Asked 22nd Dec, 2023
  • Ministry of Education in iraq

What is a Bayesian network, and why is it important in AI?


Most recent answer

Hisham Shakhatreh
Jadara University
Your work is really very interesting and useful .
my sincere congratulations!!
9 Recommendations

Popular answers (1)

Hisham Shakhatreh
Jadara University
Your work is really very interesting and useful .
my sincere congratulations!!
9 Recommendations

All Answers (4)

Jomark Noriega
National University of San Marcos
Hi a Bayesian network, also known as a belief network or Bayes network, is a probabilistic graphical model that represents a set of variables and their conditional dependencies via a directed acyclic graph (DAG).
2 Recommendations
Shafagat Mahmudova
Institute of Information Technology
Look, Mahmudova Sh. Developing an algorithm for the application of Bayesian method to software using artificial immune systems.
3 Recommendations
Sundus F Hantoosh
Forensic DNA Center for Research and Training
Dear Doctor
"A Bayesian network is a type of graphical model that uses probability to determine the occurrence of an event. It is also known as a belief network or a causal network. It consists of directed cyclic graphs (DCGs) and a table of conditional probabilities to find out the probability of an event happening.It contains nodes and edges, where edges connect the nodes. The graph is acyclic - meaning there is no direct path where one node can reach another. The table of probability, on the other hand, shows the likelihood that a random variable will take on certain values."
7 Recommendations
Hisham Shakhatreh
Jadara University
Your work is really very interesting and useful .
my sincere congratulations!!
9 Recommendations

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