Asked 2nd Jun, 2022

Why cDNA negative-controls are showing bands in a gel after qRT-PCR is done with a housekeeping gene?

1. I prepared cDNA with iScript BioRad cDNA synthesis kit from RNA (~1ug/ul). One experimental and two controls were designed.
1.a. Experimental = Exp cDNA (Reagent+RNA template added),
1.b. Control = -RT cDNA (all reagents +RNA template - Reverse Transcriptase enzyme),
1.c. Control = -RNA cDNA (All Reagents + Reverse Transcriptase enzyme - RNA template)
2. I performed qRT-PCR for cDNAs (1a, 1b, 1c) utilizing a housekeeping gene (137bp) forward and reverse primes. Here, I made one more control, Non-template control (NTC), to test my qRT-PCR. In the NTC control, no cDNA was added but to make up the volume molecular grade water was added.
2.a. Exp cDNA 1a
2.b. -RT cDNA 1b
2.c. -RNA cDNA 1c
2.d. NTC
qRT-PCR run protocol: Denatured at 95°C/30", Annealed at 60°C/30" and Extended at 72°C/1' (40 cycles) with initial denaturation at 95°C/5'. Samples were then loaded on 2% Agarose gel made with 1XTAE (8.5pH) and were run at 60V. GeneDirex 50bp ladder was loaded
2.a. 137bp band
2.b. no band
2.c. no band
2.d. no band
2.a. 137bp band
2.b. 137bp band
2.c. 137bp band
2.d. no band
Question 1 = What could be the possible reasons for the obtained results mentioned above?
Question 2 = What could be the reason for obtaining the result mentioned below?
2.a. 137bp band
2.b. 137bp band
2.c. no band
2.d. no band
Question 3 = What could be the reason for obtaining the result mentioned below?
2.a. 137bp band
2.b. no band
2.c. 137bp band
2.d. no band
Question 4 = 137bp bands in all! What could be the reason?

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4 answers
  • Mysha AlabbiMysha Alabbi
I am doing my undergrad thesis that requires me to do PCR-RFLP analysis on DNA that I extracted from some blood samples. Initially, I was using the Qiagen mastermix for the optimization of my entire process using just 6 samples out of 100 samples. I successfully completed my optimization step, and got my desired results for those 6 samples. Once I have the measurements of the entire process i.e the amount of mastermix, forward priner, reverse primer, DNA template, and nuclease-free water along with the optimum annealing temperature for my selected primer, I proceeded on to doing the exact same thing on the remaining 96 samples serially. But I started encountering an unexpected error. For some reason, I started getting a faint band in my negative control(which only has nuclease-free water and no DNA template). At first I thought any of the reagents were contaminated, so I conducted a series of PCR reactions where in one I would use a freshly new mastermix, another time a fresh made working solution of primers and also an intact nuclease free water. In every PCR, I am getting a band in my negative control. Today I also tried using a mastermix of an entirely different company i.e. Takara Bio, but got the same results. I am just frustrated at this point. Can anyone help me figure out what is happening? How can I troubleshoot this and complete my thesis!

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