Asked 9th Feb, 2016

What is the most weakness muscle in the quadriceps in aging?

If muscle decline in sarcopenia, may it have effect in VMO or VL ?
How is the balance between VMO VL in aging?

Most recent answer

Parinyathip Thongduang
Khon Kaen University
Thanks you very musch.

All Answers (6)

Earric M Lee
Montreal Heart Institute
  1. The VI or vastus intermedius. MRI studies have shown that csa decreases from non-exercising control groups comes from that area the most. Given its deep position over the VMO and VL, muscle activation tends to be reduced in most activities of daily living. Also, the muscle is more tonic in nature. The rec fem is a biarticular muscle, therefore, it is subjected to more movement related stress from both hip flexion and knee extension. 
1 Recommendation
Earric M Lee
Montreal Heart Institute
Very subjective. The rate of decline may not be as much as in the vl, given that aging is accompanied by degenerative joints and surrounding structures. Assuming it is a sedentary but healthy population, there would be a higher degree of vmo size reduction. Although studies have shown that the decrease in force production is equal; which can be attributed back to muscle physiology and pcsa, the pennation angle of the vmo gives it more of a biomechanical advantage, although the physical size of the vl is still larger.
1 Recommendation
Parinyathip Thongduang
Khon Kaen University
I don't know how to thank you.
Parinyathip Thongduang
Khon Kaen University
Thanks you very musch.

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