Asked 11th Jun, 2016

How test a new text input method for usability?

I developed a new text input mechanism for Sinhala (A popular language used in Sri Lanka). The prototype was built for an android touch screen device. I would like to know the options I have for usability testing. Any tests I can carry out based on the cognitive system is preferred.

Most recent answer

Tulakshana Weerasooriya
University of Moratuwa
@Carl, why do you think people who take online surveys are upset?

Popular answers (1)

Wiktoria Wilkowska
RWTH Aachen University
Hello Tulakshana,
if you need a quick and dirty”, reliable tool for measuring the usability and the learnability of your new mechanism on the android you can use the "System Usability Scale" (Brooke). From my experience, it is a short and effective measurement scale; you may only have to rephrase a bit.
If you want to see a short description, here is a link: 
Kind regards,
3 Recommendations

All Answers (9)

Behzad Soleimani Neysiani
Oil Design&Construction Company (ODCC)
Hi dear
What is the meaning of new mechanism? Do you mean, you develop new layout for keyboard? Or implement new character map for Unicode of Sinhala?
If you mean a new layout, a good layout should be designed based on frequency of character using. e.g. in English language, characters such as a e i o u are very frequent, so the place of these characters in keyboard designed to be easy for use. You could process some general books context in Sinhala language and count frequency of characters, then based on the frequency of characters, design your keyboard layout.
With Regards
1 Recommendation
Wiktoria Wilkowska
RWTH Aachen University
Hello Tulakshana,
if you need a quick and dirty”, reliable tool for measuring the usability and the learnability of your new mechanism on the android you can use the "System Usability Scale" (Brooke). From my experience, it is a short and effective measurement scale; you may only have to rephrase a bit.
If you want to see a short description, here is a link: 
Kind regards,
3 Recommendations
Seungyup Lee
Yonsei University
Dear Tylakshana, 
I understood your question that you want to know about any types of possible empirical test. If so, you can test your prototype in two perspectives. Firstly, you can measure the task performance of the users. For example, for the given text entry, you can measure the time for typing given text with your prototype, and then you can compare the result with the conventional keyboards. During such experiment, you can also measure the typographical error rate for each participant. Secondly, you also can measure some emotional and ergonomic factors of the users. For example, ease of use and physical fatigue may be measured with a questionnaire after the experiment.
3 Recommendations
Ahmad Syawal Mohd Lajis
KDU University College
You can use LUND usability testing, 
Lund, A.M. (2001) Measuring Usability with the USE Questionnaire. STC Usability SIG Newsletter, 8:2
1 Recommendation
It is good practice to measure BOTH user performance AND satisfaction.  If you measure only satisfaction, you are likely to overlook performance issues.  As Wickens and Andre (1995) say, users often like design features that are not supportive of performance, such as overuse of color. 
1 Recommendation
George Adamides
Agricultural Research Institute Cyprus
You can prepare a quick test and ask participants to input a paragraph using an existing (standard) text input mechanism and the same paragraph using your proposed input mechanism and  after each task, ask this question Overall, this task was? see  for more details
1 Recommendation
Carl J. Mueller
Texas A&M - Central Texas
Good question.
As Elizabeth said, the best practice is to measure both satisfaction and performance. It also matters how these measures are evaluated and the demographics of the subjects. The issue with subjective questionnaires and interviews is that people lie. In some cases it is considered being polite, since you honored them by including them in the survey they will say only positive. On-line surveys tend to produce negative results because the most people taking the survey are upset. Another issue with the subjective approach is the population necessary for the study. Typically a subjective approach requires 40 or more subjects before the data begins to approach the actual mean.
Another approach is performing a comparative test and use statistical results for performance comparision. It is a simple test to construct, but the primary issue is the math. Measuring human performance is an exercise in measuring learning. Human learning is most accurately modeled by either an exponential decay curve or a power law decay curve. Meaning that it is necessary to use parametric and non-parametric statistics. The good news is that it only requires 7 to 10 cases with 14 to 20 subjects (7 to 10 for each data entry method).  The details of  this approach are documented in An Economical Approach to Usability Testing”, Proceedings of 33rd Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference (Compsac 2009), Seattle, WA.
Good Luck.
Tulakshana Weerasooriya
University of Moratuwa
@Carl, why do you think people who take online surveys are upset?

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Welcome to RWTH Aachen University. We are delighted to have you here as an international researcher for our Junior Principal Investigator fellowships. We would like to get to know you a little better!
Thank you for having me! I am very happy to be here!
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Indeed, the JPI fellowship opens so many doors for interdisciplinary collaborations within RWTH, which is great for early career researchers like me. I am working within the Materials Science & Engineering (MatSE) Profile Area and hosted at Materials Chemistry.
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Another great aspect of the profile areas and ultimately RWTH as a whole, is the support given for technological transfer of basic, fundamental research. Indeed, as a material scientist, the aim is to, sooner or later, see the materials that we develop in the lab, being used on a day-to-day basis. I think the JPI fellowship will indeed allow me to develop a T-shaped profile but also the soft skills that I need for advancing my career.
Please note: RWTH is now inviting excellent and experienced early career researchers to apply for six Junior Principal Investigator Fellowships.
Applications are accepted until February 9, 2021.
RWTH is inviting excellent and experienced early career researchers to apply for 6 Junior Principal Investigator (JPI) fellowships
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The program is designed to attract and support stellar researchers with international experience. Applications from women as well as others whose background and experience enrich the culture of the university are particularly encouraged. Support will be provided for a period of four years, with an optional fifth year.
Call for Applicants - RWTH Junior Principal Investigator Fellowships 2021
An exceptional possibility for young researchers to sharpen their research profile:
JPIs will have the chance to develop a T-shaped profile, build strong (international) networks, shape emerging fields and produce high-impact publications
JPIs are expected to take advantage of the unique opportunities provided by the University's Profile Areas and strategic alliances
JPIs are expected to help foster new interdisciplinary collaborations
Benefits include:
Successful candidates will be employed as junior research group leaders
Additional funding for one full-time doctoral candidate and a budget for consumables
Opportunity to supervise doctoral candidates
Mentoring and career development support through the University’s Advanced Talents program offered by the RWTH Center for Young Academics
Access to the shared cutting-edge research infrastructure in the Profile Area
General RWTH services including access to child care and other resources offered by the Family Services Center.
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