teaching career, I have tried almost every teaching method there is and every pedagogical models though often by different names over time. I think the teachers enthusiasm for the subject matter is what gets the student wanting to learn. It is as simple as that to me. Can technology aid this process. Maybe, but there is nothing like a live human being with real life stories to impart to aid in learning or so my students over the years have told me.
2 Recommendations
Slamet Suyanto
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
For young teachers PK evolves more significantly than seniors teachers..
2 Recommendations
Afaq Ahmad
Sultan Qaboos University
Dear Dr. Malaoui Abdessamad,
Pedagogical approach in the current learning milieu requires a changes in instructors and students both. The instructors continue to play a pivotal function in the learning process; however, the role of the instructor becomes one of coach, one who facilitates learning by establishing and maintaining a backdrop that is conducive to active and interactive participation in the learning process. The student’s role also changes to one of active participant, one who discovers, constructs, practices, and validates acquired knowledge via active exploration and interactive social collaboration with others. 
3 Recommendations
Sheela Sobana Rani
Karpagam College of Engineering
Pedagogical approaches are influenced by the evolution of teaching techniques. As the technology gets updated the minds of students are also changing drastically. So the way of teaching becomes changing according to the young minds of students.
2 Recommendations
Ashique Ali Arain
Muhammad Medical College affiliated to Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences
Yes this evolution converted the teacher into mentor and the student into searcher status any how we have to move with the system. Although all scientists , Nobel prize winners ,Doctors etc studied in old ways of teaching and obtained unparalleled status and awards .But few group of copy paste people is trying to switch the scenario differently ok we will move with they as a part of system 
2 Recommendations
Malaoui Abdessamad
University Sultan Moulay Slimane
Thank you, colleagues, for your answers and your comments!
6 Recommendations
Malaoui Abdessamad
University Sultan Moulay Slimane
Thank you, colleagues, for your answers and your comments!
6 Recommendations
Malaoui Abdessamad
University Sultan Moulay Slimane
Thank you, colleagues, for your answers and your comments!
6 Recommendations
Malaoui Abdessamad
University Sultan Moulay Slimane
Thank you, colleagues, for your answers and your comments!
5 Recommendations
Malaoui Abdessamad
University Sultan Moulay Slimane
Thank you, colleagues, for your answers and your comments!
6 Recommendations
Olena Mykhailenko
University of Alberta
Hello, our research team piloted a collaborative, constructivist, cross-cultural (Canada-Ukraine) online course. This experience pushed us to apply not only technologies (Adobe Connect, Web Knowledge Forum, Facebook, YouTube), but also more and more new pedagogy models to discover: Community of Inquiry, FOLC, PBL, cultural models (Hofstede, World Values Survey), expansive learning, Activity System model. When you try new pedagogy, it involves more and more technologies and approaches to discover, combine, configure to add new dimensions and outcomes to learning.
3 Recommendations
Malaoui Abdessamad
University Sultan Moulay Slimane
Thank you Dr Olena Mykhailenko for your answer
9 Recommendations
Malaoui Abdessamad
University Sultan Moulay Slimane
Thank you, colleagues, for your answers and your comments!
10 Recommendations
As an "old" teacher, I would like to know what the "old" ways of teaching are? Yes technology is a new tool we can use with our teaching, but it cannot replace the teacher in my view. Also I think technology can impede learning. Student's no longer feel they have to remember anything they have learned. After all they can just look it up. That is a dangerous thing in my discipline (nursing), in an emergency situation for instance. There is no time to look anything up then.
4 Recommendations
Ljubomir Jacić
Technical College Požarevac
Kofi Atta Annan once said, "Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family." While education is the key to transformation, it is essential to keep re-imagining the mediums through which it is delivered. Time and again, we need to look beyond the four walls of a classroom and traditional methods of teaching for the holistic development of a child...
While technology can quicken the process or reach out to more learners, it is only by adopting a seamless blend of the efficiency of the digital medium with the penetrative and focused traditional pedagogical methods can we create an impact on the way education is consumed...
People often tend to overlook the fact that technology is only as good as its creator. Unless there is a tutor to inspire, help students through their struggles, adopt teaching methods that are suited to the student's needs and abilities, students won't be able to succeed in their career paths. Technology can only lend a helping hand to learn, but it cannot replace the immense knowledge and experience that comes with a teacher. Therefore, a blend of traditional learning and digital tools is necessary to create an environment that is informative and immersive. This will enable students to achieve good scores...
6 Recommendations
Malaoui Abdessamad
University Sultan Moulay Slimane
thank you dear colleagues
22 Recommendations
Azhar Al-Ankoshi
Jabir ibn Hayyan Medical University
I agree with Isam Issa Omran
7 Recommendations

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