Asked 13th Sep, 2023

Sorghum database, bioinformatics analysis?

Is there any specific database for sorghum genetic analysis? For example: SNP analysis, expression analysis

All Answers (2)

Debarun Acharya
Bose Institute
You can try PLEXdb ( for gene expression analysis.
For the SNP analysis, this database may be useful (
Please follow the provided links.
Mahadev Asaram Jadhav
Deogiri College, Aurangabad India.

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What measures can be taken to improve NanoPore sequencing results, when working with a large amphibian genome despite meeting quality standards?
5 answers
  • Virag NyiriVirag Nyiri
Greetings everyone.
I seek guidance from individuals experienced in NanoPore sequencing of whole genomes of non-model eukaryotic organism. Our objective is to sequence the genome of an amphibian species with a sizable genome (~5 Gb) utilizing the NanoPore long-read sequencing platform. Despite employing various DNA extraction and purification methods, achieving the requisite purity for DNA extracts has proven challenging.
After numerous attempts, we have managed to produce samples that meet the quality standards set by Oxford NanoPore, with A260/A280 ratios ranging from 1.8 to 2.0 and A260/A230 ratios from 2.0 to 2.2. The DNA is not fragmented based on a simple TBE agarose gel run. We initiated library preparation with 1 microgram of input DNA, in accordance with the genomic DNA sequencing protocol using the Ligation Sequencing Kit (V.14 chemistry).
However, our sequencing results have consistently fallen short, with a read N50 value of less than 8 kb (somethimes much less) and a maximum output of 5 Gb (after 36h sequencing, load the lib. twice), significantly below our target. I am reaching out to seek insights from experienced individuals regarding potential reasons for these suboptimal outcomes and to explore strategies for improvement. Your expertise and guidance in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
I attach an agarose gel picture with our input DNA sample (first spot). The corresponding NanoDrop purity ratios for this sample are A260/A280 - 1.854 and A260/A230 - 2.088.

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