Asked 6th Sep, 2012

Memories of Experience

Can human Long Term Memories be ever mapped and downloadable?

All Answers (1)

Sidharta Chatterjee
Andhra University
Well there seems to be some distant possibilities, but would be fascinating when that time comes;
Singularity 1 on 1: Dr. Randal Koene on the Ethics of Mind Uploading
Dr. Randal Koene
But I am not sure enough how far it is science or just fiction.
1 Recommendation

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Hera are the results of my summary(model) :
> summary(LiDAR_selection10[[1]])
glm(formula = dfSURVEY_presence_absence[, i] ~ Chm10 + Wetness10 +
    Light.Bode10 + Chm10:Wetness10 + Chm10:Light.Bode10, family = binomial)
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    Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-1.9818  -1.0054   0.5533   0.9494   1.7402 
                    Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) 
(Intercept)        27.243650  16.103729   1.692   0.0907 .
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Chm10:Light.Bode10  0.006562   0.003038   2.160   0.0308 *
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Why is working memory considered a special kind of memory instead of a state of memory?
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  • Joaquin M FusterJoaquin M Fuster
      Baddeley (1983) said it clearly, that working memory is the temporary retention of recent information for the performance of a task or the solution of a problem.  Yet the future perspective of working memory is commonly ignored and, with it, the essence of its definition and the key to understanding its brain mechanisms.   Indeed working memory is essentially prospective, like other executive functions of the prefrontal cortex.  They are prospective and preadaptive.  So, in a certain sense, working memory is teleological.  Psychologists and neuroscientists, however, like all other scientists, abhor teleology because it reverses the temporal course of causality, an absurdity.  They even have a hard time accepting teleonomy (Monod 1971), which posits that life itself has future “purposes”: to preserve and to propagate itself.
      On close analysis, working memory can be shown to be prospective, future-oriented, yet not strictly speaking teleological.  The evidence is now overwhelming that working memory consists of activated long-term memory that has been updated for the achievement of a goal in the near future.  The updating may be prompted by an external or internal stimulus, but the content of working memory is not just that stimulus but also its history.  Therefore, working memory is not a special form or system of memory, but the active state of a temporarily reconfigured cortical network of long-term memory toward a goal in the near future.
Baddeley, A. (1983). Working memory. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. London. B302, 311-324.
Monod, J. (1971). Chance and Necessity. (New York: Knopf).
Fuster, J. M. (2015). The Prefrontal Cortex, fifth Edition.  (London: Academic Press).
 Fuster, J.M. and Bressler S.L.  (2015).  Past makes future: Role of pFC in prediction.  Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 27: 639-654, 2015.

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