Asked 27th May, 2013

Wireless sensor network simulation

Which simulation software will be best for temperature, humidity, gas and lightning sensor network using zigbee?

Most recent answer

Akram Kout
Université Constantine 2
the best tool you can use in your case here is OPNET 14.5

All Answers (6)

Ananth Saradhi
Self Employed
OPNET also claims to simulate zigbee network.
You could also use Matlab to write your own code and simulate the network behaviors. Ns2 /Ns-3 are open source but have a steep learning curve. Matlab is proprietary, but easier to learn.
Hope that helps.
1 Recommendation
Tomasz A.J. Banyś
Radom Academy of Economics
Like Ananth said, those are all good options. I'd check all of them out. Ns2/3 is often initially discarded due to lack of gui, but it's quite robust. Matlab could work (as well as Scilab, though I believe it'd require much more effort on your part). Then there is NetSim (gaining some popularity, but I've never actually used it) and if you want to develop your own solution, supposedly the OMNeT++ framework could be helpful as well. Check your options and try to run a few of them. You're searching for the one that works best with your scripts and doesn't seem to suffer from noticeable performance issues.
Durai saravanan Pichandi
Gandipathy Tulsi's Jain Engineering College
pls follow the step by step procedure for installing NS-2 simulation after installed Ubuntu software
Download NS-2.34 from the following link;
This also includes installation guidelines
After downloading, copy of ns-allinone-2.34.tar.gz from above link, the following steps
% tar -xzf ns-allinone-2.34.tar.gz
% cd ns-allinone-2.34
% ./install
Once following message comes:
Nam has been installed successfully.
Ns-allinone package has been installed successfully.
(Note: In case there is a failure, as it happens with me, you first need to check what Linux
platform you are using. In my case it is Ubuntu-9.10 version. And in such case you need to
provide the UNIX command and make some modification in ‘configuration’ file as suggested in
following link:
Then again type following command: (under directory:  …./ns-allinone-2.34)
% ./install
This hopefully will complete successful installation and he below message will come.
Nam has been installed successfully.
Ns-allinone package has been installed successfully.
Next step is to link LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable by giving following commands: (if
you are using ‘sh’ or ‘bash’ – as in my case).
%export LD-LIRARY-PATH=/home/raja/NS2/ ns-allinone-2.34/bin
%export LD-LIRARY-PATH=/home/raja/NS2/ ns-allinone-2.34/lib
%export TCL-LIRARY=/home/raja/NS2/ ns-allinone-2.34/tcl8.4.11/library
OR (if you are using ‘cshrc’)
%setenv LD-LIRARY-PATH /home/raja/NS2/ ns-allinone-2.34/bin
%setenv LD-LIRARY-PATH /home/raja/NS2/ ns-allinone-2.34/lib
%setenv TCL-LIRARY /home/raja/NS2/ ns-allinone-2.34/tcl8.4.11/library
Then give command:
% cd ns-2.34
% ./validate
Jonas Mellin
University of Skövde
OMNET++ ( and Ptolemy II ( are two candidates. My personal favorite is Ptolemy II due to its ability for hybrid simulation between continuous and discrete event time simulations. If you are more intrerested in network simulation per se, then omnet++ may be a better choice due to the extensive libraries for network protocols. Mind you, the license for OMNET++ is more restrictive than for ns2/3 or Ptolemy II. Finally, you got SHOX library for Java (, but I prefer the component-oriented simulation in both Ptolemy II and OMNET++. Then, of course, there are about 10 proprietary simulator frameworks that may fit the bill, but I assume they are outside the scope in this question.
Akram Kout
Université Constantine 2
the best tool you can use in your case here is OPNET 14.5

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