Asked 25th Jul, 2012

What is the best mathematical model that describes the Tsunami?

Modelings, PDE, Tsunami,...

All Answers (3)

M. A. Helal wrote:
> What is the best mathematical model
> that describe the Tsunami?
This article is about Walter Craig who does research on
the mathematics of tsunamis.
There is a paper on freak waves dealing with a special
case of the Schroedinger equation.
Shukla, P.K., Kourakis, I., Eliasson, B.,
Marklund, M. and Stenflo, L. "Instability and
Evolution of Nonlinearly Interacting
Water Waves."
Physical Review Letters. 97, 094501 (2006).
Mohamed A. Helal
Cairo University
Thank you for your reply, but I think this answer need more free downloadable papers especially in applied Mathematics, or in Fluid Mechanics. Any way, I'm waiting more clear mathematical answers.
Christopher Gomez
Kobe University
It really depends what you want to model and where as the tsunami behaviour will evolve from high-sea to the continental platform and then on land as well.

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