Asked 13th May, 2016

I have used two wavelengths for MTT assay. so i want to ask which wavelentgth i have to take ? or average ? I have taken at 562 and 592 nm

I have used two wavelengths for MTT assay. so i want to ask which wavelentgth i have to take ? or average ? I have taken at 562 and 592 nm

All Answers (3)

Yik Hei Ng
Flinders University
normally MTT should be read at 570nm or in between 550-600nm, i have read mine at 595nm before and compared to that in 570nm, they are all around more or less than 0.002 different in OD. You have to set up a standard curve for your experiment anyway, if you can't use the recommended wavelength (570nm), i would recommend you to choose one (either 562nm or 592nm) and stick with it.
1 Recommendation
Himanshu Kumar
National Institute of Technology Rourkela
You may take any one of them. But stick with one wavelength for whole study which would be much better for your analysis.
1 Recommendation
M. R. Mozafari
Australasian Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Initiative
Dear Smriti,
In our studies toxicity evaluations were performed using two cytotoxicity assays instead of just one and ABSORBANCE WAS DETERMINED AT 540nm. This is because certain chemicals have been reported to give divergent results in different toxicity tests including the NRU and MTT assays (Olivier et al 1995; Chiba et al 1998). Besides, Evans et al (2001) have recently found that in some cases one of the NRU or MTT assays can be more sensitive in detecting the toxicity of non-viral transfection reagents.
Evans, A.R., Alexander, D., Burke, P. and Reed, C.J. (2001) Toxicity and transfection efficiency: comparison between four commercially available non-viral transfection reagents in a human bronchial epithelial cell line. British Pharmaceutical Conference Science Proceedings 2001,  106.
Evans, A. (2003) In Vitro and Ex Vivo Studies on the Toxicity and Efficacy of a Selection of Non-Viral Transfection Reagents.  PhD Thesis, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, UK.
Please also see attached paper. 
1 Recommendation

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  • Hyun Jeong YoonHyun Jeong Yoon
Hello I am currently trying to set up a new protocol. Our lab is planning to perform study about mitochondria, and we still couldn't set up a proper protocol.
The kit we used is from abcam (ab110168), and since the protocol is written based on large amount of tissue, we downsized the protocol to 1/10 amount of tissue. (about 30mg)
1. Wash and mince the tissue, and then homogenize the tissue using dounce homogenizer. Before homogenizing we put isolation buffer until the total amount is 200ul.
2. Put the homogenate in an e-tube, then add isolation buffer until the total amount is 200ul. Then centrifuge for 10min, 1000g, 4℃.
3. Add isolation buffer to the supernatant until the total volume reaches 200ul. Then centrifuge for 15min, 12000g, 4℃.
4. Collect the supernatant for it is the cytosolic fraction, and add isolation buffer 100ul+protease inhibitor cocktail 1ul to the pellet. Then centrifuge for 15min, 12000g, 4℃.
5. Discard the supernatant, then add isolation buffer 100ul+protease inhibitor cocktail 1ul. Then centrifuge for 15min, 12000g, 4℃.
6. Discard the supernatant, add isolation buffer 49.5ul+protease inhibitor cocktail 0.5ul and resuspend the mitochondrial pellet.
While homogenizing, we stroked the pestle for total of 40-50 times. After that we tried decreasing the number of stroke to total of 10 times. Either way, when we performed western blot to check the purity, we could see the band of cytochrome c from cytosolic fraction, and GAPDH or b-actin from mitochondrial fraction.
After that we used another kit from abcam(ab65321) which is for mitochondrial DNA isolation. the protocol was slightly different and we stroked the pestle for total of 100 times. We used the same amount of tissue (about 30mg) and we could still see b-actin from mitochondrial fraction after western blotting. I should mention that the reagents we used from this kit was opened in 2019. Also the speed for high speed centrifuge was 10000g, and the time was 30min.
Is there something wrong with our protocol? Or is there anyone who successfully isolated mitochondria from the cytosolic fraction?

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