Asked 17th Sep, 2023

Measurement of Air Pressure and Volume of Trapped Air in Triaxial Tests for Unsaturated Soils?

For an ongoing research project, I am delving into measuring air pressure and possibly the volume of trapped air within soil specimens during triaxial tests for unsaturated soils. The intent is to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the role and behavior of trapped air in the context of unsaturated soil mechanics.
I would appreciate any references or insights from anyone who knows of past research, published studies, or even ongoing unpublished studies related to this topic. These can provide a foundational understanding and possibly guide the direction of my experiments.
While I am in the preliminary stages of my experiment and have specific methodologies in mind, it would be invaluable to learn from the experiences of those who have traversed this path before or are currently exploring similar avenues.
Thank you in advance for your assistance and expertise!

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Strategies for Effective Gold Nugget Exploration in Victoria, Australia?
2 answers
  • A. EbrahimiA. Ebrahimi
Hello fellow researchers,
I am currently reviewing technical papers and research on gold nugget exploration in Victoria, Australia. While there is a wealth of information available in academic literature, I have noticed that many unofficial sources and media reports also share findings of gold discoveries in this region.
To enhance my understanding and develop a more effective exploration strategy, I am seeking insights on the following aspects:
  1. Geology and Zoning: What are the key geological features and zones in Victoria that are most conducive to gold nugget formation? Are there specific regions or terrains within Victoria that are known for higher concentrations of gold nuggets?
  2. Detection Techniques: What types of metal detectors or other geophysical methods are recommended for gold nugget detection in this region? Are there specific models or technologies that have proven particularly effective?
  3. Technical Estimations: What methods are used to estimate the size, concentration, and distribution of gold nuggets in a given area? How can one evaluate the potential yield before undertaking extensive mining operations?
  4. Suggestions and Solutions: Are there any innovative approaches or recent advancements in gold nugget exploration that could improve the efficiency and success rate of finding gold in Victoria?
I am particularly interested in understanding how to integrate geological data with practical exploration techniques to optimize the search for gold nuggets. Any detailed suggestions, case studies, or references to recent research would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your valuable insights and contributions.
Best regards,
A. Ebrahimi

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Full-text available
Murray, Edward J., Alessandro Tarrantino, and Katia V. Bicalho. "Evaluation report on Parallel Session 2.2: experimental unsaturated soil mechanics." Unsaturated Soils: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, UNSAT 2002, 10-13 March 2002, Recife, Brazil. Vol. 3. Taylor & Francis, 2004.
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