Asked 31st May, 2022

How to revive insect cell line SF9?

Hello everyone!
Recently, i have started working with SF9 cell line from thermo (Cat No. B82501) for which i was able to culture and grow the newly received vial in complete Grace's insect media at 27 degree Celsius in a non-humidified incubator as per the instructions (bright field images attached for reference). But i am not able to witness the viable cells after revival of frozen cells from previous batch. Approximately 10*7 cells/ml cells were frozen with 80% complete Grace's insect media, 10% heat inactivated FBS, and 10% DMSO as per instructions. Even though the doubling time is 24-30 hrs, there is slow growth of cells even after 7days.
Seeking expert advice regarding the possible reason for such slow growth of cells and how to enhance the culture conditions.

Most recent answer

Ionela Litso
University of Crete
Wen Liu is it required to use medium supplemented with 20% FBS when subculturing the culture or we use it only in the first step?

All Answers (5)

Wen Liu
Texas A&M University System Health Science Center
This is pretty common. What I can suggest you is that after the Sf9 cells were seeded on the plate (usually 15-30 min), remove the supernatant media that contains DMSO immediately, then replace with fresh complete Grace's insect containing 20% heat inactivated FBS and then incubate at 27C for 2 -4 days. Check for growth every every day, and then split it into new flasks when Sf9 cells' monolayer growth occupy 90% surface.
Kananbala Patra
Institute of Life Sciences
Thank you Wen Liu for your response.
I usually do the same after overnight incubation, like if i seed the cells in the evening, change the media next day morning. But yes, will change the media within 30 mins and increase the FBS% as per your suggestion. At the same time, i would like to ask does washing with PBS hamper the cells? We normally do it for mammalian cells, but it is not mentioned anywhere in the user manual for insect cell lines.
Wen Liu
Texas A&M University System Health Science Center
My experience is that you really do not need to wash the cells with PBS between media changes.
Kananbala Patra
Institute of Life Sciences
Thank you Wen Liu for sharing your experience.
Ionela Litso
University of Crete
Wen Liu is it required to use medium supplemented with 20% FBS when subculturing the culture or we use it only in the first step?

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