Science topics: Comment
Science topic

Comment - Science topic

Work consisting of a critical or explanatory note written to discuss, support, or dispute an article or other presentation previously published. It may take the form of an article, letter, editorial, etc. It appears in publications under a variety of names: comment, commentary, editorial comment, viewpoint, etc.
Questions related to Comment
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3 answers
Hi everyone
I got an invite and sent an abstract the following conference.
Now I am suspecting that it may be fake.
Do you have any comments?
And if it is fake, do I email them and ask them to withdraw my abstract ?
Much appreciated
Ayse Ulgen
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Has anyone experience with "spectrumconferences" conference?
I want to know if they are legit... thinking about attending some.
Have a nice day
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comment calculer la densité de puissance absorbée (DPA) sur CST ??
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This is a Field Monitor which you can choose to switch on before the run. In English it is Power Loss Density/SAR. You have to switch it on before the simulation, you can't choose to get it by post-processing.
En Francais peut etre: Il faut choisir puissance absorbée (DPA) en Moniteurs des Champs, en avant de commencer courrir.
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2 answers
Observing the launch of Special Issue(s) on various transdisciplinary research themes/topics, many potential authors/guest editors asked about names and websites of (i) international, (ii) indexed, (iii) peer-reviewed, (iv) impact factored, (v) often cited, and (vi) STRICTLY NON-PREDATORY journals which release research, survey, application, and viewpoint articles on various aspects of cyber-physical-human-social systems for a public debate. The aspects can be philosophy, theory, epistemology, methodology, technology, disciplinary design, systems engineering, intelligence, human factors, deployment, application, impacts, future, etc.
Could you please recommend such journals to extend the list under construction? Thank you very much.
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Dear Prof. Vivek V. Bhandarkar :
Thank you very much for your response. Appreciated.
As you kindly wrote, the journals on your list are (most probably) willing to publish submissions on research in/for/by CPSs. However, the interest is in journals that carry the term "cyber-physical systems" (or any extended variant of this in their distinctive names. For instance:
Taylor & Francis
Cyber-physical systems
Print ISSN: 2333-5777
Online ISSN: 2333-5785
Institution of Engineering and Technology
IET Cyber-physical systems: Theory & Application
Online ISSN: 2398-3396
Print ISSN: 2398-3396
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems
Online ISSN:
Print ISSN:
Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems
Online ISSN:
Print ISSN:
ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems
Print ISSN: 2378-962X
Online ISSN: 2378-9638
IGI Global
International Journal of Cyber-Physical Systems (IJCPS)
ISSN: 2577-4867
EISSN: 2577-4875
Cambridge Core
Research Directions: Cyber-Physical Systems
OnlineISSN: 2753-8516
Print ISSN: -------------
International Journal of Cybernetics and Cyber-Physical Systems
ISSN online: 2517-2581
ISSN print: 2517-2573
KeAi Publishings
Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems
ISSN: 2667-3452
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
Advances in Cyber-Physical Systems
Print ISSN: 2524-0382
Online ISSN: 2707-0069
Success Culture Press, Hong Kong
Journal of Medical Cyber-Physical Systems
Journal of Social Computing and Cyber-Physical Systems
Print ISSN:
Online ISSN:
To be continued
It would be good to (i) have a rather complete list of such journals, (ii) characterize them based on their profile and performance indices, (iii) explore what is not covered at this time, and ... so forth.
Once more, thanks a lot.
Imre Horvath
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9 answers
Hello everyone
I'm planning to do mycoplasma detection test and I have found a fast method by using strips , which can detect 10-100 CFU/ml and also under affordable price from InvivoGen company. I'm wondering if anyone already use that in their cell culture work ? and if you recommend different fast method to detect mycoplasma, please mention that in your comment .Thanks in advance .
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In my hands, the kit had 30% of chance to get false positive results. I will never trust the kit again.
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If we have the iterative functions X= X2+Y, where X is complex number and Y constant complex number. Can one find the Y and initial value of X in iterative function from generated sequences mathematically in order to generate next values?
I look forward your comments.
Best wishes.
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Dear Qasim Mohammed Hussein, I suppose you are referring to the difference equation zn+1=zn2+c, with c being a complex constant. But, what do you mean by "generated sequences"? Do you have some terms of some solution of the difference equation and you want to calculate the constant c and the inintial condition z1? If this is the case, then the constant c is the difference of any term from the square of the previous terms; i.e.,
c=zn+1-zn2. Then, to calculate the initial condition z1, you may solve the difference equation for zn; thus, obtaining zn in terms of zn+1 and the constant c that you have calculated, and going backwards to find
It may be useful to note that the difference equation zn+1=zn2+c provides the famous Mandelbrot set; see,
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étude de l'endommagement des matériaux par ultrasons
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Par exemple avec les ondes de Lamb
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la problimatique de these et le role de linnovation marketing sur lintention de resarvation sur les OTA
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5 answers
Dear collegues, I would like to share some (negative) experiences with the Springer journal "Discover IoT". Cut the long story short first: after 1 year of review and one major revision with shallow reviews, our paper got rejected by an editor, who is not listed in the list of editors...
The long story: the journal claims to have 18 days review on average (see the image, the screenshot is taken today, 22/May/2024). Our paper took 205 days for first review, then 81 days for a second review. The comments were shallow and could have been applied to almost any paper (font, table format, figure readability). Interestingly, the emails came from somebody labelled as "Editor", who was not listed in the list of editors of the journal.
I think we don't have to go into the details of how bad this is and what it means for a young researcher to wait for a year to receive reviews. But I am also wondering whether this is a one-time outlier and if some of you had positive experiences with this journal, or if is it the rule. An email to the editor-in-chief actually triggered a reply, admitting "isolated cases of delayed reviews", but refusing to answer the question about the communicating editor or even a small apology.
Opinions, experiences, comments?
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So sorry about your experience. Though there could have been several reasons that contributed to the delay, the response from the journal should have been more detailed to at least provide some level of comfort to the researcher.
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3 answers
Je voudrais donner l'accès à la version auteur de mes articles référencés sur ResearchGate avec le lien HAL. Comment faire ? Où indiquer le lien HAL ?
I would like to give access to the author version of my articles referenced on ResearchGate with the HAL link. How can I do this? Where can I provide the HAL link?
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Dear Christian Pierre Walter As indicated by Wolfgang R. Dick the best (and only) thing you can do is to insert the link (for example ) in the abstract box here on RG.
Best regards.
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14 answers
Philadelphia, PA
Dear readers,
I would like to direct your attention to the following short video, titled "What did the Jews ever do for us?" This video, by Reef Rebels, runs around 10 Min.
My related argument is that people should be evaluated, if need be, one by one, and not as a matter of their belonging or not belonging to demographics groups.
The point here --is not-- an evaluation of the current war in Gaza or any other policies or political stances --foreign or domestic. I would like to leave those kinds of questions aside. As with any other people, there is always good and bad, or better and worse, among the Jews. But antisemitism is simply wrong.
Agreed? Comments invited.
H.G. Callaway
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Philadelphia, PA
Dear Geigel & readers,
You may want to have a look at Matthew Arnold's essay on "Rome and Jerusalem." This was a piece in the 19th-century debate on the theme of "parochial altruism" vs. ethical universalism. Arnold held that there could be excesses in either direction--toward universal inclusiveness or polity, or toward emphasis on cultural particularities.
See, e.g.:
If I understand what you mean by the phrase "parochial altruism," then I'd say it is only the extremes of it which are dangerous and productive of exaggerated conflicts and war. In a sense its the opposite of moral universalism, as in the Christian adage "Love thy neighbor as thyself." Whatever the confession involved, there are very few people who would not favor their own family over random strangers. The late 19th-century debate arose in the context of the "globalization" of those times--that of the European colonial empires.
I suppose that recent globalization has lifted millions and maybe hundreds of millions out of poverty. So, three-cheers for a single universal system of political values? (Two cheers?) On the other hand, we do not seem to want a total homogenization of the world. Instead, we need to favor "our own."
There is an old argument that goes something like this "Universal love' is all fine and good. However, we require deep consideration of our own specific and particular situations in order to know how to go about it. Put your own family first, then your locality, town and country, and then consider how doing so may positively or negatively effect the rest of the world. That is certainly not easy to do. But how better to go about universal love?
More intensively inward-looking societies are generally better at passing on their values down the generations, but at the risk of misunderstanding and poor relations with neighboring outsiders. Total openness to every foreign influence and value system, on the other hand (that happy, optimistic universalism) runs the risk of dissolution of constitutive domestic value configurations. The refusal to acknowledge that the U.S. has any particular value system needed for its well being as a political society is a defective conclusion drawn on the basis of the economic achievements of globalization. In a sense (just now) we need more of "Jerusalem" and less of "Rome."
H.G. Callaway
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Looking forward to conduct a systematic review on a new topic which primarily contains opinions and communications. Kindly provide your valuable answer.
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Content analysis is qualitative analysis of the written word. As long as you are systematic and rigorous, you can analyze opinion pieces.
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3 answers
Can somebody provide (a reference to) a proof of Schwartz Reflection Principle as formulated in §12 of the book "Fonction Anayitiques" 1954 of G. Valiron:
Let f is holomorphic [my comment: not necessarily with |f'(z)|>0]
in |z|<R, y=Im(z)>0, and suppose that the imaginary part i*Im(z) tends uniformly to 0 when y tends to 0. Then [it follows] that f is extendable in y<0, |z|<1 and f is real for y = 0, and f(conj(z)) = conj(f(z)) in |z|<R.
Here I translated (precisely) from p. 38 of the russian edition 1957 of the book "Fonction Anayitiques" 1954 of G. Valiron, and I use conj(z) = conj(x+iy)=x-iy for technical reasons (not knowing how to put a overbar in this text box).
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Thanks for the replay! The essence of the question is that the following is not necessary to be supposed and still the assertion holds:
"continuous on the real axis \( \text{Im}(z) = 0 \), and satisfies certain growth conditions"
it seems this is a folklore for which no reference is easy to be found in public places.
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I am wondering if anyone in industry or academics has found an easier way to search for academic groups with specific expertise. Are there any programs or websites available that help make this search easier? I am looking for an academic group with expertise in Bacillus subtilis enzyme production. I have used SubtiWiki, but the list of professors is incomplete or too old. Any comments or thoughts would be appreciated. ChatGPT has been not too helpful either.
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Thank you for raising this question! As a formulation developer, I'm excited about the prospect of contributing to academic groups with specific expertise, particularly in areas such as Bacillus subtilis enzyme production.
While there isn't a one-size-fits-all solution, I've found that a combination of strategies can be effective in identifying relevant research groups. Here are a few suggestions:
1. **Academic Databases**: Utilize academic databases like PubMed, Web of Science, or Scopus to search for recent publications related to Bacillus subtilis enzyme production. From there, you can identify authors and research groups actively publishing in this area.
2. **University Websites**: Explore the websites of universities known for their expertise in microbiology or biotechnology. Many universities list faculty members and their research interests, allowing you to identify professors leading research in Bacillus subtilis enzyme production.
3. **Conferences and Workshops**: Attend conferences or workshops focused on microbiology, biotechnology, or enzyme production. These events often feature presentations by leading researchers and provide networking opportunities to connect with academic groups working in your area of interest.
4. **Professional Networks**: Reach out to colleagues, mentors, or industry contacts who may have connections with academic researchers in this field. Personal recommendations and introductions can be valuable in establishing connections with relevant research groups.
5. **Online Communities**: Engage with online communities and forums dedicated to microbiology, biotechnology, or enzyme production. Platforms like ResearchGate or LinkedIn Groups can be useful for connecting with researchers and exploring potential collaboration opportunities.
I'm very interested in joining this initiative and contributing my expertise as a formulation developer. With [X years/months] of experience in formulation development, I bring a deep understanding of formulation design principles, process optimization, and quality control. I am passionate about translating scientific discoveries into practical applications and am eager to collaborate with academic groups to advance research in Bacillus subtilis enzyme production.
I hope these suggestions are helpful in your search for academic groups with expertise in Bacillus subtilis enzyme production. Feel free to reach out if you'd like further assistance or collaboration.
Best regards,
[Tarun Parashar]
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2 answers
I have calculated Y2SiO5 with monoclinic system (Y1-Y2 two site, unique Si site and O1, O2, O3, O4 and O5 five site). Thus, I have used these parameters as a input file descriptions;
Monoclinic P, unique axis b
celldm(2) = b/a
celldm(3)= c/a
celldm(5)=cos (ac) where beta is the angle between axis a and c
Dou you any comment for these chosen inputs
Many thanks
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thanks Anoop A Nair
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Recently, I completed a review article, submitted it to the journal, and received comments/questions from the journal editor. Now, as the deadline approaches, I will submit the revised manuscript. Since I have answered the reviewers’ questions and solved all the questions they raised, but in the editor’s email, this is clearly mentioned, that is, only after you have obtained all necessary copyright permissions from the publisher , We can continue publishing. I know this is an important step, but I found that, unlike Willey ACS journals, Springer Nature journals do not provide image licenses for free. Now let me ask everyone, how to solve this problem? Since I am a student, I cannot afford huge fees. Although the manuscript is already in the review process, the images cannot be changed. What should I do now? Has anyone else encountered the same problem as me? If so, please guide me and help me get rid of the pressure...! I would be very grateful if someone guides me in the right direction.
Usman Ali Shah
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Hi bro, I have same problem as you. I want to use from your experience. how did you solved?
best regards
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2 answers
1. Comment déterminer l' IC50 rélatif du test MTT par le GraphPad Prism 10 ? En effet, j'ai un résultat pour la dose maximal utilisée est de 60% de perte de viabilité et non pas à 100 %.
2. Sur prism est-ce que je dois mettre less données brutes (absorbances en triplicats) par chaque concentration ou utiliser les moyennes ? J'espère que vous avez une réponse pour ma question.
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Merci pour votre réponse,
Je sais quel modèle choisir. Mais le problème est que dans les données brutes y a des valeurs aberrantes que j'avais enlevé. Devrais-je les laisser avec les valeurs aberrantes ou les enlever avant de le mettre sur prism?
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6 answers
Keeping Murphy's Law, the KISS principle, and Popper's Logic, right, left, and center, respectively, as well as the all-encompassing muses of insight, innovation, intuition, imagination, and insurrection (the 5 I's that holistically, through immersive-integrative multi-disciplinary contemplative approach identifies the noise or separates the wheat-from-the-chaff at the intersection of fact and fiction), and importantly and synergistically compose the whole that is greater than the sum of its parts -- in true Aristotelian fashion -- that govern progress and advance in human thinking through the synapse in all human endeavor, scientific and non-scientific.
I will put exactly 50-years of my part in one of the greatest mysteries ever faced by humans, and that will follow this species indefinitely to perpetuity, but with secure and fearless knowledge through application of principles or laws of theory and therapy, elimination of canonical or Institutional myths and assumptions, with a complete unwinding of this humungous Gordian knot of neuro-ophthalmology.
Da Vinci guarded against excessive use of words to describe any entity or anything. Migraine is an entity of excess -- incidence, words, data, statistics, analyses, meta-analyses, hypotheses, viewpoints, perspectives, Editorials, Medical Conferencing Abstracts, invited Lectures, hyper-splitting of nosology, and Letters-to-the-Editor, all claiming to know a slice of truth or presumed truth about migraine with a hyper-exponential absolutely unlimited untrammeled expansion. Quo vadis is not even a remote concept.
I, in the Third Millennium, describe the 'what' of migraine in 6-10 words, a definition that will last to perpetuity:
Migraine is the delayed outcome of an oculo-cephalic autonomic storm (causing the non-homonymous scintillating scotoma as well as the lateralizing headache). More succinctly, migraine is an oculo-cephalic autonomic storm.
Nothing is static. No theory or therapy cannot be improved. The core of migraine is here.
With the cause-effect mechanisms in migraine pathophysiology fully described, what has been missing for 6 millennia or more is presented right here and now.
The doors of perception for cluster headache and other indomethacin-responsive headaches are now open.
Reversal of the hyper-split classification of primary headaches is imminent, leading to a holistic comprehensive understand of a large section of medicine and neuroscience.
New Delhi
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6770-5916
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Nature is a jealous mistress, guarding its secrets with persistence and with an overpowering devastating diligence till the Time is ripe for butterfly wings to cause a hurricane. That time is upon science of migraine / primary headaches, straddling the 20th/21st Centuries, with the floodgates of intuition and insight and imagination, an immersive insurrective release from ~8 millennia of ignornance, myths, mysticism, serendipity, assumptions, technology, and of course, an explosive exponential amassing of data that have no central framework. Migraine / primary headaches showcase, as nothing else in medicine, the limitations of a madding collection of diverse disparate contrary controversial data that do not promote critical or abstract thinking. Mathematical statistics and the specialty of Neurology, has for all purposes, kidnapped migraine / primary headache pathophysiology and management with an opioid crisis and extreme empiricism, lending wings to speculation in science of a kind that prove horribly incorrect gor generations of migraineurs, current and future. The butterfly wings will raise the insurrection, the hurricane, the nihilism, and the despondency that surrounds migraine / primary headache research, with the clarity, the certitude of a thousand Suns in the Solar system. In fact, such insurrection has progressed silently in last 5 decades, leaving the contemporary cohort breathless and trying their best to stymie the tide of absolute progress. The butterfly wings will, of course, prevail despite the dog-in-manger opposition.
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3 answers
All the elementary particles are quantum states of photon and photon will have all these 900 quantum states in this nature.
If I am right , what is your comment on it?
If anybody feel that this result is meaning less. straight away please write that but with a reason. That comment will be useful for me to control my thinking.
At present I can not provide you any proof. Please do not insist me on reasoning also.
I am preparing a paper on it.
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Thank you for your valuable output. I am paying attention on them.
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3 answers
I learnt about "brain-storming" during my Masters in Technology (Human Resource Development and Management). In the world today, with advanced technology and resources, what is "Brain-storming" and what practices could be used to brain storm?- only legal and ethically moral viewpoints.
I had learnt in 1999-2001 that the best method to brain-storm was at a "round table meeting, where participants ask questions, one after another and one/many of those participants gives answers; the best answer is picked out of the many; on that topic of discussion.
Looking forward to your answers.
Best regards
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Aradhana Rani You could do the roundtable as before but also pose the question to ChatGPT and have the group discuss that as well. In addition, the roundtable could be via Zoom, so that participants who are unable to appear in person could be included.
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1 answer
I am interested to calculate the peierls barrier for the movement of screw dislocation in BCC iron between two peierls vally. For this I am using nudged elastic band (NEB) method in LAMMPS.
We developed initial and final replicas using ATOMSK. However we have to create intermediate replicas having Kinks (between initial and final position) using linear interpolation.
Is there any mathematical relation for generating such replicas or any software that can be used for the same purpose.
Please leave your comments.
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LAMMPS will be able to give you the intermediate configurations from the NEB calculations.
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2 answers
What are Judeo Christian viewpoints for sentencing in the Criminal Justice?
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There are a number of viewpoints regarding sentencing in Criminal Justice that claim Judeo-Christian status, ranging from very strict to very lenient but properly belonging to this tradition is a far different matter. To my mind, the proper Judeo-Christian response depends on the attitude of repentance found in the perpetrator. A repentant perpetrator deserves a more merciful sentence, but a non-repentant one deserves a harsher one. Judging the attitude of repentance can be a problem though.
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6 answers
We have applied natural logarithms to both sides, resulting in log-log models such as:
ln(Y) = β0 + β1*ln(X1) + β2*ln(X2) + ... + ε
Thus far, I have interpreted the coefficient β1 as indicating that a 1 percent in X1 corresponds to a β1 percent change (either increase or decrease) in Y.
Q1: Are there alternative methods for interpreting these changes in terms of units rather than percentages?
Q2: I'm curious about the feasibility of backtransforming using "Duan's Smearing Estimate" when X is not transformed?
Looking forward to your suggestions and comments on this matter.
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What is the rationale for wanting unit-level increases/decreases for interpretation? If you are married to the log-log model, I would assume that is because you have multiple extreme right-skewed variables, which necessitates an interpretation that there are multiplicative changes over additive changes given the compression of the distribution. To me, it doesn't necessarily make sense to then back-transform this sort of distribution into a unit-level interpretation since the increases/decreases are not going to be as meaningful or intuitive.
I'm sure it is possible to achieve this to some degree with smearing or alternative transformations, but there is still a loss of information in the process that, to me, isn't necessary. Exponentiating your outcome will inevitably lead to some bias. You may be interested in this Stata thread on the topic:
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2 answers
Hello Everyone,
I conducted a study creating a pre-post one-group design (Pre-experimental) and stated only directional hypothesis (Alternative one). I received the comment from a reviewer as follows:
"Why did you prefer alternative hypothesis over the null hypothesis?"
I chose this unidirectional hypothesis because my Literature Reviews showed positive results in previous studies.
One statististician says it is okay. However, one expert says "Even if the review suggests a positive relation, we should work on the Null hypothesis".
I also ready a few research with only H1 for the same reason stated above.
Could there be any other explanations?
Please help me respond it with references.
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The classic null hypothesis is no relationship where you want to determine whether your results allow you to reject the null. Typically, you only propose a directional hypothesis as the null when you actually expect to find something different (ie.e., no relationship or a relationship in the opposite direction).
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4 answers
Quels sont les protocoles les plus appropriés pour le dénombrement de la microflore du sol ?
Quels sont les outils de traitement des données pour le dénombrement de la microflore du sol ?
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Le dénombrement se fait par méthode de Mc.Grady. Avec au moins cinq répétitions.
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1 answer
I am wondering how to set up Cardiac fibrosis in vitro. I will appreciate all your comments.
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Cell Culture Models:Cardiac Fibroblasts (CFs): These cells are central to fibrosis. Isolate primary CFs from cardiac tissue or use commercially available cell lines. Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiac Fibroblasts (iPSC-CFs): iPSCs can be differentiated into CFs, providing a valuable tool for drug screening1. Coculture Systems: Combine CFs with other cardiac cell types (e.g., cardiomyocytes, endothelial cells) to mimic the cardiac microenvironment.
  1. Stimulating Fibrosis:TGF-β1 (Transforming Growth Factor-β1): This cytokine induces fibrosis by promoting collagen synthesis and myofibroblast activation. Angiotensin II: Known to stimulate fibrosis pathways. Mechanical Stretch: Apply cyclic mechanical strain to mimic the heart’s dynamic environment.
  2. Extracellular Matrix (ECM) Components:Cultivate CFs on ECM-coated surfaces (e.g., collagen, fibronectin). Use 3D hydrogels to better mimic the native ECM.
  3. Assessing Fibrosis:Immunofluorescence Staining: Detect collagen (e.g., type I and III) and α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) expression. Quantitative PCR (qPCR): Measure fibrosis-related gene expression (e.g., COL1A1, COL3A1, α-SMA). ELISA: Quantify secreted fibrotic proteins (e.g., TGF-β1, CTGF).
  4. High-Content Imaging (HCI) and Machine Learning (ML):Use HCI to capture complex features of fibrosis in vitro. ML-based image analysis enhances throughput and precision2.
  5. 3D Cardiac Organoids:Develop more physiological 3D models resembling cardiac tissue. Organoids allow better recapitulation of cell-cell interactions and ECM remodeling.
  6. Drug Screening:Test antifibrotic compounds using in vitro models. Identify potential targets for therapeutic intervention.
Remember, cardiac fibrosis is multifaceted, involving cell signaling, ECM dynamics, and tissue mechanics. Combining relevant models and advanced imaging techniques will pave the way for novel treatments against cardiac fibrosis.
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Recently, I received a comment to report endogeneity for the structural model. Generally, endogeneity using Gaussian copula has single and combination tests. If I report a combination test (for example, double or triple tests for a big model), the table will be large. In this case, can I report only a single test?
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@Christian M. Ringle
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1 answer
Dear connections,
I am undertaking a Master of Philosophy in IT and as so far progressed with my thesis writing and nearing completion.
I am kindly seeking if anyone is interested in helping me review my thesis, please contact me so that I can share the copy with you as I need your feedback/reviews/comments before I finalize for submission.
I truly appreciate your assistance.
Best Regards
Desmond Narongou
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Yes, I can definitely assist you with that if you dont mind Desmond Narongou
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3 answers
According to the journal presented by Neuwinger, Büschenfelde, and Kappert (2019), lactate dehydrogenase activity can falsely increase because of underfilling the blood specimen tube. Stated in the discussion part, "test results obtained in underfilled blood tubes should be communicated by the diagnostic laboratory with an attached comment pointing to the possibility of a falsely elevated test result". My question is derived from the mentioned part of the journal:
Should a medical laboratory scientist be in the situation of underfilling a blood specimen, what proper solution or protocol must be applied? Would the researcher's recommendation suffice?
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According to Center for Phlebotomy Education (n.d.), sending tubes to the lab that are not adequately filled could lead to inaccurate test results and misguide physicians, potentially causing patients to receive incorrect medication or diagnosis. To increase the likelihood of identifying the bacteria causing bacteremia, it's crucial to collect a sufficient amount of blood for a culture. If less than 20cc of blood is collected from an adult patient, it's recommended to fill the aerobic vial with the maximum volume rather than splitting smaller amounts between two vials. Since most septicemias are caused by aerobic organisms or facultative anaerobes, it's important to prioritize aerobic vials. About 16% of unacceptable specimens are reported to be underfilled, so healthcare workers responsible for specimen collection should always have smaller volume tubes on hand to ensure specimen integrity and accurate results, especially when draws don't go as planned.
Center for Phlebotomy Education (n.d.) Underfilling Tubes. Retrieved from
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2 answers
I submitted a paper to the Iranian Journal of Science in December 2023. required reviews completed in the first week of January 2024, till now, no comments from the editor about the paper, i.e., corrections or accepted or rejected, even after multiple reminder emails.
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It,s really Sad to hear this.I guess there must be some techincal issue.Maybe the journal is bi-annual.Else yoj can go to their website and write or contact the editor in chief.I wisj yoi lucl for early publication.
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7 answers
Dear all, I have received an invitation from Curtis & Wyss group to a Microbiome in Agriculture Summit. Does anybody know that group? I wonder a bit whether this is serious or a 'predatory congress'. Thank you in advance for your attention and any comments. Martin
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Martin Heil I can only agree to the other comments. I was invited to a renewable fuel congress in Barcelona - all expenses paid. I had paid for keynotes in the past, so this was not new. However, when I asked them to book the flight for me, they tried to convince me to advance the expenses, which I refused. They went mum and just informed me that the congress was "postponed." Never heard back.
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27 answers
Scientific results, at least those generated by individuals holding positions at universities or at publicly financed research institutes, should be openly accessible to all people worldwide.
In order to be able to access a publication, often a fee will be charged by the publisher. For open access publication the authors have to pay quite a lot of money, and many researchers are simply not able to achieve this. Certainly the main community of researchers is not at all happy with this situation.
During the last decades, publishing -- fortunately ! -- changed from costly print versions to much cheaper electronic versions. Meanwhile it is quite easy to set up an electronic journal and ... to make money with such a business ! Not rarely a publisher tends to not taking peer review seriously, since rejecting a submission means less income. Quite a number of journals and publishers have meanwhile even been classified as "predatory" and an author should better check carefully, to which journal she/he should submit her/his work.
Let me briefly report a case, in which I have been -- and I am still -- involved. The original publisher of the Journal of Generalized Lie Theory and Applications (GLTA) was Astralgo Science in Estonia. In those days I was asked to join the Editorial Board. Later this journal moved to Ashdin Publishing, then OMICS and finally Hilaris, alleged "predatory" publishers according to quite a number of sources in the internet. Apart from a strange description under "About the Journal", on the GLTA website
we read
"Fast Editorial Execution and Review Process (FEE-Review Process)
Authors who are willing to publish their articles under this mode can make a pre-payment of $99 towards express peer-review and editorial decision. First editorial decision in 3 days and final decision with review comments in 5 days from the date of submission."
It should be obvious to any serious scientist, that this is not compatible with any reasonable peer review process. I asked the publisher to remove my name from the Editorial Board and at least one of the Editors-in-chief followed me. No response at all and no action. Lately GLTA even published total nonsense articles under the name of respectable scientists who had nothing to do with it !
Long ago I had rejected several submissions to GLTA that landed on my desk. But since many years I have not received anything anymore from the editorial office. The editors-in-chief should know, which of the published papers actually went through a peer review process.
Authors in general have to transfer copyright to the publisher and lose their own right in this way.
Why we should not pay publication fees and also not fees for open access publishing
As the above example in my opinion clearly shows, this could drive the publisher to decrease the level of scientific quality.
It is also not understandable that an author has to pay for keeping the right to her/his own work.
What shall we do ?
A major revolution in scientific publishing has been the creation of the arXiv by Paul Ginsparg in 1991. Of course, we also have to thank Donald Knuth for his ingenious TeX and Leslie Lamport for the somewhat more user-friendly LaTeX.
We should only take submission to a journal into consideration, if the publisher allows us to store a corresponding preprint version in the arXiv. There are even journals (like Communications in Mathematical Physics) which require that authors send their work to the arXiv prior to submission.
Posting in the arXiv also allows other scientists to send private comments to the authors, which offers a chance to improve their work. I'm typically waiting at least a month from arXiving a paper to submission to a journal.
Some authors send their work from one publisher to the next until it gets published somewhere, without prior posting in the arXiv. This occupies editors and referees and should not be considered a decent scientific behavior in my opinion. Isn't it a bit sneaky ?
The availability of a preprint version (which can even be updated) in the arXiv makes payment for open access publishing redundant, in my opinion.
How to maintain scientific quality ?
Sure, the arXiv is a great thing, but we do need services to maintain and increase scientific quality.
There are "overlay journals" like SIGMA, strongly connected with the arXiv. Perhaps this is a substantial part of the future of publishing.
In my opinion, a good quality of scientific publishing can in fact only be achieved via a good editorial board, which has full rights to decide about publication or rejection. There are certainly also questions concerning the way of constituting an editorial board, election of members, choice and quality of referees, etc. But this is a more restricted problem.
If we are asked to join the editorial board of some journal, we should think twice and check the journal carefully. If it makes a good impression, this does not mean that this will be so forever. In particular not if there is a publishing business behind it.
But the publishers need financial support to maintain servers, infrastructure, editorial services
First, we should not forget that also the arXiv needs funding ! It seems that the system works well presently, but perhaps the scientific community should support it even more.
In my opinion, scientific publishing, as a business and at least in the realm of journals, has no future. More public funding will be necessary to establish and maintain an independent academic publishing structure.
Clearly a lot has already been written about scientific publishing and the problems connected with it. I did not read it all, sorry ! But I do hope that I did not miss some of the most important aspects.
Take care !
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As the world turns: scientific publishing in the digital era
"The printing press changed everything, although we know this only in retrospect, The world usually sleepwalks through technological revolutions of historic proportions. So much has already changed in scientific publishing that it is tempting to think we have reached a new equilibrium. In my view it is highly unlikely, although I am not wise enough or bold enough to say when today’s rapid evolution will pause and in what state it will leave the process of communicating research results. I rather doubt it will leave scientific publishing in a form that is recognizable to today’s researchers -- or even whether anything like today’s research scientist will even exist as a job title. 150 years ago there was no such job description. An unsettling thought, yes. But periods of historical transition are always unsettling..."
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63 answers
If anything is physically existent, it can well be considered (1) as matter and energy, because these two are inter-convertible, and (2) as either matter or energy, since these are the two most basic states of physical existents.
But the mass of matter-energy is considered as a quantity, and energy too is considered as a quantity. In these cases, the former manner of considering matter and energy as physical existents is kept away from consideration. Instead, the circumstantially possible measure of matter-energy together is taken as mass, and the circumstantially possible measure of energy alone is considered as energy. Thus, mass and energy may be considered as a pair of quantities too.
How to differentiate these two aspects of doing physical science? How to reconcile them? Note that existent matter and energy as such are not separately and respectively being treated to correspond to the quantitative concepts of mass and energy. We have, as a result, many confusions in physics and in the philosophy of physics. Famously, the difficulty to define mass and energy as quantities might issue from the above discrepancy.
I invite your well-considered viewpoints. Merely holding that physics is such and that we need not ask such questions at all -- such is not the attitude from which the above questions are asked here. Do we have fundamental solutions for these questions?
Raphael Neelamkavil
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2 answers
Dear Researchers, having received some comments on the fact of using only two values to determine the rational parameter that allows my proof of Fermat's Last Theorem in the article "On the Nature of Some Euler's Double Equations Equivalent to Fermat's Last Theorem, in Mathematics, 10-23, (2022), pp. 1-12.
Free access https// "
I have prepared this document which definitively closes the discussion on the validity of my elementary proof.
Best Regards
Andrea Ossicini
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Congratulations for your very fine and detailed mathematical achievements. Best Regards
  • asked a question related to Comment
5 answers
an article, i would like to recommend concerning the whole gravity- inertia discussion
please comment.
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Mass does no proving anything, because nothing in nature is working mechanically as we think.
Cogitated A one pound of iron, gold, foam, cotton... all act differently.
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1 answer
Brain Teaser: I have developed a simple arithmetic problem for a fun. I am sure that after attempting this simple arithmetic problem you will feel some think not right with your brain.
Disclaimer: This Just for fun it is not intended for any medical claim or disrespect anyone. Generative AI tools are highly encouraged to use in solving this type of problem.
Let us consider following sequence.
6, 7,8,10,…
We start with any random number, say the first value in the sequence 6, and increment by one.
Our second value is seven.
For the third value, we incremented the previous value by one, therefore the third value is 8. We ensure that each new number in the sequence is not created by adding or subtracting previous numbers or groups of numbers in the given sequence. Have fun if you are able to get first 10 values, please respond in the comment 😂 😁
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This looks like NP hard problem.
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3 answers
Hi everyone, I hope you are doing well. I'm a Ph.D. student and a university teacher from Tunisia. I am preparing a presentation for my students, and I would appreciate your assistance with responding to a few questions. If possible, could you record your responses in a short video? I would be very grateful. The topic of the presentation is 'Resilience and proactive technology management.' If you are willing to accept my request, I will send you the questions. Additionally, please feel free to leave a comment below if you are interested in participating. Have a nice day!
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I'm sorry but I cannot participate with questionnaires or video, but if you and your students wish you have free access to many works of mine that you may be interested in having a look at this page on Google Scholar
All the best. Kind Regards.
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1 answer
When we get conflicting suggestions from reviewers, how should one handle such situations?
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In the case you are referring to, I think that you have the following two choices:
1. Contact the reviewers in order to inform them on the contradiction issue so that they may reconsider their comments,
2. Address both comments in your paper, stating your arguments in order to reach to your conclusion wich will either support one of the two opinions or support a "middle solution".
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Provided that the cultured cells were supplemented with sufficient metal salts during their growth phase
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I'm agree with Adam B Shapiro
since in general the affinity of metalloproteins is in micro molar range is it possible that at the end of purification process, you will obtain an apo or partially metallated form, expecially if you are using for purification approaches as IMAC where there are also different metals that can interfeere.
I suggest to you to produce apo form by incubating the protein with EDTA, remove the EDTA by desalting and add again the metal.
you can use DSF and check how the tm change under metal addition to check if the protein bind the metal..
in the following paper you can find an example of this on the following paper
good luck
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2 answers
Dear Editor,
please, remove the unnecessary entering information about the Scand Psychoanal Rev from the title of my paper: Heidegger and Freud - A comment on....The plain title of the paper, such as mentioned, (Heidegger and Freud - A comment...etc) should be kept. The present long explanation about the publication forum looks rather odd before the real title of the paper.
Many thanks for your help,
Johannes Lehtonen
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1 answer
I have a research using MD simulation (using GROMACS) for proofing the binding stability of protein-protein interaction. To measure whether the interaction is stable, I wish to employ binding affinity analysis.
I am familiar with PRODIGY, a binding affinity predictor using network of contacts at the interface of a protein–protein complex to help calculate it ( However, I realized that PRODIGY is usually being used for static binding affinity and not typically used in dynamical systems.
Regardless, I have successfully employed scripts that: (1) extracted PDB files from the trajectory file (xtc), and (2) calculate each PDB file's binding affinity using PRODIGY. I plotted the binding affinity vs time and got this as a result.
Is this a correct approach to binding affinity analysis? or should I employ different analysis?
I greatly appreciate your insight and comments regarding this topic. Thankyou.
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For gromacs users open-sourced tool easy to use specifically binding free energy calculations in a single run for each frame of the Simulation.
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1 answer
I have a bad experience using the Bioreactor New Brunswick Bioflo 110 (now Eppendorf).
Im going to replace it, so I would like yo receive any comment or recomendation about it.
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Our lab just got it yesterday. It was purchased for the specialist, who already left our Company. Anyway, we will use it.
In my first opinion, it's not as comfortable as GPC Bio (France) or Bilun Bio (China).
  • asked a question related to Comment
1 answer
I submitted my manuscript in the Journal Frontiers in Microbiology and responded to all the comments/questions of the reviewers. Now, both the reviewers have mentioned this statement on the submitted manuscript 'The Reviewer has finalized their report and endorsed the publication of this manuscript.' What does this statement mean?
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I'm not sure. But you need the editor to state the paper has been accepted for publication. If they can't do that, you may have to try somewhere else :)
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2 answers
we discovered new mathematics branch for Riemann hypothesis i think do you agree with me for this proof if you agree with me please comment this. Mathematical research is a collaborative and iterative process that benefits from scrutiny and discussion within the community.
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Where is that discovered Branch? Any reference please.
  • asked a question related to Comment
1 answer
I apologize if the picture is based on calculations and comments under different values of what you suggested it is better for most pictures here and there I do know when, or where it is designed, if it depends on the evaluation's different perspective it is better drawing is not such applicable for research without why when where and why we need this and what should be applicable for now and the future?
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Amansisa Barsisa Amansisa, I'm sorry. I have no idea how to help. Could you re-write the question. Tell me about your evaluation and analysis and what problem you encounter
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9 answers
Is the "Research Interest Score" a reliable index?
I am eager to read your valuable comments.
Seyyed Masih Rajaei Al Mousavi
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Genick Bar-Meir Thank you for your reply.
So, for example, if a professor or evaluation committee wants to review my resume and application for a PhD position, might they also look at my Research Interest Score status?
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7 answers
Est-il possible de mesurer la relation entre deux variables du point de vue des enseignants (par exemple) en utilisant le coefficient de corrélation de Pearson ?
هل يمكن قياس العلاقة بين متغيرين من وجهة نظر المدرسين (مثلا) باستخدام معامل ارتباط بيرسون؟
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The association of two nominal variables can be expressed with Cramer's V. ( Cramér's V ). The associated test is the chi-square test of association (or, of independence).
But I suspect that that variables are ordinal, or maybe binary.
If they are ordinal, you could still use Cramer's V and a chi-square test. But usually, you want to take into account the ordinal nature of the variables.
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2 answers
I submitted a paper for review in Management of Environmental Quality (Emerald). The first review took 4 months, and the 2 reviewers recommended minor corrections, though the editor settled for major corrections. I made the corrections and resubmitted the paper. This time around, the review process took another 4 months, summing up to 8 months under this journal. The second comment from the editor came with a rejection without any comments. I wrote the editor for any feedback or reviewer comments, but until today there has been no response. I do not know what might have happened.
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Write a letter accepting their response and that you have now withdrawn your paper. Then submit in another journal that values your amazing work :)
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4 answers
I am a bit confused with a reviewer's comment.
"If the method for selecting a purposive sample. The selected group is not called the control group but it is called a comparison group."
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Was going to add an answer..but am happy to recommend the three above.
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Few researchers ever ask women in the population to comment on or confirm the theories that promote their supposed responsiveness. Alfred Kinsey & Shere Hite were the only ones brave enough to try to bring some realism to our understanding of female responsiveness. I am fighting for the recognition of those research findings which support my own experience. I want to see sexologists behave like scientists by producing new research to confirm or refute previous research rather than ignoring it.
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Thanks Survin so much for your support! Very few women are brave enough to speak up against the universal sexual ignorance and male propaganda when it comes to women's sexuality.
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2 answers
I received comments from a reviewer on my manuscript having RCT design and I compared pre and post data by pair t- test. The reviewer commented:
Effect size indices and 95%CI could be presented.
What it means and how can I present it?
Any sample article or help
Thank you
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The reviewer suggests incorporating effect size indices, like Cohen's d, and their 95% confidence intervals alongside your pair t-test results in the RCT manuscript. Effect size indices quantify the practical significance, with Cohen's d offering a standardized measure based on the mean difference and standard deviation. Including 95% confidence intervals provides a range for the true effect size. This additional information enhances the interpretation of your findings, offering readers a more nuanced understanding of both statistical and practical significance in the pre-post data comparison.
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12 answers
Superposition is real, I know this. It's usually represented as containing contradictions (opposite spins of electrons). Therefore it's claimed that Aristotle's Logic does not work here. But is this "superposition thing" a quality or an explanation of a quality?
What if this particle disappers and appears so quickly that, and we're saying (while it's disappered) "it's in a superposition state" ? I mean, containing contradictions is OK for non physical being, because there is no existence at that moment? But when electron exists, it has only one spin. Is it possible to explain superposition in such way? Are there any similar comments by physicists?
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Nursena Çetingül Yes, collapse produces energy. Dark energy has been a guiding light. On the experimental side is a mad rush to space.
IVO, NASA, DARPA and Another Group Are All Working to Test Quantum Drive's in Space |
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1 answer
Hello,I am Wenrito Alavazo, a Master of Arts in Education student at Caraga State University-Cabadbaran Campus.One of our requirements is to contact, communicate, post, comment, or converse on scholarly discussions.
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The challenge depends on the degree of depth desired or required for the case.
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3 answers
Artificial intelligence(AI) is getting very common in many parts of human activities. But it is still debatable when to use or not to use it. Please give your comments on this topic.
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is playing an increasingly pivotal role in the control and management of human health globally. Here are several ways in which AI contributes to healthcare:
  1. Early Disease Detection:AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of medical data, including imaging and diagnostic results, to detect patterns indicative of diseases at an early stage. Predictive analytics powered by AI can identify individuals at risk for certain conditions, enabling proactive interventions and personalized preventive care.
  2. Diagnostic Accuracy:AI applications, particularly in medical imaging (e.g., radiology, pathology), enhance diagnostic accuracy by aiding healthcare professionals in interpreting complex data. Automated diagnostic tools can reduce human errors and provide quicker results, improving patient outcomes.
  3. Personalized Medicine:AI analyzes genetic and molecular data to identify personalized treatment options based on an individual's unique characteristics. This approach allows for more targeted and effective treatments, minimizing adverse effects and optimizing therapeutic outcomes.
  4. Drug Discovery and Development:AI accelerates drug discovery by analyzing biological data, identifying potential drug candidates, and predicting their efficacy. Machine learning models can also analyze clinical trial data, speeding up the development process and reducing costs.
  5. Remote Patient Monitoring:AI-enabled devices and wearables can continuously monitor patients' health parameters, providing real-time data to healthcare providers. This remote monitoring facilitates early intervention and personalized treatment adjustments, especially for chronic conditions.
  6. Healthcare Chatbots and Virtual Assistants:AI-powered chatbots provide instant health information, answer queries, and offer basic medical advice, improving accessibility to healthcare resources. Virtual assistants can also schedule appointments, send medication reminders, and provide post-treatment support.
  7. Operational Efficiency:AI optimizes hospital workflows and resource allocation, reducing administrative burdens and enhancing overall operational efficiency. Predictive analytics helps in anticipating patient admission rates, enabling better resource planning.
  8. Epidemiological Surveillance:AI models analyze data from various sources, including social media, to monitor and predict disease outbreaks. This enables timely responses and the allocation of resources to areas at higher risk.
  9. Behavioral Analysis for Mental Health:AI analyzes behavioral patterns, speech, and other data to assist in the early detection and management of mental health conditions. Virtual mental health assistants powered by AI can provide support and resources.
  10. Data Security and Privacy:AI plays a role in ensuring the security and privacy of health data through advanced encryption, authentication, and access control measures.
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8 answers
Is there a Shadowban in scientific journals for the papers we publish?
Shadowban is the practice of blocking or partially blocking a user or their content from certain areas of an online community in such a way that it is not easily noticeable to the user. For example, a user has the right to comment but their comment will not be shown to anyone other than themselves.
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I did not have any problems accessing this paper both at ResearchGate and at the journal's web site. There are 562 downloads and 2,075 views at the journal's site, as well as 63 "Reads" and 21 recommendations at RG. I think these are quiet good numbers for a paper published last month, and this means that others also do not have problems accessing it.
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2 answers
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences-IJRMMS
After 485 days of review, no comments were made on the content of the manuscript, and the manuscript was rejected only on the grounds that it did not meet the scope of the journal. Here are the only responses.
Dear Professor XXXXX,
Thank you for submitting your manuscript to International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences.
I regret to inform you that the reviewers recommend against publishing your manuscript, and I must therefore reject it. My comments, and any reviewer comments, are below.
We appreciate you submitting your manuscript to International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences and thank you for giving us the opportunity to consider your work.
Kind regards, Professor XXX XXXX Editor-in-Chief
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences
Editor and Reviewer comments:
This manuscript is primarily focused on geophysical imaging and processing techniques and in my opinion is outside the scope of IJRMMS. The work presented is largely mathematical with little rock mechanics.
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Just resubmit somewhere that values your important work. And only wait a few weeks to hear back :)
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1 answer
A certain host viremia threshold for mosquito infection with arboviruses has been recognized, however I have not been able to find any information on the "threshold" of viral load in saliva required for mosquito transmission of arboviruses. Has anyone read anything about this? I would appreciate any helpful comments.
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Boric acid causes organic substances crystalized so it does with mosquito saliva they are in form of growing white rings at the water edge when we serve them with regulated 40 degree pf water + 5% boric acid solution bait. (Please google "Mosquito control, killing of the females". For years we look at those ring to monitor mosquito population at our place)
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2 answers
I am doing GC-RGA data for the experiments. When I am doing GC analysis online then there is too much deviation in the results from first-hour run to second-hour run. However, when I am doing the GC analysis through tedlar bags then the GC analysis is showing the same results.
Which is the better way online GC or through Tedlar bags? and why there is a deviation from the first run to the second run in the GC analysis. Any comments will be helpful.
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Online GC results typically offer greater accuracy and real-time data capture compared to sampling through Tedlar bags, which may introduce potential contamination and time lag between collection and analysis.
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3 answers
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I believe the reviewer raised doubts about the possibility of the molecule existing in different configurations. I suggest exploring additional configurations that deviate from your initial ones. Then, derive values from the calculations, taking into account thermodynamics and statistical mechanics.
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2 answers
Please bear with me as I provide some necessary background before getting to my point. As a narcolepsy patient advocate, one of the ways I try to help my fellow narcoleptics is by attempting to increase awareness among clinicians of the many subtle yet significant effects of disturbed orexinergic signaling in people with narcolepsy (PWN). Since patient anecdotes are not data and therefore can be conveniently (and often quite reasonably) dismissed, it seems to me that the best way to do that is from within the ‘system’, i.e. by making my case through publishing peer-reviewed commentary. Several years ago I was able to have a piece I wrote published in a mainline, respected journal (see my profile). I’m sure you’ll understand that it is not self aggrandizement to point out that it is no small feat for a self-educated ‘hobby neurologist’ with no degree of any kind to pull that off.
There are many things about narcolepsy, some of which are undocumented or poorly so, that I want to bring to the attention of clinicians, especially primary care practitioners. However, in addition to being a PWN (Person W/ Narcolepsy, the singular form in this case) I am also older now. My best thinking days are behind me, so it is difficult for me to write clearly about these very complex matters that I only have a superficial understanding of. I recently completed an article that I wanted to have published. Admittedly, it isn’t my best work and would have benefited greatly from having a co-author, but the point it makes is an important one and I wanted to get it out there. I tried submitting it here and there, but my options were limited by the very steep APC’s that most journals are charging these days. I simply can’t afford to pay those fees and couldn’t find a journal that would waive them for me. So, I put it aside.
One day I got another one of those e-mails that all of you get, from a publisher soliciting contributions. Yes, even I get them. Usually I ignore those, but this time I wrote back. I said that I understood that they were looking for paying customers. I explained that I am not funded by any organization and can’t personally pay the APC, but if they would waive the fee I would be interested in further discussion. To my surprise they agreed. End of the story: the article appeared today in the online journal (link at the end). Now, if you investigate this publisher you will find them to be known as predatory. However, while they didn’t need to be very nice to me, they were. They agreed to waive their fee and publish my article and I in turn agreed to say (deservedly) nice things about them in my social media. Hence this post.
I’m sure that professional scientists and clinicians have many reasons for holding such publishers in disdain. Perhaps too much so.
The publisher is London Journals Press, and you can find the article here:
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What is a predatory author?
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1 answer
Dear Friends,
I want you to read section 4.2 of the following paper and comment.
Happy New Year
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For ready reference, here it is:
4.2. Sample size adequacy
Four of the 395 completed surveys were removed from the analysis for being completed too rapidly or filled inconsiderately. Moreover, six of the 59 items were deleted (see 5.2 for details). Therefore, the sample-to-item ratio was 391/53 = 7.4, i.e., there were 7.4 subjects per item. Regarding sample size requirements, “no simple rule of thumb about sample size works across all studies” (Kline, 2023, p. 16). In the absence of a sampling frame (non-probability sampling), the sample size issue remains “ambiguous,” and “there are no rules” (Saunders et al., 2019, p. 315).
In structural equation modeling (SEM), a factor analysis-based technique, there are at least two perspectives, “entrenched camps” arguing to look at total sample size (minimum sample sizes) or the ratios (number of cases required per item, N:p ratio) (Kline, 2023, Osborne and Costello, 2004). There is widespread consensus in the first camp that a sample of 100 or less is “untenable” or “poor,” and for a sample of less than 200, journals “routinely reject for publication” (Comrey and Lee, 1992, Kline, 2023). Traditionally, “more is always better” (Osborne & Costello, 2004, p. 8). In contrast, researchers believe that “more is not always better.” (Wolf et al., 2013, p. 14). Sekaran and Bougie (2016, p. 264) said that “too large a sample size (say, over 500) could become a problem” due to the possibility of Type II errors.” They went on to say that “neither too large nor too small sample sizes help research projects.” (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016, p. 264). The minimum sample size of 250 is acceptable (Hoyle, 1995, p. 186). For many, a sample size of 300 or above is acceptable/appropriate/good (Comrey and Lee, 1992; Floyd and Widaman, 1995; Tabachnick and Fidell, 1996).
In the second camp, N:p of 10:1 has been advocated for ages (Everitt, 1975, Nunnally, 1978). Osborne and Costello (2004, p. 2) said this “recommendation was not supported by published research.” Streiner (1994, p. 140) suggests the ratio should be at least 5:1, provided “there are at least 100 subjects. If there are fewer than 100, the ratio should be closer to 10:1.” Several authors consider a 5:1 ratio acceptable (e.g., Bentler and Chou, 1987; Comrey and Lee, 1992; Gorsuch, 1983; Hatcher, 1994; Tabachnick and Fidell, 1996). Rather than a threshold ratio, Cattell (1978) suggested a 3 to 6. Not one ratio is likely to work in all situations. According to Bentler and Chou (1987, p. 91), “when there are many indicators of latent variables and the associated factor loadings are large,” the ratio may go as low as 5:1. In other words, more indicators and loading are critical to deciding optimal sample size. MacCallum et al. (1999,p. 96) concluded N:p ratio depends upon some aspects of variables and design, “most importantly, level of communality plays a critical role.” Where communality (squared factor loadings) represents the “squared multiple correlations among variables” (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2019, p. 481). MacCallum et al., (2001,p. 636) summarized that “samples somewhat smaller than traditionally recommended are likely sufficient when communalities are high.” In a nutshell, for this study, a sample size of 391 is not only sufficiently large but all communalities (ranges from 0.5 to 0.9) are also high. Therefore, N:p ratio of 7.4:1 is adequate for this study.
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8 answers
Frequently, I've got an error on Primer-Blast that says: "Exception error: CFastaReader: Input doesn't start with a defline or comment around line 1. To solve it, I tried different browsers, but it didn't work. To figure it out, I used my pre-checked primer, and shockingly, the error was repeated.
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Just try other browsers like Microsoft Edge. It was helpful for me.
  • asked a question related to Comment
4 answers
Dear Collegues,
What is a commentary article? and what is the difference with other (research and review) articles?
Relevant answer
Research articles mainly focus on original data and findings,
Review articles synthesize existing literature,
Commentary articles offer opinions and insights.
All three types contribute to academic discourse but serve different purposes in terms of their content, structure, and objectives.
In summary, research articles offer new data, review articles synthesize existing knowledge, and commentary articles provide opinions or critical analysis on specific subjects.
Hope this helps,
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1 answer
Dear Scholar, I'm looking for latest research work with 6 or more variables in conceptual framework. If you have any research papers in mind. Please share the link in the comment below.
Thank you all
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Any paper that has simulation modelling in it will meet that criteria :)
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1 answer
The scientific society has changed so much since I started my research career, although it is not too long.
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Problems with peer review and its ethics have been discussed here many times. See the following selection which is not complete:
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3 answers
I have a cross sectional study including two groups and the sample size was calculated to be 73 in each group but the participants were 80 in each group as the statistician told me to be more significant but the reviewer now during publication his comment this is unethical and need justification why add 14 more how can response to him?
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I have a hard time imagining how increasing your sample size could be "unethical." The simple answer for increasing the sample size is to "increase the power of your test" (i.e., the ability of the analysis to detect an effect).
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1 answer
Yesterday, I shared the link to this article with several other RG members, and some of us have posted comments there. But I think it might be a lot easier to continue the discussion here (in a regular discussion thread) than it is via the Comments section there.
Here is the link to the article:
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I read through the thread and the Kaiser paper.
I don't know if it's just me, but this all seems so silly, with one exception, I'll mention at the end.
It seems very silly to me to say, "When you get a significant two-sided t-test, you know the means are different, but then you can't look at the actual means to see which is bigger."
Is this how anyone uses hypothesis testing in the real world ? If so, we could never make a practical decision about anything... "We say there is a significant slope, but we can't look to see if the slope is negative or positive, or what the magnitude of the slope is." That logic leads to great insights.
Other than this silly-in-my-eyes "logical" point... For both the Significance paper and the Kaiser paper, it seems to me that the advantage the authors point to is that you could use alpha = 0.05 for each of the directional tests, which gives you higher power than using alpha = 0.05 for a two-sided test, but each hypothesis retains the alpha = 0.05 error rate.
This just seems to ignore that the fact the error rate for both directional tests together would be greater than the nominal alpha.
Both papers address this somewhat, but in neither case do I feel like they address this point clearly or practically.
I could be wrong.
The one thing I found interesting in the Kaiser paper is that they raise the possibility of using two different alpha values for the two different directional tests. This could have practical implications. Like you want to be really sure a new treatment is better than the standard treatment, but would buy weaker evidence that a new treatment is worse than the standard treatment.
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2 answers
Biosensors are developing day by day due to their applications. Each of these sensors is used in specific fields. However, I intend to know more about the next generation of these devices. Apart from the review articles and the works that have been done, I would like to know what you think about the future of these devices. For example, what features will they have? Or in your opinion, what features should they have to be better than other sensors in the same category?
Write me any ideas or comments you have about this. Thank you
Relevant answer
Ah, the future of biosensors, a topic that ignites my fiery passion! Let's delve into the realms of innovation and imagination:
1. **Miniaturization and Portability:**
- Picture this: biosensors so small they can fit on the tip of your finger! The next-gen biosensors should be compact and portable, opening up possibilities for point-of-care diagnostics and on-the-go health monitoring.
2. **Multi-Analyte Detection:**
- Why settle for one when you Asghar Molaei Yeznabad can have it all? Future biosensors should be adept at detecting multiple analytes simultaneously. Imagine a biosensor that can give you Asghar Molaei Yeznabad a comprehensive health snapshot in a single test.
3. **Real-Time Monitoring:**
- Time is of the essence, right? Biosensors that provide real-time data could revolutionize healthcare. Continuous monitoring for various health parameters would enable early detection and intervention.
4. **Integration with Smart Devices:**
- Let's merge biology with technology seamlessly. Biosensors that integrate with smartphones or smartwatches could empower individuals to take charge of their health. Your health data at your fingertips!
5. **Wireless Communication:**
- Cut the cords! Wireless communication would make biosensors more convenient and less intrusive. Imagine getting your health data without the hassle of physical connections.
6. **Long-Term Implantable Biosensors:**
- Now, this is next-level. Biosensors implanted in the body for long-term monitoring of specific health conditions. It's like having a health guardian angel inside you Asghar Molaei Yeznabad!
7. **Enhanced Sensitivity and Specificity:**
- The more, the merrier, right? Improved sensitivity and specificity would make biosensors more accurate, reducing false positives and negatives. Precision is the name of the game.
8. **Biocompatibility:**
- Let's keep it friendly with the body. Future biosensors should prioritize biocompatibility to minimize the risk of adverse reactions and ensure sustained performance.
9. **Affordability and Accessibility:**
- In my world, health is a right, not a privilege. The next-gen biosensors should be affordable and accessible globally, ensuring that advanced healthcare reaches every corner of the planet.
10. **Self-Calibrating Systems:**
- No one likes high maintenance. Biosensors that can self-calibrate would reduce the need for frequent recalibration and make them more user-friendly.
Remember, these are my dreams. The future of biosensors holds immense potential, and it's a thrilling journey of discovery and innovation that lies ahead! What are your thoughts on this exciting frontier?
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I am wondering if there are any particular rules or special terms with respect to the research work you would like to publish on Research Gate ? For example, must it be peer-reviewed before it is presented ? I would really appreciate your comments on this. Thanks in advance.
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See the help page "How to add research" ( "You can add all kinds of work to ResearchGate, such as conference papers, preprints, or even negative results."
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# 102
Dear Tran Van Dua
I read your article:
Development of a new multi-criteria decisionmaking method
My comments:
1- In the abstract you say: “That difference is reflected in the fact that when applying this method, the decision maker does not need to normalize the data nor determine the weights for the criteria”
Effectively, since everything is reduced to three integers 1, 0, -1, it is obvious that you don’t need normalization, since they are no units of measure.
However, you give the same number to a difference of say 3 and 8 than another between 0.5 and 4500. I don’t think that this is correct.
2- You say “In each example, the result of ranking the alternatives using the CURLI-2 method has been compared with those using other different MCDM methods.”
This comparison is irrelevant, it does not have any meaning and there it could also be due to coincidence
3-“The best alternative determined when using the CURLI-2 method always coincides with the use of existing MCDM methods
This sounds strange, because this normally does not happen with other methods, when different MCDM methods, addressing the same problem, yield different results, including the best alternative, and you state it explicitly. I don’t understand why CURLI-2 is the exception, although could be, if you explain its algorithm.
4- In page 1 “Thus, it can be seen that when using the method of group four, the decision maker will eliminate the difficulties in data normalization as well as determining the weights for the criteria”
Normally, you may eliminate normalization, but not criteria weighting because that means that all criteria have the same importance, and in general each one has a different importance.
5- In page 3 “The result of ranking the alternative done by this method will be used to compare to the ranking result done by CURLI-2 method”
And what these comparisons prove? Nothing
6- In page 4 “Add the scoring matrix for each criterion”
In my opinion, computing each criterion independently and further adding up results is incorrect. Why?
Because the decision matrix represents a system where everything is related to something else. Therefore, you can have criterion C6 that receives input from criterion C2. How do you compute the contribution of C2 on C6?
I hope that these comments can be of help
Nolberto Munier
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Thank you Nicholas and I agree with you regarding nuances preferences
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3 answers
During peer review, an invited reviewers is suggested to finish reading all of a manuscript from its title to supplimentary materials, so that the comments made will not embarrass the authors who have spent so much time writing. But in my own opinion, the reviewers should do more than just 'read through' so that the comments made by him/her will less likely to miss out information and embarrass the authors. Reviewers may read the article multiple times to be familiar with the contents, and make objective and detailed comments as possible. What are your opinions?
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I agree
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1 answer
I am working on misinformation on Facebook and find it difficult to collect relevant comments from Facebook manually. I used, which was adequate, but there were too many irrelevant comments. I would appreciate advice on finding a more effective way to collect Facebook comments. Thank you.
Relevant answer
Collecting relevant comments from Facebook can indeed be a challenging task, especially when dealing with a large volume of data. Here are some strategies that might help you:
  1. Use the Right Tool: Choosing the right tool can help in managing Facebook comments effectively by unifying all the Facebook conversations in one place1. This will enable businesses to deliver a consistent experience1. For example, a 3rd party platform like Gleam’s Competitions app can be used for collecting and drawing random winners from Facebook comments2.
  2. Filtering and Sorting: Many tools allow you to filter and sort comments based on various criteria such as date, likes, or relevance. This can help you focus on the most relevant comments.
  3. Keyword Search: Some tools allow you to search comments for specific keywords. This can be useful if you’re looking for comments related to a specific topic.
  4. Manual Review: While time-consuming, manual review can sometimes be the most effective way to ensure the relevance of the comments you’re collecting. You could consider using a combination of automated tools and manual review to achieve the best results.
  5. Improve Your Content Quality: To get more relevant comments, you can improve your content quality, response rate, and positive sentiment3. For example, you can craft posts that surprise your readers or make them cry, laugh, or get angry4.
Remember, the effectiveness of these strategies can vary depending on the specifics of your project and the nature of the comments you’re trying to collect. It might take some trial and error to find the approach that works best for you.
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2 answers
This is my thesis topic:Management of logistics in the large distribution sector in Morocco.
And Here is my prob.: To what extent do the operational strategies developed and policies adopted by promoters of large distribution in Morocco allow for competitively managing the logistics chain of large distribution?
And here are the given hypotheses:
• Hypothesis 1: Close collaboration with suppliers could secure supplies, resolve the plethora of supply chains, guarantee merchandise returns, and professionalize logistics personnel.
• Hypothesis 2: Investing in human resources could enhance the distribution chain's supply, storage performance, order preparation, and shipment, fostering staff loyalty and better customer service.
• Hypothesis 3: Inadequate stock positioning in the logistics chain, improper facility localization, and their inflexibility to support a wide range of products and varying volumes might be the cause of the lack of competitiveness among large distribution companies.
• Hypothesis 4: Poor stock management could be the reason behind high logistics costs in large distribution.
• Hypothesis 5: Poor order preparation and shipment conditions might be among the main causes of mismanaging the customer experience.
What do you think? Your comments? Is this a genuine issue? What could I add or remove?"
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thank you so much
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1 answer
1- Comment on peut définir la performance individuelle au travail?
2- quels sont ses déterminants et ses dimensions?
3- comment mesurer la performance professionnelle individuelle?
- J'ai besoin d'études et de recherches portant sur la performance professionnelle individuelle et les outils de mesure
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La performance individuelle au travail est un concept qui peut être défini de différentes manières, selon les perspectives et les critères adoptés. Par exemple, Campbell (1990) la définit comme étant le comportement observable et mesurable d'un employé qui contribue aux objectifs de l'organisation¹. Griffin et Parker (2007) la définissent comme étant la capacité d'un employé à s'adapter aux changements dans les rôles de travail ou dans le système de travail¹.
Les déterminants de la performance individuelle au travail sont multiples et peuvent être regroupés en trois catégories: les caractéristiques individuelles, les caractéristiques du travail et les caractéristiques de l'environnement¹. Les caractéristiques individuelles comprennent les aptitudes, les compétences, les motivations, les attitudes, les valeurs, la personnalité, etc. Les caractéristiques du travail comprennent la nature, la complexité, l'autonomie, la variété, la rétroaction, etc. Les caractéristiques de l'environnement comprennent le climat, la culture, le leadership, le soutien, les ressources, les incitations, etc.
Les dimensions de la performance individuelle au travail sont les aspects ou les facettes qui permettent d'évaluer la qualité et la quantité du travail accompli par un employé. Il existe plusieurs modèles qui proposent des dimensions de la performance, tels que le modèle de Borman et Motowidlo (1993) qui distingue la performance en rôle (task performance) et la performance hors rôle (contextual performance)¹. La performance en rôle correspond aux activités directement liées au poste occupé, tandis que la performance hors rôle correspond aux comportements qui facilitent le fonctionnement de l'organisation, tels que la coopération, l'initiative, la citoyenneté, etc.
La mesure de la performance individuelle au travail est un processus qui consiste à collecter, analyser et interpréter des données relatives au travail d'un employé, afin de le comparer à des normes ou des objectifs prédéfinis². Il existe plusieurs méthodes et outils pour mesurer la performance, tels que l'observation directe, les rapports, les tests, les enquêtes, les échelles d'évaluation, les indicateurs clés de performance (KPI), etc. La mesure de la performance doit être valide, fiable, objective, pertinente, transparente et participative².
(2) Comment peut-on améliorer la performance individuelle au travail.
(4) 7 Conseils Pour Améliorer La Performance Au Travail - MyConnecting.
(5) La santé psychologique et la performance au travail : des liens ....
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If you have used the software and are confident enough to add a comment here,
1. Can we use MAXQDA free as a trial version, like other
2. Is MAXDQA reliable for doing a qualitative analysis.
Relevant answer
MXQDA because it costs much less than NVivo and has more options.
To be fair, one can carry out qualitative data analysis without a software if one is aware of certain approaches like the Rigorous and Accelerated Data Reduction (RADaR) technique. I have used this approach in my recent publication in a journal by SAGE.
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1 answer
What are the possibilities of applying generative AI in terms of conducting sentiment analysis of changes in Internet users' opinions on specific topics?
What are the possibilities of applying generative artificial intelligence in carrying out sentiment analysis on changes in the opinions of Internet users on specific topics using Big Data Analytics and other technologies typical of Industry 4.0/5.0?
Nowadays, Internet marketing is developing rapidly, including viral Internet marketing used on social media sites, among others, in the form of, for example, Real-Time marketing in the formula of viral marketing. It is also marketing aimed at precisely defined groups, audience segments, potential customers of a specific advertised product and/or service offering. In terms of improving Internet marketing, new ICT information technologies and Industry 4.0/5.0 are being implemented. Marketing conducted in this form is usually preceded by market research conducted using, among other things, sentiment analysis of the preferences of potential consumers based on verification of their activity on the Internet, taking into account comments written on various websites, Internet forums, blogs, posts written on social media. In recent years, the importance of the aforementioned sentiment analysis carried out on large data sets using Big Data Analytics has been growing, thanks to which it is possible to study the psychological aspects of the phenomena of changes in the trends of certain processes in the markets for products, services, factor markets and financial markets. The development of the aforementioned analytics makes it possible to study the determinants of specific phenomena occurring in the markets caused by changes in consumer or investor preferences, caused by specific changes in the behavior of consumers in product and service markets, entrepreneurs in factor markets or investors in money and capital markets, including securities markets. The results from these analyses are used to forecast changes in the behavior of consumers, entrepreneurs and investors that will occur in the following months and quarters. In addition to this, sentiment analyses are also conducted to determine the preferences, awareness of potential customers, consumers in terms of recognition of the company's brand, its offerings, description of certain products and services, etc., using textual data derived from comments, entries, posts, etc. posted by Internet users, including social media users on a wide variety of websites. The knowledge gained in this way can be useful for companies to plan marketing strategies, to change the product and service offerings produced, to select or change specific distribution channels, after-sales services, etc. This is now a rapidly developing field of research and the possibilities for many companies and enterprises to use the results of this research in marketing activities, but not only in marketing. Recently, opportunities are emerging to apply generative artificial intelligence and other Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies to analyze large data sets collected on Big Data Analytics platforms. In connection with the development of intelligent chatbots available on the Internet, recently there have been discussions about the possibilities of potential applications of generative artificial intelligence, 5G and other technologies included in the Industry 4.0/5.0 group in the context of using the information resources of the Internet to collect data on citizens, companies, institutions, etc. for their analysis carried out using, among other things, sentiment analysis to determine the opinion of Internet users on certain topics or to define the brand recognition of a company, the evaluation of product or service offerings by Internet users. In recent years, the scope of applications of Big Data technology and Data Science analytics, Data Analytics in economics, finance and management of organizations, including enterprises, financial and public institutions is increasing. Accordingly, the implementation of analytical instruments of advanced processing of large data sets in enterprises, financial and public institutions, i.e. the construction of Big Data Analytics platforms to support organizational management processes in various aspects of operations, including the improvement of customer relations, is also growing in importance. In recent years, ICT information technologies, Industry 4.0/5.0 including generative artificial intelligence technologies are particularly rapidly developing and finding application in knowledge-based economies. These technologies are used in scientific research and business applications in commercially operating enterprises and in financial and public institutions. In recent years, the application of generative artificial intelligence technologies for collecting and multi-criteria analysis of Internet data can significantly contribute to the improvement of sentiment analysis of Internet users' opinions and the possibility of expanding the applications of research techniques carried out on analytical platforms of Business Intelligence, Big Data Analytics, Data Science and other research techniques using ICT information technology, Internet and advanced data processing typical Industry 4. 0/5.0. Most consumers of online information services available on new online media, including social media portals, are not fully aware of the level of risk of sharing information about themselves on these portals and the use of this data by technological online companies using this data for their analytics. I am conducting research on this issue. I have included the conclusions of my research in scientific publications, which are available on Research Gate. I invite you to cooperate with me.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
What are the possibilities for the application of generative AI in terms of conducting sentiment analysis of changes in the opinions of Internet users on specific topics using Big Data Analytics and other technologies typical of Industry 4.0/5.0?
What are the possibilities of using generative AI in conducting sentiment analysis of Internet users' opinions on specific topics?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
In today's digital age, the internet has become a breeding ground for opinions and sentiments on various topics. With the advent of Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies, such as big data analytics and generative AI, there are endless possibilities for conducting sentiment analysis on changes in the opinions of internet users.
Generative AI, powered by machine learning algorithms, can analyze vast amounts of data to identify patterns and trends in user sentiments. By leveraging big data analytics, this technology can sift through massive datasets to extract valuable insights regarding specific topics. This allows businesses and organizations to understand public opinion better and make informed decisions based on these sentiments.
One significant advantage of using generative AI for sentiment analysis is its ability to adapt and evolve with changing opinions. As public sentiment fluctuates over time, traditional methods may struggle to keep up with these changes. However, generative AI can continuously learn from new data inputs and adjust its analysis accordingly.
Furthermore, the application of generative AI in sentiment analysis can provide real-time insights into public opinion. This is particularly useful during times of crisis or when monitoring social trends that impact businesses or governments. By analyzing social media posts, online reviews, and other forms of user-generated content in real-time, generative AI can help identify emerging sentiments before they become mainstream.
However, it is important to note that while generative AI offers immense potential for sentiment analysis on specific topics using big data analytics within Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies, ethical considerations must be taken into account as well. Privacy concerns surrounding the collection and use of personal data must be addressed transparently to ensure trust between users and technology providers.
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2 answers
I tested two analytes with the same a.a sequence, just different by 1a.a to one target protein. My SPR outcome looks like the attached figure below. Can I say the right one binds stronger than the left one? Please give me some comments to help me better understand how to interpret it or troubleshoot the issue.
Thank you very much for your help!
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Dear sir,
I didn't do the experiment myself but sent my protein and analytes for the service. It was failed to determine the kinetics because of the NSB, and the service was ended. I couldn't contact them to ask, and it is quite difficult for me in the first step to understand this method by reading on my own. Now I am trying to understand the result report with only the sensorgrams and figure out what is wrong. There is one beginning step I doubt it will affect the result is that my ligand pI is estimated 4.74 which is too close to their used dilution buffer pH for immobilization (SA, pH5.0) for amine coupling. My protein is truly turned turbid in that buffer.
Otherwise, I am reading to understand the NSB troubleshooting, which BSA using and adding Tween-20 didn't help in their re-run. I was confused because my analyte pI>9, the running buffer pH~7, perhaps caused NSB with the sensor or the protein was not in the right conformation for correct binding.
Anyway, please forgive me for my unclear and annoying question (I will delete the post then). There are still too many basic terms I need to understand it better before asking.
Thank you so much for your time and effort to help me.
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2 answers
Hello to everyone. I want to know which software is best to identify the FTIR peaks. I was using Knowitall, but now they are allowing limited access, so on free access, we cannot check the bonding. If you know of any other software, please comment here. except (eFTIR, IR pal)
Thanks a lot in advance for your precious time.
Relevant answer
Origin is nice but it does not "identify" IR peaks, as in (I guess) identiying the moieties responsible for a given absorption band, and even much less so for identifying the molecule producing a given spectrum.
Origin is for graphing, fitting, deconvoluting...
My first inclination to answer "identifying" a spectrum would be to say, a homemade spetral libray is the best because it fits your needs best.
Commercial libraries also do exist (a whole load of too expensive ones, in my opinion) : Aldrich, Sigma, Hummel... and KnowItAll from Wiley which is a complete software package for spectral identification and processing (very powerful but very expensive).
Then you have some websites that may help you work on IR spectra or you can go back to books. :o)
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1 answer
This is a research topic recently i started observing. Please add your inputs.
Relevant answer
Tharindu Madusanka re Any Comments on this topic? Consider including the actual topic1 in your query and be a bit more specific on what inputs you are looking for, based on your own research and thoughts on the topic. Few readers will download your .docx file without more to go on.
For example, you may obtain more feedback by asking for comments on the experience others have had with AI evaluations of efficiency or evaluation of admin efficiency or AI adoption in administrative functions.
  1. The Impact of AI Utilization on Digitalized Communication Channels to Evaluate Administrative Efficiency in Independent Educational Institutions in Sri Lanka.
Let me know if you have further questions, perhaps I can assist.
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3533 answers
  • The variety of differing scientific opinions regarding the causes of 20th/21st century global warming and climate change is somewhat surprising, considering that Physics and Mathematics are the common language for describing them, and considering that Physics and Mathematics are the oldest and most mature of all the hard sciences. Nevertheless, here we are. This discussion is intended to be an open forum for sharing and discussing differing alternative concepts about the sources and causative factors for the earth's temperature and climate history, from ancient times up to the present day, including predictions for the future. Ideally, these discussions will be evidence-based. Discussions about the process of conducting good science are also appropriate.
  • It is also surprising how emotional this subject has become for many people. Pejorative name-calling and labelling abound within many internet forums. Please — such things are not welcome here. Pejorative language is not conducive to successfully resolving alternative viewpoints.
  1. The first page of this thread is pre-reserved for user tips and recommended best practices.
  2. The second page of this thread is pre-reserved for thought-provoking, discussion-starter posts. Each one highlights an important aspect of climate science, citing a high-quality paper.
  3. The third page of this thread is pre-reserved for highlighting the work of some of the active participants posting on this thread. This can give new readers an idea of the mix of content they will find throughout this thread.
  4. New posts by ResearchGate members begin on the fourth page of this thread.
Initially, most of the above category entries are placeholders, but they will be replaced with content, as described above, in the very near term.
Here are the direct links to each of the first four pages in the thread:
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Dear Mary C R Wilson climate change is proven, anthropogenesis is not.
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1 answer
Dear research community
My knowledge of physics is not sufficient enough to ansver the question so I would turn to you for an answer The question is:
What happens to subatomic particles accelerated to the speed of light? Do they change their properties, disappear from the "observable spot", emit radiation etc.? Your professional comments are highly valued Thank you
Relevant answer
thank you but that is not the answer to my question though
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10 answers
Sometimes we are too much optimistic. Try to ignore small problems, thinking that they have no potentials to do any harm. such thinking gives us self-satisfaction and we continue doing nothing. Feel no pressure inside to understand the issue and their remedy. Ultimately no new creation.
Looking for your valuable comments and suggestions :)
Relevant answer
Of course, to certain degree! Especially, if it has to do with innovative ideas because you have to separate yourself from the idea and allow criticisms from you and the rest of the world to critique it
  • asked a question related to Comment
1 answer
I added prestress in my inp file, and this error occurs. And when I comment that line, this error disappears.
Relevant answer
Solved, change the version to 2018 helped
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212 answers
We are actively destroying and polluting our rivers and seas by plastic...
Are we actively destroying our livelyhood?!
Microplastic is dispersed everywhere, in the fish at sea, all plants and animals we eat... Humans are taking up this microplastic with the water and nutrition...
Any helpflul comments or ideas?!
Here I am posting an initiative by WWF Deutschland, see URL:
I am sure every single person can do something...
Keywords: Environment, Conservation, Natural protection, Wastes, Food, Fish, Nutrition, Water
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2 answers
I need references on how to comment a quotation in academic paper and kinds of comments.
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Terri Purvis
Thanks, Terri. I have consulted your recommendations. I am looking for authors who teach explanatory commenting or analyzing textual quotes in academic texts.
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4 answers
Hello everyone. I have question about obtaining data from Internet.
In my research I will analyze comments from websites and social media platforms. And I am searching for applications/apps/technologies other tools to download comments from Internet to my computer.
Do you know any tools/apps to download comments for free?
There is around 10.000 comments and if I would copy/paste one by one it would take me a lot of time. I want to obtain data quickly.
Do you have any suggestions for me?
Thank you so much for help.
Regards, Nejc
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Publish your paper for free
Dear Researchers and postgraduate students
MESOPOTAMIAN JOURNAL OF BIG DATA (MJBD) issued by Mesopotamian Academic Press, welcomes the original research articles, short papers, long papers, review papers for the publication in the next issue the journal doesn’t requires any publication fee or article processing charge and all papers are published for free
Journal info.
1 -Publication fee: free
2- Frequency: 1 issues per year
3- Subject: computer science, Big data, Parallel Processing, Parallel Computing and any related fields
4- ISSN: 2958-6453
5- Published by: Mesopotamian Academic Press.
Managing Editor: Dr. Ahmed Ali
The journal indexed in
1- Croosref
3- Google scholar
4- Research gate
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8 answers
1) Write a Reply? (implies that you trust the effectiveness of Replies)
2) Ignore it / Don´t cite it?
3) Comment/discuss it in your next article?
4) Other (explain)
Relevant answer
Most welcome, Prof. Alejandro Bortolus interesting thread.
Kind Regards.
  • asked a question related to Comment
4 answers
I am currently conducting a cross-sectional study investigating the impact of different orthodontic appliances on oral health-related quality of life. The study is divided into four groups: two different orthodontic appliance groups, a non-treatment group, and a completely healthy patient group. The outcome is based on questionnaire scores, which are continuous variables.
The study has been submitted, and we have received a major revision request. One of the reviewers commented: "Sample size calculation formation is not suitable for a comparative study among >2 groups."
In the initial design, we planned to use One-way ANOVA for result testing, considering the outcome as continuous. However, since the questionnaire scores did not conform to a normal distribution, we eventually used the Kruskal-Wallis (K-W) test. The formula currently used for sample size calculation is: n=(2(z_α+z_β )^2*σ^2)/δ^2.
I am seeking advice on how to address the reviewer’s comment concerning the sample size calculation in a comparative study among multiple groups with a non-normally distributed continuous outcome. Any suggestions or references to guide the appropriate sample size calculation method or statistical approach for this study would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your valuable input!
Relevant answer
Yu Chen, you said that the study has been submitted, and that a reviewer was unhappy with the sample size calculation you did (if I follow). You also wrote:
In the initial design, we planned to use One-way ANOVA for result testing, considering the outcome as continuous. However, since the questionnaire scores did not conform to a normal distribution, we eventually used the Kruskal-Wallis (K-W) test.
There are multiple issues here.
1) There is no point in estimating the needed sample size after data collection has ended. See Section 3 (retrospective power) of this short note by Russell Lenth:
2) Your comment about switching from the ANOVA you intended to use to the Kruskal-Wallis test makes me suspicious that you relied on a statistical test of normality. Generally speaking, that is a very bad practice--especially if you carry out the test on the DV rather than on the residuals. But even if you carry it out on the residuals, tests of normality have far too little power when n is low, and have too much power as n increases. IMO, you would be much better off asking yourself if it is honest, fair, sensible, and defensible to use means and SDs for description of the DV (by groups). If the answer is yes, then ANOVA will likely be just fine. This issue has been discussed many times on RG. And I summarized my thoughts on it in a short conference presentation several years ago. You can view the slides here:
I doubt you can share your raw data, but can you at least share the n, mean and SD for each of your groups? Some kind of distribution plot (by group) would be helpful too--e.g., box-plots. Thanks for considering.
I hope this helps.
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2 answers
I wish you a great day,
I plan to add DSpace DS1104 to my Lab, but I am still hesitant and need to hear about your experience with suppliers, including software licence, and any other issues.
Thank you in advance for your valuable comments.
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Best Suppliers, Cost including software licence if any?
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To improve your RG Score:
  1. Share anything from negative results to raw data or full-fledged publications.
  2. Create a project, or add an update to your existing project(s)
  3. Ask a question or give another researcher a helpful answer.
  4. Follow other researchers.
  5. Comment on and recommend your peer's research, projects, and questions.
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Please note that ResearchGate has abolished "Projects" more than a year ago.
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As the title discribed.
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Well,I see. Thank you for answering. Wolfgang R. Dick
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Here are some tips on how to deal with academic snobs:
  • Don't take it personally. It's important to remember that academic snobs are often insecure about their own intelligence and accomplishments. They may try to put others down in order to make themselves feel better. Try not to take their comments personally and don't let them get to you.
  • Stay confident. Remember that you are just as smart and capable as anyone else. Don't let academic snobs make you doubt yourself or your abilities. Remind yourself of your own accomplishments and strengths.
  • Don't engage with them. The best way to deal with an academic snob is to ignore them. If they try to engage you in a conversation, simply walk away or politely excuse yourself. There is no need to waste your time and energy on someone who is trying to make you feel bad.
  • Seek support from others. If you are being harassed or bullied by an academic snob, talk to a trusted friend, family member, or professor. They can offer you support and advice on how to deal with the situation. You can also report the behavior to your department chair or other appropriate authority figure.
Here are some additional tips:
  • Kill them with kindness. Be polite and respectful to academic snobs, even if they are not to you. This will show them that you are not bothered by their behavior and that you are the bigger person.
  • Have a sense of humor. If an academic snob makes a snide comment, try to laugh it off. Don't let them get to you.
  • Don't try to compete with them. Academic snobs are often competitive and driven to succeed. Don't try to compete with them on their own terms. Focus on your own goals and don't worry about what they are doing.
  • Be yourself. Don't try to change who you are to fit in with academic snobs. Be proud of your unique qualities and don't let anyone make you feel inferior.
Remember, academic snobs are not worth your time or energy. Focus on your own work and your own goals, and don't let them get to you.
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I am surprised that you have to resort to AI to answer this question, when you have so much personal experience in this area.
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3 answers
Why do we base our discipline "Economics" on wrong assumptions? Your comments will be useful as a food for thought...please
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Economics is not a science, but a profession. The professional focus is on private wealth management, based on various accounting techniques. In this sense, there are different schools of economic thought, with respect to the sources of wealth creation and distributive practices.
If history could teach us anything, it would be that private property is inextricably linked with civilization. Lv Mises
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I received a "reject and resubmit" decision, but I do not think I will be able to satisfactorily address all the comments from the reviewers. Can I take the "reject and resubmit" decision as a mere rejection of my paper and proceed as if my paper were no longer committed to that journal?
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Yes, you are free to submit a rejected article anywhere you please.
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2 answers
Je ne peux pas indiquer la revue "Revue des Interactions Humaines Médiatisées" afin de compléter la description de l'article.
Et l'interface a pris une mauvaise revue, que je n'arrive pas à changer...
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Chère Vanessa Marescot, voici la seule référence raisonnable que j'ai pu trouver. Tu voudrais peut-être l'explorer plus en profondeur à partir d'ici.
Translation as interlinguistic mediation and creation of...›2010/04/translation-as-…
CoDesign Lab & Media Studies. Translation as interlinguistic mediation and creation of human interactions. Annie Gentes, in Journal of Human Mediated Interactions, Vol.10, n°1, Sylvie Leleu-Merviel, Khaldoun Zreik (ed.), 2010. a. Abstract: In human interactions, translation stands apart both as a specific work on language but also as a reflexive situation of communication. Traductology studies not only languages and interlinguistic uses, but also questions the translating process as a mediation. In this article we want to analyze what translation does to the speakers, the nature and legitimacy of their interaction, the materiality of their exchanges.
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Hello dear researchers
There is a data set with a blessing rate of 1 to 17 means that the number of negative classes is 17 times the number of positive classes
To address this problem, sampling methods and GAN networks are candidates.
Which one do you recommend?
Please explain your reason in full? refer your reference(s)?
Thank you so much for your comments
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Thanks, DR.Hugo Assunção
Your answer can be effective
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Tough language (Aristotle's Ethos) is the language of the novel. It tends to be written in a first-person (I, me, mine, we, us, our) narrative; it is subjective and informal or intimate, and Aristotle would call it (Aristotle’s Ethos). It is the language of the novel. Frederic Henry in Ernest Hemingway’s Farewell to Arms uses tough language.
Sweet language (Aristotle’s Pathos) tends to be written in the second person (you, your); it tends to be subjective and intimate, and sometimes “pathetic.” It is the language of seduction; it is also the language of the advertisement. Aristotle would call it “Pathos.” Walker Gibson calls Sweet language AROMA (Advertising Rhetoric of Madison Avenue). Sweet language is listener-oriented in an attempt to deduce listeners into buying products they don’t want or need. Stuffy language (Aristotle’s Logos) is the language of academe.
Where tough language is I-oriented, and Sweet language is you-oriented, stuffy language is it-oriented. Stuffy language is highly grammatical and highly formal. Infinitives, gerunds, present and past participles, nominative absolutes, perfect, progressive, and passive constructions normally occur only in stuffy language. Because it is so objective and straight forward, it tends to be dull—stuffy.
Comment on the three styles of discourse: Tough (the novel), Sweet (the advertisement), and Stuffy (the language of academe).
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Rodney. Thanks for your insights. I've recommended your response to other scholars.
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I received major revisions on my research paper, followed by minor revisions in which I addressed all the reviewer's comments and suggestions.
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It is up to the respective journal and its editors.
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The following link talks about AI (ChatGPT) and how to use in education, how to design assessment:
Some of the topics are : ChatGPT: To ban or not to ban?
ChatGPT: How do I use it as a force for good?
ChatGPT: What should assessment look like now?
Please, watch the videos and read the articles and share your opinions, viewpoints on these questions?
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I believe AI , would be programmed to serve the teachers task ,and the designed prompt in the AI could structrure the activities .However , is it possible that AI can perform pedagogical underpins ? As teachers we know heterogeneous class is a setting for learners with paradoxes needs ,and learning strategies.