Started 2nd Nov, 2018

SAHARA TOUAT’S mysteries

From former researches, I knew Majorcan Jews dealt with gold from Sudan and that a Jewish community was living in the desert (they were mentioned in the Cresques map, appearing as a coma on the desert highway). From my Balearic island of Formentera, I could not go on further. But, promoting my historical work about Algiers on Algerian History Forums, this amazing Latin 1447 letter popped up, conserved in La Genizah’s archives, the great synagogue from El Cairo, because it contains the name of God in Hebrew (la Genizah’s archives collects all the texts that mention the name of God in Hebrew). It’s Antonio Malfante, Genovese merchant in Majorca in 1447, on the track of Majorcan Jews, looking for the lost Jewish tribes in Touat desert. Can any Latinist help me to translate the letter? Touat-en.docx is an article I wrote for Diario de Mallorca but wasn’t published.

All replies (2)

Timothy Edward Jones
Swansea University
is it just the one page that appears on your touat-en.docx? if so I can have a go later this week if no one has done it for you before then
touat-en is a 4 pages text but if you have time, I'll be very pleased to read your review.

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