Asked 3rd Oct, 2016

What is a good cDNA synthesis kit for downstream real time qPCR applications?

I am currently using SuperScript VILO but am looking for something cheaper. I use TaqMan probes and master mix in my qPCR and measure small changes in gene expression in bacterial cultures. I'm looking for an efficient kit that will not interfere with my sensitive downstream applications.

Most recent answer

Rita M McCall
University of California, Berkeley
Thank you all! I will look into the kits you mentioned.

All Answers (5)

Jawwad Ahmad
Umm Al-Qura University
Hi, we are using this kit from Applied Biosystems since long without any issue or problem at all even for multiple types of studies with multiple nature of samples, but all what matters in real is the purity & integrity of your extracted RNA. Also the use of RNAse inhibitors separately in your cDNA RT reaction and then the successive usage of cDNA purification kit  will boost you up no doubt, and you will be more relaxed towards your downstream application with this cDNA. This kit has MultiScribe MuLV and supports RNA from 20 ng to 2 ug (max) so quite nice and has reasonable price as well.
Ashish B Deshpande
Serum Institute of India Limited
If you are looking for efficient and relatively cheap kit you shall try 
Applied Biosystems™ High-Capacity cDNA Reverse Transcription Kit.
Sanaya Bamji
University of Louisville
Hi Rita. I agree with Ashish. I have also used the Applied Biosystems™ High-Capacity cDNA Reverse Transcription Kit throughout my PhD along with Taqman probes and master mix and it worked really well for me and is cheaper than the one you are using. Hope this helps. 
1 Recommendation
Amilcare Barca
Università del Salento
look at the BioRad related products, usually they have optimal performance for every downstream real time application. just check if prices are good to you.
Rita M McCall
University of California, Berkeley
Thank you all! I will look into the kits you mentioned.

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