Asked 14th Jul, 2013
  • GoodFood Market Corp.

Is it worth publishing with Lambert Academic publishers?

My inbox has repeatedly been spammed from lambert Academic publishers. Is it worth publishing with this publisher. Do they have any authenticity. There is a lot of bad stuff written about this. Still, people publish their thesis with them. How one could publish your results in the form of book when its already published in the form of research articles. Are they peer reviewed....Suggestions welcome

Most recent answer

Primrose Sabela
University of Mpumalanga
Many thanks for the information, was about to take the offer. 

Popular answers (1)

I would rather publish it for free w/ open access option (e.g. RG, Berkeley Press Selected Works, ProQuest -, various other platforms depending on the field) than trust LAP or any similar publisher. They do spam frequently by seemingly ''inviting'' researchers and students. This ''invitation'' is a result of pubic profiles easily tracked on all kinds of sites where robots search for particular strings (e.g. thesis, research, article).
There is also the option to publish your works on GRIN ( Again, my advice would be to do it for free (as they refer to it - the free area), as an open access option. You would gain an ISBN to your work and visibility. You may also choose to have your works published as paper books in addition to the freely available online version. However, it is not known for how long the site will exist. You can only hope that your works will not suddenly disappear. I think that this platform is a good option for other student works (essays, term papers) which have not been targeted by any other publishing channels (as far as I know).
Mind that a thesis is always an official work, irrespective of your financial gain, and thus it can be cited as a work deposited in the library of your institution. If you choose to make it available online, the only thing that changes is that more people would access it, and they would have to add to the quotation (if they choose to quote it) available at ... ("..." = the internet site where it was uploaded).
Another option that came to my mind is that you might try to publish your thesis or term papers w/ peer-review option by choosing to submit them to an open access journal. I have seen some offering this option (for both term papers and theses already defended or still works in progress). Unfortunately, I don't remember which ones exactly but I can give you links to some directories where you can explore your options: Directory of Open Access Journals ( - you may also filter by student or graduate journals; UNESCO global OA portal (; the German Open Access portal - in German and English - see repositories and journals by discipline:; Journals hosted by Bepress Digital Commons incl. student journals (; the Undergraduate Journals and Conferences Directory ( - some journals are open to works written by graduate students and by people who are no longer in academia but who would like to publish their old works.
207 Recommendations

All Answers (939)

Sri Sulastini
Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dear Dillon,
It is one that you should avoid. Click on this link to get the answer:
2 Recommendations
Garry Dhillon
GoodFood Market Corp.
Thanks@Sri...the blog reads: I receive many emails from all over the world complaining about LAP Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG. (This publisher is so bad, I will not even provide a link to them).
I don’t list them on my blog because they are not an open-access publisher. Instead, they spam recent graduates and junior faculty and entice them to sign over the rights to their dissertations and theses, which Lambert then advertises on Amazon and elsewhere and prints them on demand.
In fact, the company has a gaggle of “acquisition editors” who search the web all day and night and then send spam emails to their unlucky targets who have recently completed a dissertation.
LAP is an imprint of VDM Publishing, which is headquartered in Saarbrücken, Germany. The Wikipedia article about VDM Publishing provides a good description of the company’s questionable practices.
I won’t do a full analysis here because that’s already been done quite well by other bloggers.
Perhaps the best description and analysis of Lambert Academic Publishing is the one written by Christopher Collins of Toronto, Ontario in his blog. He concludes “Steer clear of this company,” and I agree.
Recommendation: Do not do any business with Lambert Academic Publishing.
121 Recommendations
Surinder Kaur Dhillon
Banaras Hindu University
It's not peer point in publishing with them except just increasing your publication numbers..!! many students and researcher would have fall into their trap.
4 Recommendations
Anna Virkama
U. Tampere & U. Paris 8
I had my Master's thesis published by LAP, after they had approached me by e-mail. Not peer-reviewed, and very light editing process. As far as I know, nothing bad has happened to me because of that, I have later on published with other (peer-reviewed publishers. I was already working on a PhD project on other topic, and had no plans to publish my Master's elsewhere. Publishing was entirely free for me, but apparently a colleague )of mine who was also interested in publishing with them was asked for a small fee for the cover picture.
2 Recommendations
Mohammad Jawaid
United Arab Emirates University
any thing they publish without editing. Recently I published in it and later on realize that its not good to publish with LAP.
4 Recommendations
I would rather publish it for free w/ open access option (e.g. RG, Berkeley Press Selected Works, ProQuest -, various other platforms depending on the field) than trust LAP or any similar publisher. They do spam frequently by seemingly ''inviting'' researchers and students. This ''invitation'' is a result of pubic profiles easily tracked on all kinds of sites where robots search for particular strings (e.g. thesis, research, article).
There is also the option to publish your works on GRIN ( Again, my advice would be to do it for free (as they refer to it - the free area), as an open access option. You would gain an ISBN to your work and visibility. You may also choose to have your works published as paper books in addition to the freely available online version. However, it is not known for how long the site will exist. You can only hope that your works will not suddenly disappear. I think that this platform is a good option for other student works (essays, term papers) which have not been targeted by any other publishing channels (as far as I know).
Mind that a thesis is always an official work, irrespective of your financial gain, and thus it can be cited as a work deposited in the library of your institution. If you choose to make it available online, the only thing that changes is that more people would access it, and they would have to add to the quotation (if they choose to quote it) available at ... ("..." = the internet site where it was uploaded).
Another option that came to my mind is that you might try to publish your thesis or term papers w/ peer-review option by choosing to submit them to an open access journal. I have seen some offering this option (for both term papers and theses already defended or still works in progress). Unfortunately, I don't remember which ones exactly but I can give you links to some directories where you can explore your options: Directory of Open Access Journals ( - you may also filter by student or graduate journals; UNESCO global OA portal (; the German Open Access portal - in German and English - see repositories and journals by discipline:; Journals hosted by Bepress Digital Commons incl. student journals (; the Undergraduate Journals and Conferences Directory ( - some journals are open to works written by graduate students and by people who are no longer in academia but who would like to publish their old works.
207 Recommendations
Matthias Wilhelm
Momentum Engineering Inc., Tokyo, Japan
You get spammed by them and even consider to publish there? Every journal or conference that sends unsolicited email gets on my black list, such behavior is not acceptable and any reputable publisher would not use such marketing.
3 Recommendations
Jose ISAIAS Lobo Fontalvo
Universidad del Atlántico
I published with them and nothing happened to me. I have not had any problems. However, I would not publish with the same company twice to spice things up.
3 Recommendations
Parag Arun Narkhede
KCES's Institute of Management & Research, Jalgaon
Same thing
I do Agree with Jose
3 Recommendations
Rahul Pratap Singh Kaurav
FORE School of Management
I think publishing with renowned publishers is a good option but not badly renowned. Nobody is going to harm you if you publish with them but is your prestige point. I can put put you in two situations:
1. OMG, You book has been published with Elsevier....
2. Ohh you published with LAP...
You better understand how it works.
9 Recommendations
Anna Virkama
U. Tampere & U. Paris 8
Just to precise my previous answer: my work was already published at my university's theses database before publishing with LAP, so it is freely available for other scholars to read. LAP did not ask any exclusive rights, so you can still afterwards publish your work elsewhere later on if you want to.
After I published with LAP, I have received e-mails and got into contact with other researchers, so I guess the work got some visibiility.. Looks like from the university's site nobody seemed to find it.
Still, I second the other commentators that if you can, publish with some prestigious journal/publishing house. It requires more time and effort, but certainly is better for your academic career.
6 Recommendations
Yes,of course.Lambert Academic publishing company is a reputable international outfit.I have a lot of publications by peers on their paperback
4 Recommendations
Omer Hassan Ali Mahfoodh
Universiti Sains Malaysia
it is not reviewed at all. Some universities asked their staff not to publish in it.
1 Recommendation
Abdullah Al Muhit
Royal Perth Hospital
Great thread. Could someone list a bunch of credible sites / publishers for MS or PhD thesis publications?
3 Recommendations
Edison Pignaton de Freitas
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
I did also receive this email inviting to publish my thesis with LAP. I became happy at the first moment, but then I came to this website:
which is quite negative about LAP. Then I searched a bit more and found some other negative opinions, and then this discussion here. Well, many negative point of views, but considering what Anna Virkama and Jose Lobo described, it is still possible to consider publishing with them. If the work got visibility, well, this is the goal. Anyway, I'm worried about the fact that maybe publishing with them can have a negative impact when applying for a researcher or professor position... Summarizing, I'm really till in doubt if it worth or not to give it a try...
3 Recommendations
Juan F. R. Archilla
Universidad de Sevilla
I'm considering to self publish a book and I don't really understand the criticism to that company. I really would like to have it explained.
About spam email, I've received unsolicited emails from all type of companies. If I didn't do business with them I wouldn't be able to have a cell phone! And maybe I won't be able to publish anywhere. It is also called marketing.
Of course it's not peer reviewed (which often it's not as good as it sounds), it's not a prestigious journal, it's not a prestigious science publisher. I understand it's just a means of self publishing and it's free.
If I wan't something being published, for which I myself an the only responsible and not the editors. I get an ISBN and own the copyright, people can get a printed copy if they wish, including myself and interested colleagues, and I can keep my work available on line at my university or my personal website, what is the problem?
6 Recommendations
S. Veerasingam
Qatar University
Dear All,
I tell you about the Lambert Academic publishers. Because, I have affected directly by them. They sent me a mail to publish my thesis. I have also agreed. They have published without any peer review and editing as such. But, my name is also misspelled in that book. When i was approached to change my name, they asked money to revise. I told them to withdraw my book. Then, they asked more money to withdraw. They are all fake publishers. Be aware to such kind of publishers. For more information go through the following links.
11 Recommendations
I agree with Juan Arcilla, José Lobo and Parag Narkhede.
I´ve just published a book with LAP and all the process was OK... In my view, the thing is to get visivility with your research... and with LAP... you get it
2 Recommendations
Faiz Ahmed Raza
National Institute of Health Islamabad
I would never recommend to publish with LAP. Just few days ago I had got a chance to read "so called" book published by LAP and literally I feel disgraced that such type of work even get published. I don't know what credit would people get out of it.
3 Recommendations
Peter J Sanderson
The University of Newcastle, Australia
I just received an email from them, and thought I'd look into it before making any decision. The information here does not give me much confidence to publish with them. I think I will focus on journal publications of my theses work.
5 Recommendations
Magdalena Młynarczyk
Central Institute for Labour Protection-National Research Institute
I also received an email from them, but I prefer to try to publish an article in IF journals.
2 Recommendations
Gourav Banerjee
Washington University in St. Louis
I would never publish with LAP. As somebody above suggested, that would bring disgrace to my CV. Yes I too was spammed a few times by LAP.
4 Recommendations
I totally agree. It's much better to publish with respected publishing houses, or even with small and new ones, but which have good opinion. The article in Wikipedia on this publishing company, linked above, is very telling indeed.
1 Recommendation
Nelly Cardinale, Ed.D.
Eastern Florida State College
I also got the same SPAM email, checked them out on Google and then discarded the message. Instead I recommend publishing a thesis/dissertation with ProQuest. It is free, has an open access option and adds the submission to the US Library of Congress thesis/dissertation collection.
1 Recommendation
Bahram Kazemian
Islamic Azad University
Dear GS Dhillon
I agree with Patricia Martínez García de Leaniz, I've recently published a book with LAP LAMBERT and It went smoothly well and didn't have the above mentioned problems. They are very quick and supportive. First, after submitting, a reviewer is introduced to assist you in the process of formatting, then after the formatting is approved, you will be given 10 days to reduce the price of your book by purchasing some copies but it is not mandatory. You can view my profile and find the cover page. Anyway you have the final say-so to publish it or not.
3 Recommendations
Muhammad Abu Eusuf
International Islamic University Malaysia
We must follow the majorities comments, suggestion and advice. Thanks to all.
Rolando Procupez
University of Costa Rica
I juts got two email from them. I search in Spanish and English, and > 90% of the hits (plus answers in here) led to the same conclusion: they're unreliable, it's basically "academic spam" and in my opinion they're making money out of the original writers without given them any royalty.
No thanks.
Kuldeep Dhama
Indian Veterinary Research Institute
LAP does not go for peer-reviewing - they publish what one send them -- I feel it is not worth publishing in LAP
4 Recommendations
Muhammad Imran Tariq
Higher Education Department, Punjab, Lahore
Is it not good initiative for beginner researchers? 
2 Recommendations
Faiz Ahmed Raza
National Institute of Health Islamabad
Dear M. Imran Tariq, 
I think it it is very important to start carrier with a quality publication. 
1 Recommendation
M.E. Stothers
The University of Western Ontario
LAP is on a roll.  This morning they asked me to publish work for which I am still collecting data and which I have not yet defended.  I'm deleting the email.
Kuldeep Dhama
Indian Veterinary Research Institute
Just send LAP - any matter and they will publish - no peer-reviewing, no proof checking, no editing, no correction - and even a single print copy if needed authors need to buy - just LAP is earning due to researcher's unawareness and presenting own thesis with a  little fancy and condensed look ---- and also infringing copyrights of papers published in scientific journals 
1 Recommendation
Kuldeep Dhama
Indian Veterinary Research Institute
dear ruchi - you published your thesis with LAP -- pl just share what happened finally - 2 years have passed - did they send any copy, any single penny out of the total earning they told will give you (15%), was it peer-reviewed, edited and any corrections made?...LAP is following all tricks and such publishers need to be banned...obtaining of any ISSN no. is not much difficult - send me any matter for publication  and I will make you done with ISSN no.
1 Recommendation
Massimo Negro
University of Pavia
I too have been contacted by LAP with a friendly proposal to convert my last new paper in to a new book....thank for your suggestions. 
Luciano Brito Rodrigues
Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia
Thank for your comments. I decided do not answer the email received from LAP. In fact is an exciting proposal, although it is far from the best and traditional way to make a good and relevant publishing. It's my opinion.
3 Recommendations
Muhammad Imran Tariq
Higher Education Department, Punjab, Lahore
Which free publisher is best for the publication of M.Phil thesis
Kindly guide me and oblige 
Kudzai Mugadza
University of KwaZulu-Natal
I have received the same email and thank you for your comments and suggestions, now i know what to do.
1 Recommendation
Sandeep K. Mishra
Yale University
I have been also contacted from LAP. Thanks for your comments. I searched and found that it's not worthy to publish in LAP. I would prefer to delete it's contact.
2 Recommendations
Saw Saw
Department of Medical Research
I have been contacted from LAP. Many thanks for all your kind advices.
1 Recommendation
Kaushiki Kadam
National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health, (ICMR), Mumbai
Many thanks for your inputs on LAP. I too have been contacted by them. I just deleted that e-mail.
1 Recommendation
Bojana Radenković Šošić
University of Kragujevac
They contacted me twice. I realized that something was wrong when I saw the wrong name of my university...
1 Recommendation
Elahe Khorasani
Tehran University of Medical Sciences
I have been contacted from LAP. Many thanks for all your kind advices.
1 Recommendation
Elizabeta Tosheva
University "St. Kliment Ohridski" - Bitola
It seems that they contact everyone who is on Research Gate. Thank you everyone for the suggestions.
1 Recommendation
Juan F. R. Archilla
Universidad de Sevilla
I've never published with LAP and I don't plan currently to do it. But anyway it's a possibility.
What  I don't understand is the problem with LAP. They offer a service, if you want to self edit some book and get a free copy, and maybe sb will buy it, good. It is probably  better than to have it inside a drawer.  It doesn't add much to your CV, probably nothing. [This is not completely true, if you get it to be cited by many other authors, it maybe not that bad].
It's much worse than to publish it in a good journal or a prestigious publisher, sure. Also much easier. And  there maybe some reasons also to self publish, maybe what you want to do is not the structure or the type of content journals of publishers want.  Often they are quite rigid.
They offer a service, read the details, if you find them convenient, take it. If not, don't do it.
I get spam from all the well known physics publishers,  some are annoying, some are interesting, the ones I don't like are easy to delete. On the whole I like the information I get.
2 Recommendations
Marco Serino
University of Naples Federico II
I've just received an email from them... As I read here I think it's worth ignoring it, after all I've had similar messages sent to me in the past, especially after giving presentations to conferences 
Parag Arun Narkhede
KCES's Institute of Management & Research, Jalgaon
In fact I too got recommendations from on of my senior colleague & published with LAP... Later on I come to know that its my biggest mistake....
Yoppy Palupi
School of Business Ekuitas,Bandung,Indonesia
I got email from LAP,  when i read this mail i trust it, because he convince me to publish my jurnal to his publisher. But when i read over and over again, i found the something wrong, they said they found my journal in repository, it must be wrong because my university doesnt have repository yet. Furtonetly i did not send my complete journal. 
1 Recommendation
I would like to thanks every one to come in front with their +- ve comments. What I observed most have given -ve comment. I also surprised how without peer review, the publisher publishes the material to the scientific community? It will bring negative direction in academic and research growth.If they publish with peer review then itsOk. I recently heard that publisher does not give any copy to the author free of cost. Author has to buy the book after publication. So they are earning money by selling the book to the others as well as to authors.
3 Recommendations
Yusuf Hashim
Kaduna State University
Actually, I dont much about this publisher, however, I amm sceptical about their activities. Best of luck.
Carijn Beumer
Maastricht University
Hi all, I think it would not be wise to publish with LAP. Especially not when you are a beginning researcher. I think it might affect your CV negatively instead of positively to have a publication there.
I was also annoyed by the multilple friendly requests to publish my dissertation there and finally decided to write a reply. I don't know if that was wise of me to do, but I felt  like doing it and I will see if I get any more spam mails by LAP. If you like, you can use it as an example if you feel like sending a reply to end the spamming. Here it comes:
"Dear Mrs. Olsen,
In reply to your mail, a few answers to your questions:
1.Yes, I received your earlier emails.
2. No, I don't wish to publish my dissertation via your services and I don't want to hand over my copyrights to your company for the following reason: although LAP is a registered company, it is infamous on the web for its dubious publication practices, see for example: 
3. I hope for you that you can find another and a better job soon. One that respects your professional capacities and your value as a person better that LAP publishing does.
4. I am not Mr. Beumer, but a female person. It would be practical and polite that -- if you decide to keep working for your boss -- you do a little research before addressing your 'potential' customers. At the other side, perhaps I should not tell you this, because most researchers who are a bit cautious and annoyed by the many spam mails they receive are even more cautious and annoyed when they are not addressed properly. And that would be good in the case of being 'invited' by LAP. Because then my colleagues would surely not walk into the trap of publishing their work with you without researching the web about the way you operate.
5. Please never contact me again, except when you have a new job and work for a high profile publisher like Springer, Elsevier, or Earthscan or any other well-known and respected University Press.
Thank you,
Kind Regards and a happy new year to you, (with hopefully a new job),
Carijn Beumer"
8 Recommendations
Nathan Shaviya
Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology
Just received an email from LAP asking me to publish with them, I am glad I read this thread other wise I would become a victim.
Mukadasi Buyinza
Makerere University
Lambert will publish any garbage, lets steer away from them and never get close.
Dr-Kashif Farhat
Mohammad Ali Jinnah University Karachi
Here is the bait I received from infamous Lambert Academic Publishing just yesterday. I found many people on internet have shared the same message from LAP.
Dear Mr. Muhammad,
I am Olivia Morrison from the editorial team of Lambert Academic Publishing.
I’m getting in touch with you today concerning an interesting work from 2015 which I found at the European Journal of Business and Management.
Is it correct that you authored the work entitled “paper's name excluded?"
A short confirmation would be greatly appreciated. I believe this particular topic could be of interest to a wider audience and we would be glad to consider publishing it.
We would be especially interested in publishing a complete academic work of yours (a thesis, a dissertation or a monograph) as a printed book.
Should the commercialisation of your work as printed book meet your interest, I will be glad to provide you with further details in an electronic brochure.
I am looking forward to hearing from you, Mr. Muhammad Shujaat Saleem.
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
Olivia Morrison
Acquisition Editor
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing is a trademark of OmniScriptum GmbH & Co. KG
Heinrich-Böcking-Str. 6-8, 66121, Saarbrücken, Germany
o.morrison (at) lap-publishing . com
www . lap-publishing . com
Handelsregister Amtsgericht Saarbrücken HRA 10356
Identification Number (Verkehrsnummer): 13955
Partner with unlimited liability: OmniScriptum Management GmbH
Handelsregister Amtsgericht Saarbrücken HRB 18918
Managing director: Marta Lusena (CEO)
Ewa Szafranska
University of Lodz
Thank you very much for the discussion. I've just received an email from LAP asking me to publish with them and now I know who they are :))
Ahmed Benaya
Menoufia University
Thanks a lot for this discussion. I'm just wondering how can one publish an all ready published work ?
1 Recommendation
Michael Reuscher
EcoAnalysts, Inc.
I came across this discussion because I received an email that is identical to the one that Kashif Farhat provided in this discussion above. These mass (spam) mails are just one thing that makes me doubt their integrity.
What would be the point to publish an article that has been published in another journal anyway? Furthermore, my article they requested was not "open access". Therefore, I might even get into legal trouble (since copyrights are now with the publisher of the journal), if I would agree to their request.
I agree with most participants in this discussion - steer clear from them!
Margaret Anne Clarke
The Open University (UK)
This is an e-mail I have just received from Lambert Academic Publishing. They would inspire more confidence if they could at least get academics' titles and forms of address right:
Dear Mrs. Dr Margaret Anne Clarke,
Recently, in the electronic archive of the University of Portsmouth we have found an interesting research on "Contested writing in a second language: identity, authorship and genre".
We consider this particular topic may be of interest to a wider audience, therefore, I would like to inquire about an eventual publication. In this regard, may I kindly ask if the above-mentioned work is authored by you?
Perhaps you may come back to us with a confirmation, at your earliest convenience, and we will be glad to provide further details on our offer. We would be particularly interested in an expanded version of your research-work, to publish it in the form of a book.
Thank you for your time Mrs. Dr Margaret Anne Clarke and I am looking forward to hearing from you!
Kind regards/Freundliche Grüße
Ms. Oxana Ciumacenco
Acquisition Editor
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing is a trademark of:
OmniScriptum GmbH & Co. KG
Heinrich-Böcking-Str. 6-8,
66121, Saarbrücken, Germany
Handelsregister Amtsgericht Saarbrücken HRA 10356
Identification Number (Verkehrsnummer): 13955
Partner with unlimited liability: OMS Management GmbH
Handelsregister Amtsgericht Saarbrücken HRB 18918
Managing directors: Marta Lusena
2 Recommendations
Jan Hansman
University of Novi Sad
I also just received an e-mail from LAP:
Dear Jan Hansman,
Recently, in the electronic archive of the University of Novi Sad we have found an interesting research on "Efficiency study of a big volume well type NaI(Tl) detector by point and voluminous sources and Monte-Carlo simulation". We consider this particular topic may be of interest to a wider audience, therefore, I would like to inquire about an eventual publication. In this regard, may I kindly ask if the above-mentioned work is authored by you?
Perhaps you may come back to us with a confirmation, at your earliest convenience, and we will be glad to provide further details on our offer. We would be particularly interested in an expanded version of your research-work, to publish it in the form of a book.
Thank you for your time Jan Hansman and I am looking forward to hearing from you!
Kind regards/Freundliche Grüße
Ms. Alina Berdos
Acquisition Editor
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing is a trademark of:
OmniScriptum GmbH & Co. KG
Heinrich-Böcking-Str. 6-8,
66121, Saarbrücken, Germany
a.berdos (at) lap-publishing .com / www. lap-publishing .com
Handelsregister Amtsgericht Saarbrücken HRA 10356
Identification Number (Verkehrsnummer): 13955
Partner with unlimited liability: OMS Management GmbH
Handelsregister Amtsgericht Saarbrücken HRB 18918
Managing directors: Marta Lusena (CEO)
and I agree that this only can be SPAM.
What is the point to publish an article that has already been published in another journal ?
2 Recommendations
Muhammad Imran Tariq
Higher Education Department, Punjab, Lahore
It is a good initial step for researchers.... such type of publications motivate researchers to move forward..... I appreciate LAP LAMBERT. 
1 Recommendation
Liang Zhao
Beijing University of Technology
Thanks for information provided here.
2 Recommendations
Dasep Wahidin
Indonesian Food and Drug Authority (FDA)/BPOM
I received the identical email from LAP LAMBERT and I decided not to response to it. Thank you for your information!
Rafael Vila-Candel
Agència Valenciana de Salut
I also just received the same e-mail.
Dear Vila- Candel R.,
Recently, in the electronic archive of the Universidad Católica de Valencia we have found an interesting research on "RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MATERNAL BODY MASS INDEX, GESTATIONAL WEIGHT GAIN AND BIRTH WEIGHT; PROSPECTIVE STUDY IN A HEALTH DEPARTMENT". We consider this particular topic may be of interest to a wider audience, therefore, I would like to inquire about an eventual publication. In this regard, may I kindly ask if the above-mentioned work is authored by you?
 Perhaps you may come back to us with a confirmation, at your earliest convenience, and we will be glad to provide further details on our offer. We would be particularly interested in an expanded version of your research-work, to publish it in the form of a book.
 Thank you for your time Vila- Candel R. and I am looking forward to hearing from you!
Kind regards
 Irina Rusu
Acquisition Editor
 LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing is a trademark of:
OmniScriptum GmbH & Co. KG
 Heinrich-Böcking-Str. 6-8
66121, Saarbrücken, Germany
 i.rusu (at) lap-publishing. com / www. lap-publishing. com
 Handelsregister Amtsgericht Saarbrücken HRA 10356
Identification Number (Verkehrsnummer): 11868
Partner with unlimited liability: OmniScriptum Management GmbH
Handelsregister Amtsgericht Saarbrücken HRB 18918
Managing Director: Marta Lusena (CEO)
This is the same like OMICS group:
Garry Dhillon
GoodFood Market Corp.
@ Fotini...this article provides great insights into Lambert's publishing..
Chinasa Onyenekwe
University of Nigeria
I got the same email but thanks for the information.
Elia Gamba
University of Padova
LAP sended me an email asking for my undergraduate thesis work...  Thanks to everybody for your comments on this topic. 
Here's the email:
Dear Mrs. Elia Gamba,
Are you the author of work entitled « Synthesis of TAT analogues as potential cell penetrating peptides »?
It was apparently written at the University of Padova in 2014.
I’m Hannah Olsen from the editorial team of Lambert Academic Publishing.
I believe this particular topic could be of interest to a wider audience and we would be glad to consider publishing it. We would be especially interested in publishing a complete academic work of yours (a thesis, a dissertation or a monograph) as a printed book. Our services are free of charge for authors.
Would you agree to receive more information in an electronic brochure?
Thank you in advance, Mrs. Elia Gamba.
Hannah Olsen
Acquisition Editor
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing is a trademark of
OmniScriptum GmbH & Co. KG
Heinrich-Böcking-Str. 6-8, 66121, Saarbrücken, Germany
h.olsen (at) lap-publishing. com / www. lap-publishing. com
Handelsregister Amtsgericht Saarbrücken HRA 10356
Identification Number (Verkehrsnummer): 13955
Partner with unlimited liability: OmniScriptum Management GmbH
Handelsregister Amtsgericht Saarbrücken HRB 18918
Managing director: Marta Lusena (CEO)
Dinh Thanh Duc
Quy Nhon University
Thank you very much for  Lambert's publishing 's email
Hai Luo
University of Manitoba
wow! Thanks for all the input. It's very helpful. I just received an email from them as well and began to research on them. I believe the answer is "no".
1 Recommendation
Ana I. Pérez Muñoz
University of Granada
I have also received the same email of Elia Gamba...
Thank you so much!!
1 Recommendation
Liang Zhao
Beijing University of Technology
I received the email from them too... And feel lucky to see above answer. 
1 Recommendation
Garry Dhillon
GoodFood Market Corp.
They are sending emails to every person...
Varun Sharma
Technische Universität Dresden
In my opinion, Our work is a business to such companies. So ditch those companies and upload to open Access websites or relevant Univ press. I believe more people will get benefit from open source work.
Good luck.
Angélica Simone
University of São Paulo
I receive the same e-mail today, tks for the informations!!
Allan Lameira
Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG)
I received this email today.. caution... tks for the informations
Edna Grünblatt
University of Zurich
I just received the same spam as you all, and before answering I thought of looking up some data and am very glad of reading this whole. It was already susspiceous to me reading this unprofessional email, but now I am defenitely sure about it. It is a Spam!
2 Recommendations
Thank you for this, just received an email from them today and was doing my background check then I found this.
Dear Ms. Lydia Akinyi Omuko,
Are you the author of work entitled 'The Role of BRICS in Future Climate Change Regime: Why Their Commitment and Participation is Important and How to Achieve it'? I found its reference in the archive of University of Strathclyde.
I’m Nicolae Marinciuc from the editorial team of Lambert Academic Publishing. We believe this particular topic could be of interest to a wider audience and we would be glad to consider publishing it. We are especially interested in publishing a complete academic work of yours (a thesis, a dissertation or a monograph) as printed book. Our services are free of charge for authors.
Ms. Lydia Akinyi Omuko, would you agree to receive more information in an electronic brochure?
Thank you in advance.
Kind regards/Freundliche Grüße
Nicolae Marinciuc
Acquisition Editor
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing is a trademark of:
OmniScriptum GmbH & Co. KG
2 Recommendations
Uelinton Manoel Pinto
University of São Paulo
I keep receiving these and other similar emails. Nothing replaces proofreading and publishing your work in respected journals. Be careful not to fall on these scams. Just my thoughts.
Manmohan Satnami
Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University
Yes, I do agree to not publish in this publication house. I know about this publication. I have also received similar e-mails from this publisher.
Ahlam Sawsaa
University of Huddersfield
I have also received the same email .
Thank you all so much for the information.
Vinita Janardanan
National Institute of Oceanography
I have also received similar e-mails but fortunate to have read this on research gate. Thank you all for the information.
1 Recommendation
Pietro Di Modica
University of Strathclyde
I have just received a very similar email and I was considering it. After this blog and a little research it makes no sense to publish with them. What they offer is a print service, nothing more and they retain 20% of the copyright...for what if they do not even peer-review the manuscript or the edit it? You get to make your own cover too!!! Ridiculous! I would rather prefer to publish good work in good journals! Thanks a lot for the information. 
1 Recommendation
Sognigbé N'Danikou
University of Abomey-Calavi
Thank you all for this discussion. I just received similar message today and now better know who they are.
1 Recommendation
Elaine Ammini Sabu
National Institute of Oceanography
Thank u so much for the discussion....its really helpful since i received the similar email today....
1 Recommendation
Siti Shuhaida Shukor
Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI)
Thank you for this info. I just received exactly the same email from this publisher. I will not fall for this and others should too.
1 Recommendation
Joana Ortigueira
Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia
Same thing here. Thank you for this thread. I'm very new at research and publishing and this is something I truly don't need.
1 Recommendation
Abdulelah Ahmed Thabet
Sana'a University
I received the identical email from LAP LAMBERT.
Thank you for your information.
Dear Mr. Abdulelah Ahmed Ali Thabet,
Are you the author of work entitled « Detoxification of Chlorinated Organic Compounds Using Fluidic Microreactor with Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry »?
It was apparently written at the King Fahad University of Petroleum and Minerals in 2013.
I’m Susan Clark from the editorial team of Lambert Academic Publishing.
I believe this particular topic could be of interest to a wider audience and we would be glad to consider publishing it. We would be especially interested in publishing a complete academic work of yours (a thesis, a dissertation or a monograph) as a printed book. Our services are free of charge for authors.
Mr. Abdulelah Ahmed Ali Thabet, would you agree to receive more information in an electronic brochure?
Thank you in advance.
Susan Clark
Acquisition Editor
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing is a trademark of
OmniScriptum GmbH & Co. KG
Heinrich-Böcking-Str. 6-8,
66121, Saarbrücken, Germany
s.clark (at) lap-publishing-house. com / www. lap-publishing. com
Handelsregister Amtsgericht Saarbrücken HRA 10356
Identification Number (Verkehrsnummer): 13955
Partner with unlimited liability: OmniScriptum Management GmbH
Handelsregister Amtsgericht Saarbrücken HRB 18918
Managing director: Marta Lusena (CEO)
1 Recommendation
Leonardo Pessôa
Marinha do Brasil
Thank you for the advice. 
Hyeseung Jeong
Stockholm University
Here are more thanks!!!
Simon Hannus
Tampere University
Many thanks!
Kameshwar P Singh
University of Rochester Medical Center
I received similar email from LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing  (a trademark of:
OmniScriptum GmbH & Co. KG). Thanks for these information.
Primrose Sabela
University of Mpumalanga
Many thanks for the information, was about to take the offer. 

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The worse part is that the new Beall’s List doesn’t list IGI Global as predatory publishers but as “Vanity Press’. It defines it as “a type of publishing, where authors pay to have their work published; either in money or – more often – in the author’s publication rights. During the publication process, no peer-review is promised by the publisher and no quality control is done. Vanity press usually does no editing, and the authors are left to do all the formatting and spell-checking by themselves. Their works are then published in self-publishing outlets, such as Amazon, and physical copies of their books have outrageously high prices. The authors, of course, get no income from the sales.”
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One thing is clear; they are questioning the book publication practice that has nothing to do with the journal counterpart. Publishers like Scopus, WoS, and COPE have indexed the journal (as many other IGI Global journals). I didn’t spend a penny to get my article published in that journal as I didn’t opt for open access. The publisher did the copy editing, sent me proof before publication, and made some correction based on the author queries. It’s similar to my experience with other publishers like Springer, Nature, or Emerald. So basically, nothing on the Vanity Press definition is applicable.
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Sorry for the long rant. I need to vent my frustration, and I am not sure where else to post it."
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I often get an email invitation to Guest Edit a special issue of their journal or handbook. After seeing all these discussions on the web, I prefer not to go with them. Has anyone here published for them? It doesn’t seem to be peer-reviewed properly?
I would appreciate your thoughts. Thanks in advance!
What is InTech Open Science? A predatory or a ligitimate publisher?
602 answers
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Dear friends colleagues, have you ever received an invitation to publish your work at InTech Open Science ( I have recently been invited to edit a new book title for them. I am usually suspicious with such invitations and must check the authenticity of the publisher first. Interestingly, they claim that they have published the work for two recent Nobel Laureates. Therefore, I would appreciate your experience and opinions regarding InTech Open Science.
Kind regards,

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