Asked 7th Jul, 2017

Which AAV serotype to use for AAV-hSyn-GFP/Cre injections to the mouse medial septum?

There are two options for the AAV-hSyn-Cre virus: AAV5 and AAV8. Does anybody have a practical experience which serotype transduces neurons in the mouse medial septum better ?

Most recent answer

Evgeny Resnik
Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich
Thanks, Kamil!  So, i will start then with AAV5 as soon as we get the mouse line :)

All Answers (4)

Phillip M Baker
Seattle Pacific University
I've had good luck with AAV5-hSyn in the rat diagonal band. I would guess it would translate well to the septum. In general AAV5 or AAV1 coupled to hSyn have worked well anywhere I put them.
Evgeny Resnik
Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich
Thanks, Phillip!
Kamil Tomaszewski
Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology
Hi, Evgeny!
I do a lot of AAV5 injections to mouse MS and have a nice pattern of expression under the hSyn promoter.
Good luck! 
1 Recommendation
Evgeny Resnik
Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich
Thanks, Kamil!  So, i will start then with AAV5 as soon as we get the mouse line :)

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