Asked 20th Jan, 2021

SmartPLS: What should I do if discriminant validity HTMT>0.90?

Dear researchers,
I have HTMT larger than 0.9, and I have read the article by Henseler et al (2015) :A new criterion for assessing discriminant validity in variance-based structural equation modeling, so I tried to run bootstrapping to check HTMT inference, but the results still look not good. What should I do now? I need to submit thesis in two weeks, so I don't have time to collect data again.

Most recent answer

Anak Agung Bagus Wirayuda
Sultan Qaboos University

Popular answers (1)

Ahmed Al Asheq
National University of Ireland, Maynooth
Kara Ma May be you can try with different sample size to check the discriminant validity,I mean taking n=280; n=250 etc
4 Recommendations

All Answers (9)

Mahadi Hasan Miraz
Curtin University
Dear Kara Ma from your result it is clear the data responses are not appropriate. You choose the wrong respondents. Or the answers are taken from one respondent many times.
Can you elaborate on how you collect the data. Another way you have to know how to play with data.
Kara Ma
University of Otago
Hi Mahadi Hasan Miraz,
Thank you for your answer. I have collected 317 data from online panel. So what should I do next? I do not have time to collect the data again.
1 Recommendation
Ahmed Al Asheq
National University of Ireland, Maynooth
Kara Ma May be you can try with different sample size to check the discriminant validity,I mean taking n=280; n=250 etc
4 Recommendations
Salah Ahmed
hello Kara Ma
Did you find out what to do with HTMT larger than 0.9?
Could you please share the reasons, and the solutions?
Thanks in Advance
1 Recommendation
Anak Agung Bagus Wirayuda
Sultan Qaboos University
For HTMT, you may re-do it using the HTMT2 instead, a newlyfound and improved version from the traditional HTMT. It is softer. Refer to:
You can use this online calculator to provide HTMT2, and enter the correlation matrix manually to get the particular result:
4 Recommendations
Ziaul Haque Munim
University of South-Eastern Norway
I do not think HTMT2 will solve the issue. HTMT2 is more stricter than the original HTMT. I think the issue is more related to design of the study and use of measurement items. Besides, have you cleaned data for straight lining?
Ganaie Tawseef
University of Kashmir
If still anybody is facing this issue you can inbox me for the same.
Andrey Andoko
University Multimedia Nusantara
You can run Factor reduction analysis at SPSS with varimax method. Variables that have close value means highly correlated. You should delete items that highly correlated
2 Recommendations
Anak Agung Bagus Wirayuda
Sultan Qaboos University

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