Asked 27th Jun, 2021

Identification of phenolic compounds from a given chromatogram?

How may I idenntify some metabolites in a chromatogram of my plant extract (the HPLC technique was performed without standards).

Most recent answer

Sunakshi Gautam
Shoolini University
Previous research or literature can be considered

Popular answers (1)

Gabriela S. Barragan-Zarate
Instituto Politécnico Nacional
Which detector was coupled to your HPLC? Accordingly, you can rely on previous studies where they used a system similar to yours, and even if possible of the same plant species.
6 Recommendations

All Answers (6)

H. Hemida
Université Ibn Khaldoun Tiaret
I think by comparing with previous studies
Gabriela S. Barragan-Zarate
Instituto Politécnico Nacional
Which detector was coupled to your HPLC? Accordingly, you can rely on previous studies where they used a system similar to yours, and even if possible of the same plant species.
6 Recommendations
Uma Gowrie Sezhian
Ethiraj College for Women(Autonomous)Affliated to Madras University,Chennai.Tamil Nadu.India.
Generally usage of respective standard of your interest is the appropriate method but to an extend you can rely on the literature provided that if the Instrumental conditions namely''type of detector'type of column'Solvents used etc
  • Noura Ayad asked: "How may I idenntify some metabolites in a chromatogram"?
You can not make identification using only an 'example' chromogram. A proper method coupled to reference standards for each compound are needed for qualitative initial identification. Retention time alone, for a specific method, is just one dimension of analysis (not enough for ID alone). Different methods yield different results. Different instruments may yield different results. Depending on the level of training and knowledge, different users may also obtain different results.
(1) Sample ID requires the use of orthogonal methods and techniques to collect data. (2) Standards are needed, run on the same instrument, using the same method as the samples, at the same time for comparison. (3) Use detectors which use different physical and/or chemical properties to collect data.
Perhaps you can discuss your project with your teacher to find out what options are available to you? If the sample is described in the literature, then you may be able to make some preliminary qualitative ID's based on what you found so far.
Sunakshi Gautam
Shoolini University
Previous research or literature can be considered

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