Asked 6th Jul, 2021

How to simulate the following scenario?

[1] In this experiment, we use a very large virtual world, with a dimension of 30*30 units, total number of avatars is equal to 25000, and the number of servers, 16. The radius of the Area of interest of each avatar is equal to 0.5.
[2] To generate a simulation environment, we randomly position 100 cloudlets and 500 players on a 1,000 meter square grid. Players are partitioned into 20 regions
[1] An efficient partitioning algorithm for distributed virtual environment systems | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE Xplore
[2] Delay-Sensitive Multiplayer Augmented Reality Game Planning in Mobile Edge Computing | Proceedings of the 21st ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems

Popular answers (1)

A good job there
7 Recommendations

All Answers (3)

Bazar Dzhumaevich Ulugov
Termez Institute of Engineering and Technology
2 Recommendations
A good job there
7 Recommendations
Bazar Dzhumaevich Ulugov
Termez Institute of Engineering and Technology
Interesting. Good job
1 Recommendation

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