Asked 23rd Dec, 2013

How closely is one able to examine the objects in the virtual world?

We are so much into technology, but behind or beneath its every aspect is virtual reality. Is it really helpful for the future point of view? How closely cam the objects be examined?

All Answers (3)

Efrén Suay
University of Murcia
I could try Oculus Rift ( few days ago and my personal experience is that the feeling is very close to reality. It's like "to be in there," so that objects can be observer as if it were real. You should try it if you can.
Benjamin N. Johnson
Fairleigh Dickinson University
I am curious what exactly you mean by "objects" in this case. Are you referring to examining computer-generated images as "objects" in virtual reality simulations? Or are you speaking more broadly, using the term "objects" to refer to interactions and reified ideas that exist in the modern virtual world? I am especially interested in the formation of relationships through social media and other non-physical means. Is this a domain that you are curious about?
Piyush Kumar Singh
University of Nottingham
Yes bejamin, i meant the same as you said computer generated images as objects and suay thanks for the link too as it provides a nice info.
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