Asked 27th Feb, 2017

Why an infinite product of metrics are not metric spaces? Any counter Example?

I would like to ask that why an infinite product of metric spaces are not metric. If someone have any counter example  please share it .Thanks

Most recent answer

Muhammad Qasim
National University of Sciences and Technology
Thank you so much Dear Professor Vladimir Kadets and Professor Hamid Reza Salimi Moghaddam for your valuable time and answer.

All Answers (4)

Vladimir Kadets
Holon Institute of Technology
This happens when one considers a product of uncountable many metric spaces. A typical example is X = [0,1][0,1] - the product of continuum number of copies of [0,1]. X can be identified with the space of all functions f acting from [0,1] to [0,1] equipped with the topology of pointwise convergence. This topology is not metrizable by many reasons. One of them is the following: X is a product of compacts, so it is compact. The cardinality of a compact metric space cannot be greater than continuum, but the cardinality of this X is greater than continuum.
1 Recommendation
Hamid Reza Salimi Moghaddam
University of Isfahan
Dear Muhammad,
As Prof. Kadets mentioned, It happens when you consider a product of uncountable metric spaces. Another example is an uncountable product of R with itself. In fact an uncountable product of R with itself is not metrizable because it does not satisfy the sequence lemma. You can find it in chapter 2 of the following book:
J. R. Munkres, Topology, second edition 2007.
Muhammad Qasim
National University of Sciences and Technology
Thank you so much Dear Professor Vladimir Kadets and Professor Hamid Reza Salimi Moghaddam for your valuable time and answer.

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