Asked 2nd Jun, 2021
  • Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Elementary and Secondary Education Department

What is meant by Std. Deviation 25 in this figure?

What a standard deviation 25 tells us?

Most recent answer

Hussein Chible
Lebanese University
The standard deviation 25 along with Mean 49 have the following. Meaning:
Most of the data (68% if normal distribution) are between 49-25= 24 and 49+25=74.

All Answers (6)

David Eugene Booth
Kent State University
Stand Dev is the sqrt(variance) which are both measures of spread of a distribution. 25 <50 so the spread of the second distribution is bigger than the first. D. Booth
1 Recommendation
Robert Trevethan
Independent author and researcher
Arsalan Rasheed, the standard deviation (SD) indicates the extent to which scores spread either side of the mean. In normally distributed data, 68% of scores fall one SD either side of the mean; larger percentage of scores (approximately 95%) fall two SDs either side of the mean. You can look this information up in most basic statistics books or websites.
If the data for your first variable form a normal distribution, approximately 68% of those scores will fall 25.46 either side of the mean of 49.19. Very roughly, therefore 68% of the scores in your first variable will lie between 23.7 and 74.7.
I hope that's helpful.
2 Recommendations
Babak Jamshidi
King's College London
There are some indices to scale how much the data are deviated from the point (that they are concentrating around). These indices takes non-negative values. Zero value means that the data are of the same value. The more, these indices are, the farther, the data are from each other. Variance, standard deviation, range, difference of bounds and difference of quartiles are of these criteria.
2 Recommendations
Elbin Siby
Inductive Quotient Analytics
Standard Deviation (SD) is a measure of dispersion of data. “Dispersion” tells us how much our data is spread out. Specifically, it shows you how much our data is spread out around the mean or average.
Suppose you have Mean= 1558 and SD= 25.46. Then the dispersion is very small.
When you have Mean=49.15 and SD=25.46, then the disperion is very large.
You can read more here;
1 Recommendation
Emad Obaid Merza
Technical College of Management -Baghdad
Standard aeviation is one of measures of dispersion and it represent the extent to wich values from their arithmetic mean.
Hussein Chible
Lebanese University
The standard deviation 25 along with Mean 49 have the following. Meaning:
Most of the data (68% if normal distribution) are between 49-25= 24 and 49+25=74.

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