Asked 4th Aug, 2013

Is Gastrocnemius muscle stretching effective for flat foot improvement?

Flat foot or Pronated Foot or Pes pelanus

Popular answers (1)

Ratan Khuman
Charotar University of Science and Technology
The flat foot/ collaps arches/ pronated foot has many reasons to it. To maintain a good arch properly functioning "Windlass Mechanism" is necessory with the help of cordinated contribution of hind food, mid foot and forefoot as a chain. Break down in any part of the chain may lead to collapsing the arch (longitudinal or transverse). The intrinsic muscles, extrinsic muscles and plantar fascia combinely contribute to stabilize the arches.
Gastrocnemius muscle play an important role in controlling the hind portion of the arch. The change in length and tension of Gastrocnemius muscle may directly influence the angle of calcanium inclination which will inturn change in medial longitudinal arch. Here the question is you want to improve the collaps arch or improve pain due to collaps arch? Streatching of the Gastrocnemius may not improve the collaps arch but it may relieve posterior heel pain. If the aim is to improve the arch then strengthening of Windless Mechanism is must.
As Rachana suggested, knowing the type of flat may helps the Physical Therapist to decide the choice of treatment or for referral service...
3 Recommendations

All Answers (3)

Rachana Arun Pandey
Qi Spine clinic
Hi there,
The main muscle for maintenance of the arch is tibialis anterior, so yo need to emphasize on that first. Gastrocnemius anyways has its attachment on the posterior strut so that will obviously help but TA is the main muscle to be concentrated on. kindly check whether it is a rigid or flexible foot as with that we can come to a conclusion of whether only physiotherapy will help or not.
1 Recommendation
Ratan Khuman
Charotar University of Science and Technology
The flat foot/ collaps arches/ pronated foot has many reasons to it. To maintain a good arch properly functioning "Windlass Mechanism" is necessory with the help of cordinated contribution of hind food, mid foot and forefoot as a chain. Break down in any part of the chain may lead to collapsing the arch (longitudinal or transverse). The intrinsic muscles, extrinsic muscles and plantar fascia combinely contribute to stabilize the arches.
Gastrocnemius muscle play an important role in controlling the hind portion of the arch. The change in length and tension of Gastrocnemius muscle may directly influence the angle of calcanium inclination which will inturn change in medial longitudinal arch. Here the question is you want to improve the collaps arch or improve pain due to collaps arch? Streatching of the Gastrocnemius may not improve the collaps arch but it may relieve posterior heel pain. If the aim is to improve the arch then strengthening of Windless Mechanism is must.
As Rachana suggested, knowing the type of flat may helps the Physical Therapist to decide the choice of treatment or for referral service...
3 Recommendations
Dhara Chavda
Physiotherapy College, Gujarat, India.
Along with exercises footwear modifications will also help to maintain the arch and to reduce pain of flat foot..
1 Recommendation

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