Asked 19th Jan, 2022

Procedure of iterations in estimation of Sensible Heat Flux in SEBAL?

While performing iterations for Sensible Heat Flux (H) in SEBAL, there is a bit of ambiguity as to how to perform calculations in a spreadsheet. The basic procedure is as follows:
1) Using values for friction velocity, wind speed at blending height, and surface roughness length for the weather station, the initial value of atmospheric resistance to heat transport is estimated.
2) Using initial rah, and values for Rn, G at the hot and cold anchor pixels, the initial value of sensible heat flux is estimated for neutral atmospheric conditions.
3) correlation coefficients are determined for anchor pixels.
4) dT function is estimated for each pixel.
5) Air temp. is determined for each pixel (Ta=Ts-dT)
6) Air density at the anchor pixels is corrected.
7) H for each pixel is determined.
8) Stability conditions are determined using Monin-Obukhov length.
9) friction velocity and rah are corrected
My question is regarding air density at anchor pixels. For each iteration, what values should be used for each term in this equation for the determination of dT, rah and air density at the anchor pixels: dT=H*rah/p*cp

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