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Asked 14th Jan, 2014

What are the implications of using even or odd Likert scales for a research survey?

Quantitative research
Federico Cabitza
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
I usually employ a technique called "Management of the Hesitant". I adopt an even-numbered scale (usually 6 values), which actually present two midpoints and, mind, an external option like "I do not know" or "I prefer not to answer" (this is not to force anyone in giving a response). Then I perform a binomial test (or chi-square test) on the numbers of the responses collected for the 3rd and 4th options (the midpoints), to see whether some polarization occurs (many tools online allows this, e.g.,, ). Then I report the cumulative proportion of people that have chosen one of either midpoints (3rd + 4th), stating whether a significant tendency toward either the positive or the negative extreme of the scale has been detected (this is the case if the p-value associated with the binomial test is lower than .05). In so doing, I catch the hesitant ones, those who prefer to take refuge in the midpoint (in odd-numbered scales), but I have enough information to understand if any significant pattern can be observed (against the null hypothesis that hesitant people just choose a midpoint randomly). Then I collapse this information again into a cumulative midpoint proportion, to be totally compatible with other studies (adotping an odd-numbered sscale) and at the same time to distiguish these people from those who expressed a clearer attitude towards one of the extreme values. Hope this helps!
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