Asked 11th Sep, 2018

What do you think are the hottest issues in the “Industry 4.0” field in terms of theoretical depth?

Dear Colleagues,
If you are researcher who is studying or already published on Industry 4.0 or digital transformation topic, what is your hottest issue in this field?
Your answers will guide us in linking the perceptions of experts with bibliometric analysis results.
Thanks in advance for your contribution.

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All Answers (11)

Stéphane Breton
Digital Surf
Dear Nihan,
[Hierarchical] graphical models, machine learning, finite element methods and signal[/data] processing[/analysis] are gradually merging, jointly leading to better understanding and modeling of the world. The theoretical challenge is the continuous integration of increasing dimensions (multivariate data) in the processes while mastering/reducing the computational costs.
Metrology 4.0 (in terms of data analysis tools) is a topic related to Industry 4.0.
Ildeberto Santos-Ruiz
Tecnológico Nacional de México
I think that one of the most important (and challenging) aspects is security in these systems. Greetings.
1 Recommendation
João Lucas de Souza Silva
University of Campinas
One of the challenges of industry 4.0 and that I studied is the influence on the teaching-learning process in engineering courses.
In a universe of epistemological causation, whoever is in the Industry has to "reinvent" himself, and whoever enters, has to fit the new industrial model.
João Lucas.
Stéphane Breton
Digital Surf
As a concrete illustration of Industry 4.0 dependence relatively to Metrology 4.0, here is a link to a research project about 3D data analysis to achieve industrial in-process monitoring and control:
In addition, a related paper by Senin et al., " Information-rich surface metrology ", 2018 -
Liming Yuan
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Information based manufacturing technology. The production efficiency will be improved through man-machine interaction and large data analysis.
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw 🏛️
The technological revolution Industry 4.0 is currently one of the major determinants of the economic development of highly developed and developing countries.
Apparently, we are now living in the era of the fourth technological revolution, known as Industry 4.0.
The previous three technological revolutions:
1. The industrial revolution of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, determined mainly by the industrial application of the invention of a steam engine.
2. Electricity era of the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century.
3. The IT revolution of the second half of the twentieth century determined by computerization, the widespread use of the Internet and the beginning of the development of robotization.
The current fourth technological revelation, known as Industry 4.0, is motivated by the development of the following factors:
- artificial intelligence,
- cloud computing,
- machine learning,
- Big Data database technologies,
- Internet of Things.
On the basis of the development of these IT instruments and technologies, business analytics of companies such as Business Intelligence and the above-mentioned areas have been dynamically developing in recent years.
On the basis of the development of the new technological solutions mentioned in recent years, the processes of innovatively organized analyzes of large collections of information collected in Big Data database systems dynamically develop.
What other technological improvements, innovative organizational, technical and IT solutions will be developed in the future based on the development of the above-mentioned factors?
What kinds of innovations will be able to be created in the coming years, in the future based on the integration of the above-mentioned main determinants of the development of the current technological revolution known as Industry 4.0?
What kind of new categories of added value may be created in the future if the above-mentioned technological solutions are more involved in the creation of biotechnological, ecological, product and other innovations.
Will new technologies be created in this way, with the help of which it will be possible to generate solutions to the problems of excessive exploitation of Earth resources in the process of civilization development?
Perhaps new innovative technologies for renewable energy sources and the creation of biodegradable substitutes for many non-degradable materials, e.g. plastics, besides the development of biotechnology and energy innovations, etc. will allow major global problems to be solved.
The development of human civilization in the next few decades should give answers to the above questions.
1 Recommendation
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw 🏛️
Dear Colleagues and Friends from RG, The current technological revolution referred to as Industry 4.0 is determined by the development of the following advanced information processing technologies: Big Data database technologies, cloud computing, machine learning, Internet of things, artificial intelligence, Business Intelligence, Virtual and Augmented Reality and other advanced technologies of Data Mining.
Below I have listed a few technological fields and branches of the knowledge-based economy that have been developing rapidly in recent years, in which Industry 4.0 technologies are used:
1. The use of information systems, ICT and Industry 4.0 information technologies, including Big Data, Business Intelligence in building and improving specific models of information technology management in organizations.
2. Industry 4.0 technologies are used in the processes of disseminating open innovations in new online media and in securing them, i.e. in developing cyber security technologies.
3. The development of marketing in recent years is determined by the development of Industry 4.0 technology and the development of open innovation on the Internet.
4. Industry 4.0 technologies are also used in the development of transaction systems and transaction security in the field of e-commerce and online banking.
5. In recent years, Industry 4.0 technologies have also been used to improve risk management processes.
6. In recent years, the impact of the implementation process of ICT information technologies, new media internet technologies, including social media portals and advanced data processing technology Industry 4.0 into teaching processes in schools has been noticed.
7. Technologies of advanced data processing Industry 4.0, including above all Learning machines and Artificial Intelligence is also used in the attempt to build machines equipped with the ability to self-improve the performed tasks and programmed activities.
8. In addition, in recent years, Industry 4.0 technologies are also used in many other fields of industry, services, production technology improvement, medicine, biotechnology, in forecasting the future development of complex processes, in various branches and sectors of the knowledge-based economy.
Ad. 1: ICT and Industry 4.0 information technologies are used in the development of advanced data processing technologies and Big Data analytics and Data Science analytics, Data Analytics used in economics, finance and management of organizations, including enterprises, financial and public institutions. In my opinion, scientific research confirms the strong correlation between the development of Big Data technology, Data Science analytics, Data Analytics and the effectiveness of the use of knowledge resources. I believe that the development of Big Data technology and Data Science analytics, Data Analytics and other ICT information technologies, multi-criteria technology, advanced processing of large information sets, and Industry 4.0 technology increases the efficiency of using knowledge resources, including in the field of economics, finance and organization management. In recent years, ICT information technologies, Industry 4.0 etc. have been particularly dynamically developing and are used in knowledge-based economies. These technologies are used in scientific research and business applications in commercially operating enterprises and in financial and public institutions. Due to the growing importance of this issue in knowledge-based economies, an important issue is the analysis of the correlation between the development of Big Data technology and Data Science, Data Analytics, Business Intelligence and the effectiveness of using knowledge resources to solve key problems of civilization development, e.g. in the implementation programs for the quick implementation of the principles of sustainable pro-ecological development in economic processes in accordance with the green economy philosophy and the financing of programs for the creation and implementation of ecological innovations, and the urgent implementation of necessary ecological reforms. The goal of these pro-ecological business venture programs is to reduce the level of environmental pollution and slow down the global warming process. However, this is only one of the key global problems, the solution of which may be conditioned by the question of the possibility of increasing the efficiency of using large resources of knowledge accumulated in Big Data databases in knowledge-based economies. In connection with the above, I suggest the following research questions that may inspire you to implement important and interesting research projects: Are there studies that verify the correlation between the development of Big Data technology and Data Science analytics, Data Analytics, Business Intelligence and other ICT information technologies and advanced data processing Industry 4.0 and the effectiveness of the use of knowledge resources, including in the field of economics, finance and management of organizations, including enterprises, financial and public institutions? In recent years, there have been more and more media reports that in many countries there has been a significant increase in environmental pollution and a global acceleration of the global warming process. The problem is serious because the pace of the global warming process has significantly accelerated in recent years. However, this is only one of many key problems in the development of human civilization to be urgently solved in the 21st century. It is therefore necessary to increase the efficiency of processing knowledge resources in order to find faster solutions to key problems of civilization development. The use of Big Data, Data Science, Data Analytics, Business Intelligence and other ICT information technologies as well as advanced data processing Industry 4.0 in the processing of knowledge resources should contribute to increasing the efficiency of knowledge resource processing in knowledge-based economies, including in the field of economics and finance.
Ad. 2: Industry 4.0 technologies are used in the processes of disseminating open innovations in new online media and in securing them, i.e. in developing cyber security technologies. At present, the dominant view is that the dissemination of open innovations in new online media, open data sources and open knowledge tools conditions the reduction of knowledge acquisition costs and is an important factor in the development of the knowledge and technology economy. Technological innovations can also be open innovations. Many open technological innovations are currently being created in the field of new online media, on social media portals operated by technology internet companies. Open technological innovations are created using ICT information technologies and advanced data processing technologies typical of the current technological revolution known as Industry 4.0. The ongoing technological revolution referred to as Industry 4.0 is an important factor activating the development of open innovations related to information services available for free on the Internet. The technological revolution of Industry 4.0 is determined by the development of the following advanced information processing technologies, which include, among others: Big Data database technologies, cloud computing, machine learning, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, Business Intelligence and other advanced technologies of Data Mining. The technologies for advanced information processing listed above are increasingly used in various fields of industry, production of goods and provision of services. The number of industries, branches of economic activity and sectors of the national economy is growing, in which advanced information processing technologies typical of the current fourth technological revolution known as Industry 4.0 are used. Thanks to the above-mentioned technologies, in recent years more and more open technological innovations are being created, which are used in the development of information services offered on the Internet. In line with the above, a lot of new open innovations are emerging in the field of new online media, including information services offered on social media portals and other types of internet portals offering various free information services. In the following years, the development of open innovations may also be determined by the use of blockchain technology in the field of improving data transfer security systems on the Internet. Blockchain technology can also be used to secure online settlements and social payments, including financing innovative projects, new ventures developed by technological startups, and financing the development of open innovations through e.g. crowdfunding. Perhaps in the online accounts will also be used in the future critical critics. Perhaps in the future cryptocurrencies will be displacing traditional currency from online financial transactions between fintechs, financial institutions, innovative startups, online technology companies operating social media portals and their clients, and between users of these portals. The development of all of the above-mentioned ICT information technologies, advanced data processing technologies Industry 4.0 and technologies facilitating financial operations on the Internet and ensuring a high level of security of internet data transfer. The development of technological innovations, ICT information technologies, advanced information processing technologies co-creating the current technological revolution Industry 4.0, financing through crowdfunding, securing online transactions with blockchain technology, increasing the use of cryptocurrencies in these settlements, etc. These can be important determinants of the development of innovative, technological startups operating on the Internet and factors of development of the knowledge-based economy in subsequent years. In connection with the above, the development of open innovation is correlated with the issue of development of innovation and entrepreneurship in the economy. A significant proportion of innovative startups develop their business model based on open innovations. On the other hand, in macroeconomic terms, the development of open innovations can be an important determinant of economic development in developing countries and in developed knowledge-based economies. In view of the above, research shows that the dissemination of open innovations and open knowledge bases is an important issue for building a sustainable economy in a technologically developed and developing country. In addition, the dissemination of open open innovations and open knowledge bases is also a key issue for the development of highly competitive knowledge and technology based factor markets. The dissemination of open, open innovations and open knowledge bases is also an important determinant of the possibility of reducing the asymmetry of information and knowledge between producers, service providers, financial institutions, etc. and their clients. Dissemination of open innovations in new online media, open data sources and open knowledge tools is a condition for reducing the cost of acquiring knowledge. This issue correlates with the development of open databases and open libraries and knowledge databases available on the Internet. In view of the above, the dissemination of open innovations in combination with the Internet of Things technology and open knowledge bases made available on the Internet is necessary for the effective development of the knowledge-based economy. I described these issues in my publications, which are available on the Research Gate portal. I invite you to scientific cooperation.
Ad. 3: Market development in recent years is determined by the development of Industry 4.0 technology and the development of open innovation on the Internet. Open innovations developed on the Internet concern, among others, free information and marketing services. The issue of the possibility of publishing specific content, texts, banners, comments, etc. on the Internet and obtaining free information are key determinants of the development of information services on the Internet. On the other hand, the largest internet technology corporations earn income mainly from paid marketing services. Therefore, the Internet environment is a kind of mix of free and paid information and marketing services, which are simultaneously, simultaneously and simultaneously interrelatedly developed by various Internet companies. Currently, research is conducted into the analysis of the development of open innovations in the field of free information services, which are the main factor of business success of the largest online technology companies, which include such concerns as Google and social media portals such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Tweeter, LinkedIn and others. In my opinion, the development of internet information services will be determined by technological progress in the field of new ICT, communication technologies and advanced data processing techniques typical of the current technological revolution known as Industry 4.0. The development of information processing technology in the era of the current technological revolution called Industry 4.0 is determined by the use of new information techniques, for example in the field of e-commerce and e-marketing. These solutions are the basis for the business success of the largest online technology concerns that offer information search, data collection and processing services in the cloud (e.g. Google) and provide information services on platforms developed in social media portals (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Tweeter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and more). The current technological revolution referred to as Industry 4.0 is motivated by the development of the following factors: Big Data database technologies, cloud computing, machine learning, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, Business Intelligence and other advanced technologies of Data Mining. These information technologies, combined with the improvement of ICT and communication technologies, along with the progressive process of increasing the computing power of computers will become an important determinant of technological progress in various industries in subsequent years. Based on the development of these new technological solutions, the processes of innovatively organized analyzes of large information collections gathered in Big Data database systems and computing cloud computing for the purposes of applications in such fields as machine learning, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence have been dynamically developing in recent years. , Business Intelligence. To this can be added other areas of advanced technologies for analyzing large data sets, such as Medical Intelligence, Life Science, Green Energy, etc. Processing and multi-criteria analysis of large data sets in Big Data database systems is carried out according to the V4 concept, i.e. Volume (meaning large number of data), Value (large values ​​of specific parameters of the information analyzed), Velocity (high speed of new information appearing) and Variety (high information diversity). The above-mentioned advanced technologies of information processing and analysis are used more and more often for the needs of marketing activities of various business entities that advertise their offer on the Internet or analyze the needs in this respect reported by other entities, including companies, corporations, financial and public institutions. More and more commercially operating business entities and financial institutions conduct marketing activities on the Internet, including on social media portals. The information and communication technologies listed above, combined with the improvement of ICT technologies and the implementation of Business Intelligence analytics into the processes of economic and financial, economic, macroeconomic and market analyzes may be instrumental instruments helpful in the efficient and effective management of economic, investment processes and enterprises, including analyzes carried out for the purposes of improving marketing activities in enterprises. More and more companies, banks and other entities need to carry out multi-criteria analyzes on large data sets downloaded from the Internet describing the markets in which they operate and contractors and clients with whom they cooperate. On the other hand, there are already specialized technology companies that offer this type of analytical services, prepare commissioned reports, which are the result of such multi-criteria analyzes of large data sets obtained from various websites and from entries and comments contained on social media portals. An important research technique that has been developing in recent years, the effects of which are used for the purposes of marketing activities of companies, is sentiment analysis carried out on large data sets collected in the Big Data database systems downloaded from the Internet. In order to group the behaviors of users of social media portals into specific classes of behavior, these classes must first be defined. Sentiment analysis using large data sets collected from entries and comments from social media portals and transferred to Big Data database platforms can be helpful. Then, when observing the changes in certain types of behavior of users of social media portals, you can analyze the data collected in Big Data according to these observations. In addition, a useful tool can be an analysis of the behavior of users of social media portals on the basis of ongoing posts, entries and comments on specific social media pages, statistical analysis of comments on specific topics of posts. This type of research is carried out by online technology companies that run social media portals and use the results of these studies to develop their viral marketing services, because this field of marketing is a key determinant of revenue generated by these companies from advertising sales on social media portals.
Ad. 4: Industry 4.0 technologies are also used in the development of transaction systems and transaction security in the field of e-commerce and online banking. The key determinants of the globally developing e-commerce relate primarily to the implementation of ICT information technologies and advanced data processing technologies, i.e. industry 4.0 typical for the current technological revolution to computerized, automated transaction systems supporting online trading. In addition, the use of blockchain technology for transaction security systems and data transfer on the Internet. The use of ICT information technologies and advanced data processing technologies i.e. typical for the current technological revolution Industry 4.0 to online transaction systems supporting e-commerce already applies to almost all the functioning of online stores, from computerized sales support systems, logistics, accounting, reporting, risk management to Internet marketing activities and improving security systems for online transactions. Another important determinant of e-commerce development is the development of online mobile banking available on mobile devices and new solutions related to the Internet of Things technology. Online banking is starting to dominate, whose development is determined by technological progress in the field of ICT and Industry 4.0 information technologies. Computerization is also increasingly affecting public sector institutions servicing tax systems and business entities settlements. In addition, Business Intelligence analytical platforms supporting the management processes of companies operating also in the e-commerce sector have been developed for several years. The analyst of large information sets in Big Data databases is also developing. Big Data Analytics and Data Science analytical systems are also used by businesses operating also in the field of e-commerce. In recent years, new internet marketing instruments have also been developed, mainly used on social media portals, and are also used by companies operating in the e-commerce sector. Internet technology and fintech companies are also emerging that offer information services on the Internet to support marketing management, including the planning of advertising campaigns for products sold via the Internet. For this purpose, sentiment analyzes are used to survey Internet users' opinions regarding dominant awareness, recognition, brand image, mission, and offer of specific companies. Sentiment analysis is carried out on large data sets downloaded from various websites, including millions of pages of social media portals collected in Big Data systems. The analytical data collected in this way are very helpful in the process of planning advertising campaigns carried out in new media, including social media portals. These campaigns advertise products and services sold via the Internet, available in online stores. In view of the above, the development of e-commerce is mainly determined by technological progress in the field of ICT information technologies and advanced data processing technologies Industry 4.0 and new technologies used in securing financial transactions carried out via the Internet, including e-commerce transactions, e.g. technologies blockchain. I have described the above issues of various aspects of the application of information systems and ICT, including Big Data, Business Intelligence in companies operating on the Internet in my scientific publications available on the Research Gate portal. I invite you to cooperation.
Ad. 5: In recent years, Industry 4.0 technologies have also been used to improve risk management processes. In addition, the structure of expenditure incurred on improving risk management processes in financial institutions has changed in recent years. While in the 1990s, the dominant risk categories that were subject to permanent improvement, including through the implementation of ICT information technologies for analytics and risk modeling, have been the key risk categories in recent years for which particularly high expenditure is allocated to improving management processes these risk categories are primarily risks related to the development of cyber crime, the risk of data transfer on the Internet, risks related to online and mobile electronic banking. In addition, in recent years, the improvement of risk management methods and systems has been carried out through the implementation of Industry 4.0 advanced data processing technology. For now, high levels of profitability of banking operations related to the development of electronic online banking allow spending high costs on improving the management of risk categories related to the development of cyber crime, the risk of data transfer on the Internet, risks related to online and mobile electronic banking. However, this may not always be the case. Competition for classic online banking is growing through the successive increase in the share of cryptocurrencies in transactions carried out electronically. Fintechs are also developing. Therefore, the current development trends of banking in the next decades may change significantly and then there may also be changes in the key barriers to risk management improvement processes.
Ad. 6: In recent years, the impact of the implementation of ICT information technologies, new media Internet technologies, including social media portals and advanced data processing technology Industry 4.0 into teaching processes in schools has been noticed. I fully agree with the thesis that ICT information technologies and new media internet technologies, Industry 4.0 advanced data processing technologies, which are increasingly being implemented into educational processes and may also negatively affect pedagogical processes in schools. I also believe that the implementation of ICT information technologies, new media internet technologies, including social media portals and advanced data processing technology Industry 4.0 into educational processes can have a negative impact on the classical theory of children's mental development. Because in young children and adolescents, the process of adopting new concepts (thought process) in pre-school institutes extends from the perception of the senses (sight, hearing, touch), speech and direct manipulation of real objects (teaching resources), to create abstract concepts is the use of new information technologies ICT, Internet technologies and Industry 4.0 should be done under the full control of educators. Because in young children, this child must first "see the object in his head", he first had to "see it and touch with his hand" to learn, so devoting a significant amount of time to viewing various graphic and film spots, advertising on social media sites by children can cause negative effects in the psyche and in the psychosomatic development of a child. Therefore, information and communication technologies cannot replace every form and method of learning in the educational process of young children and adolescents. Of course, full implementation of ICT information technologies and new media internet technologies cannot be excluded including social media portals and advanced data processing technology Industry 4.0 for teaching processes in schools. This process is already taking place. However, it is necessary to take this process under the full control of educators, teachers and parents of children. There are already many disturbing information from the media and from ongoing research on the effects of using new media internet technologies, including social media portals by children and young people. Children and teenagers mainly browse social media on smartphones. Many children spend too much time browsing social media portals on smartphones. The result is a reduction in the time spent on physical and sport activities, on learning, book readership decreases and the scale of diagnosed vision defects in adolescents in recent years. In this way, many problems arise that can affect the reduction of educational opportunities for children and adolescents. these problems should be solved systemically at all levels of the education system, i.e. from ministries of education to individual schools. Students and parents should be made aware of emerging threats through social campaigns in various media. Research shows that the process of implementing ICT information technologies, new media internet technologies, including social media portals and advanced data processing technologies, Industry 4.0 for teaching processes in schools has already begun. Of course, the use of ICT, Internet and Industry 4.0 technologies in education processes does not only generate negative aspects. Therefore, the central institutions of the education system should coordinate the development of these processes in such a way as to maximize the positive aspects of the implementation of ICT information technologies, new media internet technologies, including social media portals and advanced industry 4.0 data processing technology for teaching processes in schools. However, one should not forget about these negative aspects, about already diagnosed developing problems, which should be solved and educating teachers, students and parents about potential threats.
Ad. 7: Industry 4.0 advanced data processing technologies, including above all Learning machines and Artificial Intelligence is also used in the attempt to build machines equipped with the ability to self-improve the tasks performed and programmed activities. Perhaps in the future there will be an attempt to build artificial awareness in which supercomputers will be equipped. In my opinion, consciousness can only be mathematically modeled in theory. Even if a mathematical model of artificial consciousness were built using ICT and Industry 4.0 and in the future Industry 5.0 and based on this model artificial intelligence would be created in quantum computers installed e.g. in autonomous robots, androids, it will still be only artificial intelligence without emotions and the essence of human consciousness. An analysis of the nature of human thoughts is necessary to distinguish between human intelligence and various artificial intelligence technologies being developed. In advanced computerized systems of neural networks, artificial intelligence systems are created, whose task will be to solve tasks consisting of complex sequences of many algorithms and self-learning systems for solving complex problems with the help of many algorithms. In these systems, man will try to create a structure that solves complex analytical tasks and learns from his mistakes. The advantage of artificial intelligence systems over their creator, i.e. man, is to rely on a much smaller number of mistakes made during repeated processes of solving complex tasks and learning new complex formulas to apply specific increasingly complex algorithms. However, after developing these artificial intelligence systems and applying them in many computerized fields of modern economies, what will be the next stage of technological progress in this field? Therefore, will the age of artificial intelligence and artificial consciousness come after the age of artificial intelligence? In my opinion, this is impossible. In my opinion, despite the rapid progress in the development and creation of new generations of artificial intelligence, it will never be possible to create an artificial creation that can be the equivalent of human intelligence taking into account human emotional intelligence and the specifics of human thoughts, human consciousness, human feelings. Therefore, the thesis can be formulated that in some respects artificial intelligence will probably never match human intelligence. The machine will be able to solve very complex problems and tasks but will not know why it does it, who it is, in what world it operates, it will not be able to realize its existence in the Universe etc. Machines in the form of autonomous androids can perform physically difficult works that a man cannot is able to perform. Quantum computers equipped with Big Data Analytics will be able to solve analytical tasks many times faster than the most powerful human minds. However, they will not be aware of their existence. Human awareness of its existence has been evolved in millions of years of evolution of the human mind and also of human ancestors that preceded humanity, i.e. human-like primates belonging to primates. Human consciousness was created in a process of evolution lasting millions of years, during which the process of continuous interaction of a complex biological organism with the environment has evolved. While artificial intelligence is based on systems of neural networks in a simplified way, to a small extent imitating the human central nervous system and the computational power of performing specific elementary tasks exceeding the analytical abilities of a human being, however, the level of complexity of the living organism of mammals is still many times higher than the most advanced computers.
Ad. 8. In recent years, Industry 4.0 technologies are also used in many other fields of industry, services, production technology improvement, medicine, biotechnology, in forecasting the future development of complex processes, in various branches and sectors of the knowledge-based economy. Further development of applications of the Industry 4.0 technology is expected in the coming years. In many areas of knowledge, science and industry, the development of various applications of ICT information technologies and advanced data processing Industry 4.0 is just beginning.
Best wishes
Dariusz Prokopowicz
2 Recommendations
Concensus algorithms (e.g. proof of work and proof of stake) and their design for different application contexts of blockchain technology. Blockchain will be the fundamental technology for a lot of IR 4.0 technologies. The challenge is to ensure such algorithms are tamper-proof in the many applications of blockchain (of which cryptocurrency is only ONE of them). So a clear conceptualization of the problems is needed first before implementation in algorithms. And the conceptualization requires insights into the nature of trust, cognitive perceptions, and collaborative value creation. Like every technology that has come before, the key risks is connected to social engineering. This is actually a very old problem, the problem of market design. Of planned coordination, spontaneous order and self-organization:
Yuliya Stavissky
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
My research deals with the transformation of the traditional teachers to the digital reality. If it helps, with pleasure I would discuss the issue.
2 Recommendations

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