Asked 24th Aug, 2020
  • ICAR - Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research

How to control flowering in sugarcane?

Sugarcane is a vegetatively propogated crop.

Most recent answer

Mehar Chand
CCS Haryana Agricultural University
Temperature and rainfall during September month. Flowering is generally observed in spring planted sugarcane but flowering is rarely observed in autumn planted sugarcane . So planting of sugarcane in autumn season can be helpful in controlling flowering. Climatic conditions during first fortnight of September decide the extent of flowering.

Popular answers (1)

Arvind Singh
Banaras Hindu University
Please also see the link below.
7 Recommendations

All Answers (15)

Arvind Singh
Banaras Hindu University
Arvind Singh
Banaras Hindu University
Please also see the link below.
7 Recommendations
Devidas Bhagat
Government Institute of Forensic Science Aurangabd
Spray of ethrel at 500 ppm concentration (100ml per 100 litres water per acre) during the second fortnight of July as a mist over crop canopy helps in suppression of flowering completely. Higher dosage should be avoided
Sangeeta Srivastava
Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research
Inhibition of flowering in sugarcane by ethephon (2-chloroethylphosphonic acid) is well-documented.
Harasit Kumar Paul
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University
Please follow the attached document:
Andrew Paul McKenzie Pegman
University of Auckland
Night temperature and photoperiod
Eid Mehareb
Sugar Crops Research Institute (SCRI), ARC, Egypt
Four factors , Rajesh Kumar , temperature, Dark period , humidity and age
but the problem is synchronization between varieties
4 Recommendations
Chinaza Godswill Awuchi
University of Central Lancashire
Apply ethephon (2-chloroethylphosphonic acid). The inhibition of flowering in sugarcane by ethephon (2-chloroethylphosphonic acid) applied to experimental plots is well-documented.
Chinaza Godswill Awuchi
University of Central Lancashire
less than 18°C at night will prevent flowering. High minimum temperatures appear to be more important during floral initiation. flowering. initiation is likely to make flowering more profuse.
Santoshkumar B Pujer
University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad
It's pully depending upon date and time of planting. If u plant July I.e adsali it will reduce the rate of flowering. If you plant at January I.e akasali it will increase the rate of flowering.
Md Mostofa Mahbub
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute
Photoperiod and temperature
Eid Mehareb
Sugar Crops Research Institute (SCRI), ARC, Egypt
5 Recommendations
Mehar Chand
CCS Haryana Agricultural University
Temperature and rainfall during September month. Flowering is generally observed in spring planted sugarcane but flowering is rarely observed in autumn planted sugarcane . So planting of sugarcane in autumn season can be helpful in controlling flowering. Climatic conditions during first fortnight of September decide the extent of flowering.

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