Asked 7th Sep, 2023

Which fractional derivative is best for both continuous and discrete space?

I would like to know which derivative is best for the continuous and discrete space? How to modify a classical derivative for suitable ones? can we define a fractional derivative for continuous space and discretize it for the discrete space?

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Who can provide me proven fractional behaviours data ?
16 answers
  • Jocelyn SabatierJocelyn Sabatier
As you can see on my page, I developed several alternatives to fractional models to model fractional behaviours (Fractional models and fractional behaviours are two different concepts, the first one denotes a particular class of models, the second is a class of dynamical behaviours that can be generated and modelled by a wide variety of mathematical tools other than fractional calculus).
I would like to evaluate the efficiency of these models on real data. I thus look for proven fractional behaviours data. Not frequency data over 2 decades, not temporal data over a reduced time range and large sampling period, but data which are truly fractional and which can be demonstrated. Not this kind of data that can be capture as well with an interger first or second order model.
We can consider collaboration and joint publications with those who can provide me with such data, if they wish.

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