Asked 9th Apr, 2015

Is “cooperate with others or not“ important to task-driven teaching approach? if it is, is it worth studying?

Is “cooperate with others or not“ important to task-driven teaching approach? if it is, it is worth studying?

Most recent answer

Is “cooperate with others or not“ important to task-driven teaching approach? if it is, is it worth studying?
I believe positive cooperation / collaboration will bring unexpected values to achieve success for any school assignment / work project.  Reason being every individual is unique with its strengths & weaknesses - when the right mix of individuals are teamed-up together they can achieve something wonderful that go beyond complex challenges, wider spectrum & deeper scope etc. unimaginable.  Synergy 1 + 1 > 2 is real.  This collaboration particularly is very useful when come out to work - hence it is good exposure for students to cultivate such collaboration early in school / university.
1 Recommendation

All Answers (4)

Debra Sharon Ferdinand-James
The University of the West Indies at Mona
I think that collaborative tasks allow students to build key 21st Century skills that would be worth studying. It has been my experience that lots of time I assume students come into the classroom with these team work skills and then experience many challenges among student groups in orienting their collaborative or team tasks to a successful completion. Many of them sometimes never acquire those team work skills and I have to go back and teach these before assigning more team or collaborative tasks.
Many thanks,
Jin Na Wang
HMU Hubei University of Medicine
I think it's essential for both faculties and students. Collaborative teaching and learning can make a huge difference, as different individual has different experience, background, and expertise. Teamwork is not just let the participants to learn effectively, but also develop their communication skills and broden their vision.
1 Recommendation
Is “cooperate with others or not“ important to task-driven teaching approach? if it is, is it worth studying?
I believe positive cooperation / collaboration will bring unexpected values to achieve success for any school assignment / work project.  Reason being every individual is unique with its strengths & weaknesses - when the right mix of individuals are teamed-up together they can achieve something wonderful that go beyond complex challenges, wider spectrum & deeper scope etc. unimaginable.  Synergy 1 + 1 > 2 is real.  This collaboration particularly is very useful when come out to work - hence it is good exposure for students to cultivate such collaboration early in school / university.
1 Recommendation

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