Asked 11th Mar, 2015

How to download twitter data?

Hello all,  I am working on project. I want to download twitter data.  By using twitter API, I am able to download only 3 tweets. Is there a way to download at least 1000 tweets? 

Most recent answer

Popular answers (1)

Dominik Batorski
University of Warsaw
You can use 
  1. Twitter APIs:
  1. R packages:
e.g. twitteR, RTwitterAPI
See also blog posts on Twitter data on R-bloggers:
19 Recommendations

All Answers (75)

Chee Siang Ang
University of Kent
have you tried NodeXL?
2 Recommendations
Francesc Grau
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
You can download your own file going to your Settings -> "Request your archive" button. And you'll get to your first tweet :-)
1 Recommendation
Venkata Prasad Palakiti
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
@Chee Siang Ang: I didn't try.  I am using R packages.
Venkata Prasad Palakiti
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
@ Francesc grau: Thank you for your reply. I want to download some other tweets not my own tweets.
Francesc Grau
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
You can't access to file of others by this way :-(
Venkata Prasad Palakiti
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
@ Francesc Grau: Can you tell me, is there a way to do it?
Francesc Grau
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
I used them long time ago and both were well. Nowadays, I don't know. Sorry
1 Recommendation
Venkata Prasad Palakiti
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
@ Francesc Grau: Thanks  a lot.
Dominik Batorski
University of Warsaw
You can use 
  1. Twitter APIs:
  1. R packages:
e.g. twitteR, RTwitterAPI
See also blog posts on Twitter data on R-bloggers:
19 Recommendations
Iñaki San Vicente
Elhuyar Fundazioa
You probably want to connect to the public streams. There are libraries for many languages:
So far I've used the Perl Net::Twitter successfully.
Depending on your setup (i.e. account/keywords you pass to the API to look for) you may not get many tweets at the beginning, and so you will need to be connected to the stream for quite some time,
1 Recommendation
Marius Rohde Johannessen
University of South-Eastern Norway
Depending on what you are after, NodeXL can be a good package. Does not require programming skills, it's simply a plugin for Excel. And the guys behind it are helpful if you get stuck.
2 Recommendations
Udeh Livinus Tochukwu
Ecole Internationale des Sciences du Traitement de lInformation
you can use putty and hive to download tweets if you are using twitter Api...That was the apps I used to extract the tweets
2 Recommendations
Mariano Pierantozzi
Università degli Studi G. d'Annunzio Chieti e Pescara
You can have a look at this link.
Mathematica allows you to download and manage a lot of Social Media data, including twitter.
Hope it is useful.
1 Recommendation
Venkata Prasad Palakiti
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Thank you all for your kind reply.
@ Marius: Is  NODE XL useful for doing sentiment analysis?.  I tried NODE XL, it is useful for doing network analysis. I want to use tweets for doing sentimental analysis.
@ Udeh: Is puuty and hive are mobile apps? 
@ Mariano:  I will try this. 
1 Recommendation
Udeh Livinus Tochukwu
Ecole Internationale des Sciences du Traitement de lInformation
you can install an oracle VM as the server and then use putty to connect to it. You need some queries to extract the tweets  in hive and then add some json file for transforming the data before using it for sentiment analysis.
1 Recommendation
Venkata Prasad Palakiti
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
@ Udeh: Thanks a lot. If you have any material related to putty, can you please share with me. 
Günther Fliedl
Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
Try TWICTION, which is connected to a Twitter Account and realized (what I know) via a Twitter/streaming API.
For further information have a look at:
1 Recommendation
Venkata Prasad Palakiti
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
@ Gunther Fliedl: Thank you for your reply. Could you please explain how it helps to my study?
Marius Rohde Johannessen
University of South-Eastern Norway
@venkata I'm not sure if NodeXL is the best tool for sentiment analysis. I've only used it for SNA.
Venkata Prasad Palakiti
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
@ Marius: Thank you.
Timothy Cribbin
Brunel University London
Some good suggestions above, but you may also want to take a look at Chorus Tweetcatcher (TCD) for a simple GUI data collection tool. You can run queries and download user-specific timelines. It can also be used in conjunction with a prototype visual analytics tool called Tweetvis which provides summary statistics and various visualizations to help you explore your datasets.
Chorus is free to download and use:
16 Recommendations
Jolly Soparia
Zydus School for Excellence
where can i download the movie reviews where users have given opinions using rating. I tried using rotten tomatoes. But its not working. I want it for Sentiment Analysis. Please any body can help me. 
Also suggest me if there are other product sites that allow users to download opinions of rating on movies or any other product.
1 Recommendation
Andry Alamsyah
Telkom University
i suggest you use R package TwitteR (for backward search) or StreamR (for forward search). I found this package is easy to use and we can crawl up to 1500 on one go. i attach the appearance of this TwitteR package 
2 Recommendations
Venkata Prasad Palakiti
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
@ Andry: Thank you for your reply. I have used twitteR package in R software. But i am able to download only 3 tweets. I want minimum 1000 tweets.
Andry Alamsyah
Telkom University
@Vankata if you dont specify anything by default twitter search will get 25 last tweet from your search. This is the default :
searchTwitter(searchString, n=25, lang=NULL, since=NULL, until=NULL, locale=NULL, geocode=NULL, sinceID=NULL, retryOnRateLimit=120, ...)
the more variable you put above makes the search is more specific and better accuracy. i am able to get more accurate result by putting for example n=1000, since(date) or sinceID (twitter ID) or geocode ..
1 Recommendation
Venkata Prasad Palakiti
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
@Andy: Thank you for your reply. I am specifying n=1000 still it is giving only 3 tweets.
Andry Alamsyah
Telkom University
@Venkata i forgot one thing the API can not retrieve tweet older than 7 days. other than that i never had any problem to crawl twitter data. by the way you can give me one of your keyword and i will check from my end if i experience the same problem.
Venkata Prasad Palakiti
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
@Andry: Ya i agree. API will not provide more than 7days tweets. My keyword is stayzilla. Please tell me how many you are able to download.
Udeh Livinus Tochukwu
Ecole Internationale des Sciences du Traitement de lInformation
Do you know programming in R? I will soon publish a project on data visualization in R. So you can use the analysis to download tweets
Venkata Prasad Palakiti
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
@ Udeh: ya i know R programming.
Udeh Livinus Tochukwu
Ecole Internationale des Sciences du Traitement de lInformation
ok so you can also download tweets using R, then save it and use it for your project
Venkata Prasad Palakiti
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
@udeh: I am using twitteR package to downlaod tweets.  I am able to download only 5 tweets , i want at least 1000 tweets. Do you know how to download? 
Udeh Livinus Tochukwu
Ecole Internationale des Sciences du Traitement de lInformation
> library(twitteR)
> library(wordcloud)
> library(RColorBrewer)
> library(plyr)
> library(ggplot2)
> library(sentiment)
# Find OAuth settings for twitter:
> library(httr)
> oauth_endpoints(“twitter”)
## <oauth_endpoint>
# Register an application (API) at
# Once done registering, look at the values of api key, secret and token
# Insert these values below:
> api_key <- “ ”
> api_secret <- “ ”
> access_token <- “ ”
> access_token_secret <- “ ”
> setup_twitter_oauth(api_key,api_secret,access_token,access_token_secret)
## [1] “Using direct authentication”
# Now let us collect some tweets (2000 in our example) containing the term '#UDEH_BIGDATA' from twitter (language = English,
# if you wish you can set other languages to fetch tweets in those languages in your analytics)
>  tweets = searchTwitter('#UDEH_BIGDATA', n=2000, lang=”en”)
2 Recommendations
Marco Bianchi
Fondazione Ugo Bordoni
You should specify the programming language you are using. Anyway, a list of libraries to interact with the Twitter API is available at
Depending on your needs, you could use:
If you are using Java as programming language, consider that Twitter4J ( is, probably, the best library to interact with Twitter. It is also well-documented.  
2 Recommendations
Andry Alamsyah
Telkom University
@Venkata sorry for late reply over the weekend ..
your keyword appearance just to few in the twitter, i am only able to gather 184 data when specify n = 1000, i will try on another computer today ..
Venkata Prasad Palakiti
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
@  Udeh: Sorry for the late reply. I am using the similar code in R. Still i can download only 6 tweets.
@ Marco: Thank you very much for your reply. I am using R Software. I will try.
@ Andry: Thank you very much. It has 2176 tweets. Let me know how many you are able to download.
Noha A. Nagi
Cairo University
Do you have to code for that?
I mean: there are ready made software for this. You have to check Deen Freelon list :
This list is curated by Deen but collected in contribution of a lot of internet researchers' chat through the AOIR list ( "Proudly" I have contributed too in this :)
I also suggest you begin following this list for there are many helpful guys there !
Good luck!
Venkata Prasad Palakiti
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
@Noha: Thank you for your reply. Definitely i will look into this.
Noha A. Nagi
Cairo University
You have to!
Good luck :)
Jolly Soparia
Zydus School for Excellence
thank you all for your support. Not able to thank all specifically, sorry for that.
really it helped me. 
Lone Sorensen
University of Leeds
Hi, I'm in a similar situation. I need historical twitter data for social network analysis. What would be the advantages/disadvantages of scraping tweets from Twitter's advanced search and downloading data from the Internet Archive respectively? Both in terms of coverage/completeness of data set and in terms of the tools and/or programming skills I would need. Thanks.
Dominik Batorski
University of Warsaw
@Lone Sorensen
It seems to me that to obtain full historical data from Twitter is not possible. Please see this paper for a discussion of biases of different methods of data collection.
1 Recommendation
Udeh Livinus Tochukwu
Ecole Internationale des Sciences du Traitement de lInformation
You can learn the procedures by following the steps in this project
1 Recommendation
Lone Sorensen
University of Leeds
@Dominik - thanks for the article! I gather that I can't use the API as it won't provide me with historical data (I need to go further back than one week). Hence I'm wondering what the bias is of using Twitter's advanced search, compared to the firehose and/or API. I've seen studies comparing the API and the firehose like the one you posted but nothing about the web search itself. Have you heard of any such studies? And am I right in guessing that the Internet Archive is based on the streaming API?
@Udeh - thanks, this will be really useful as a next step!
Yeimy Arevalo
National University of Colombia
@ Udeh: thank you very much for you R code. That function perfectly!.  mayble if someone doesn´t know how to get the api and tocken codes could get it in .
Fabian Huettig
Universitätsklinikum Tübingen
The Software MAXQDA 12 provides an Interface for selective downloads.
Emma Lee
Peking University
You can get twitter data from Podargos Data. All you have to do is to tell them your needs.
Podargos can provide twitter historical and realtime data. In additional, it's able to help you retrieve other mobile App data of social networks and e-commerce, and supports for nearly 100 languages. I hope this information can help you.
Podargos' website is
Here is the data sample: 
2 Recommendations
Noha A. Nagi
Cairo University
I would also suggest that you check: twitteR
Kamaalini Subramani
Velammal Institute of Technology
Hi venkat....I am also facing the same problem. But i have a solution to download data from facebook using netvizz app. But Now a days i can't download data from FB.
Any one can help me how to download fb comments using netvizz or some other easiest way and also i need .gdf file to import in Gephi.
Please guide me.
Shaheen Khatoon
University of East London
Hi, You can scrap data using "Search Twitter" operator in RapidMiner. With this operator you can specify query and get Twitter statuses containing this query.
Ghulam Asrofi Buntoro
Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo
with R Programming
Alistair Walsh
University of Melbourne
I'm a researcher from University of Melbourne in Australia. The group I work in is scraping Twitter data to analyse aspects of emotion control. After many months we are now collecting tweets and user timelines in a mongoDB database using docker, pymongo and tweepy. Currently have a dataset of 20 million tweets from 8000 individual users and it's growing daily.
Happy to share information as I think helping other researchers will help us.
Tiago Santos
ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
If you are looking for information older than a week, a current limitation of the Twitter API, you can crawl the advanced search with the script in the link below.
Emma Lee
Peking University
Hi, you can get twitter data from Podargos Data. It can provide twitter historical and realtime data. In additional, it's able to help you retrieve other mobile App data of social networks and e-commerce, and supports for nearly 100 languages. I hope this information can help you.
Pordargos' website is
Here is the data sample: 
Realtime data collection using the Twitter Search API and the Gnip PowerTrack 2.0 is available using a point and click (no programming) interface at Here are the top 10 reasons to use DiscoverText:
For three free historical Twitter data estimates per day, create a free account on Sifter (
For more information about "Gnip" PowerTrack data, please refer to:
I used this tool a month ago to download twitter data, am not sure if the free trial would let you export 30,000 rows at a time,. Feel free to check it out though
1 Recommendation
Mohamed Ali Saip
University of Bradford
I used KNIME ( to monitor and download Twitter data daily.
Abdullah Önden
Yalova Üniversitesi
If you try Twitter API, you'll face 7 day limitation. Now Twitter offers a Premium API for bulk requests. Still I don't understand why they don't offer any option for educational researches. But still you can still try another options like trimming data from Twitter search services. There's a good option here, even if you don't know Python, this tool will help you to get bulk tweets and also you can get different time spans:
And also follow our project SentiTweet:
1 Recommendation
Hiba J. Aleqabie
University of Kerbala
streaming twitter API using python language the package of twepy
Have you considered using a social media monitoring tool?
There are many you could test, and I'd advise using a paid tool. Free ones usually lack features that you might actually find the most valuable, whether it's analytics or data visualisation.
As far as my experience goes, the tool I've spent quite a big chunk of my time with is Brand24 ( It's a media monitoring tool that allows for monitoring both social and traditional web and then exporting the data to .xls files, infographics or .pdf reports.
Coming back to crawling Twitter data, it's very effective due to the access to Twitter's API. However, media monitoring tools are able to collect only those mentions that are publicly available and don't have access restrictions assigned to them. On top of that, historical data is limited, so the tool is the most accurate from the moment of creating the monitoring project onwards.
As far as other tools are concerned, you might also want to have a look at Brandwatch( or Sysomos (
Hope you'll find this answer helpful!
Alberto Burchi
Università degli Studi di Perugia
Thank you for your contribution. I read with great interest. I am now able to download the tweets as described in some links. Now, I would like to build a database of tweets to be continuously enriched so as to overcome the constraint of the 18,000 tweets and dey 7 days free of the free API. Do you have any advice for me?
Piyush Khatri
Indian Institute of Management Indore
Hi, if you want to download historical tweets related to any search term then you can fetch it from Twitter API for past 7 days.
As per the description provided by you, it looks like that you had already tried that method and received just 3 tweets in past 7 days.
Hence, if you want to go further than 7 days then you will either need to purchase the data directly from Twitter to use its Premium API or purchase it from third party data providers like TrackMyHashtag.
Here is the link to submit your query at TrackMyHashtag:
Salar Zrary
University of Mosul
Mr. Venkata Prasad Palakiti
At the end, which website or software did you use to download Twitter data?
Alberto Burchi
Università degli Studi di Perugia
Python and R. Between the two I am more familiar with R but I am moving towards Python: for my uses of artificial intelligence it is more powerful.
Good Answer Abdullah Önden
You can use Twint. It is an advanced Twitter scraping tool written in Python that allows for scraping Tweets from Twitter profiles without using Twitter's API.
Some of the benefits of using Twint vs Twitter API:
  • Can fetch almost all Tweets (Twitter API limits to last 3200 Tweets only);
  • Fast initial setup;
  • Can be used anonymously and without Twitter sign up;
  • No rate limitations.
1 Recommendation
Shivani Thakur
Dayalbagh Educational Institute
You ca use scrapy.
Yes absolutely!
There are tools that have the capability to provide all the tweets of any public Twitter account and FollowersAnalysis is one of them.
FollowersAnalysis is a Twitter data analytics platform that can help you download the Tweets from virtually any account. You can get the data in CSV/ Excel format.
Here is the website link:
You can go through another amazing tool:
Salah Ahmed
2 Recommendations
Thanks for the valuable links.
7 Recommendations
Salah Ahmed
It was my pleasure :-)
1 Recommendation
Hello sir, I can suggest you an alternative method to collect data from Twitter.
FollowersAnalysis is an amazing Twitter analytics tool that can help you extract Twitter data related to any @username or targeted keywords and hashtags. Scrape the past tweets of your brand’s Twitter profile, competitors, influencer marketing candidates, etc.
FollowersAnalysis doesn’t just give you access to Twitter data you also get access to analytical insights and predictive analytics. The comprehensive PDF reports provide actionable insights that can help you make data-driven decisions.
Often brands, marketers, and researchers need custom Twitter datasets for research purposes, competitor analysis, or analyzing the impact of implemented strategies. FollowersAnalysis also offers an option to request custom Twitter datasets which the user can export into Excel CSV or JSON formats.

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