Asked 17th Nov, 2020

How can I find the best subject between architecture, economy, historical site ?

Hi there, I consider to write my final thesis in master architecture. I am trying to find a good link between economy impact , historical site and high rise buildings which I am interested in, but it is difficult to find a good subject. is there anybody who can help me and provide a good Idea? many thanks.

Most recent answer

Frédéric Davidovits
Geopolymer Institute, Saint-Quentin France
Most of the subject are relevant in XIXth or XXth century in architecture history. You have more documentation in that period. Now you can choose the subject according to the geography.

Popular answers (1)

Kabita Shah
Pennsylvania State University
It is totally dependent on your interest and the area you are expert. Best wishes.
4 Recommendations

All Answers (17)

High-rise structures are one of the consequences of economic development in cities when price of land becomes so high that extra costs of building in z direction appear more affordable than in xy plane. Therefore you have 2 main keywords: high-rise buildings, and historical sites. On the other hand, as a rule of thumb, high-rise developments are usually restricted inside and very close to historical sites because historical buildings are typically low-rise, and high-rise buildings can interrupt the harmony and the skyline of the historical tissues. Nevertheless, even from long distance, these two (historical sites and high-rise developments) can still influence on one another in multiple ways e.g., aesthetics, environmental impacts, social, cultural, and economic impacts. In my opinion you could focus on one of these areas of mutual impacts, and try to improve the quality of new (high density) high-rise developments in historical cities; i.e., sustainable high-rise development in historical cities; e.g., you could compare a couple of large historical cities in Europe (e.g., Paris and Rome) and look for successful examples of high-rise developments in relatively sustainable coexistence with historical sites in the cities.
Usama Badawy
Technische Universität Berlin
Architecture engages a culture’s deepest social values and expresses them in material, aesthetic form. heritage buildings need to be used. Once a building’s function becomes redundant, adapting it to a new use provides for its future .
Kabita Shah
Pennsylvania State University
It is totally dependent on your interest and the area you are expert. Best wishes.
4 Recommendations
Maya Slm
Sapienza University of Rome
thank you so much for your answers .
Its great that you have a generic idea on your field of interest.I would suggest this is the time to brainstorm and identify some 3/4 thesis topics of this based on research yourself.It would help you get more clarity as for the same you would be looking at existing models and case studies.
Try identifying a gap/ need for findings among existing models and proceed
Good luck.
In case of guidance required in topic refinement feel free to ask
1 Recommendation
Cynthia Ann Jones
University of Missouri - Kansas City
Consider adding an element of the 'carbon footprint' in high rise architecture. Does it offer an environmental advantage or disadvantage, does the plan blend with the present historical aesthetic?
1 Recommendation
Vladimir Ladinski
University American College Skopje
Good morning,
You may want to explore and learn the lessons from the past when many historical sites (in a broad term of the meaning of the word historical) and communities were essentially wiped out in the name of the progress and replaced with new hight rise buildings. In this context you can do a historical research of examples of this approach and on the basis of these examples conisder the long term economical impact of this approach.
Alternatively you can probably seek examples from urban areas from the early 20th century where some of the earlier high rise buildings were built. Those communities that still exist in its original form might provide a fertile ground for a resaerch focused on the long term economic impact of these areas.
Naturally, there are other aspects you can look into like social and environmental impact that may provide more of a holistic approach form a sustainable point of you.
Good luch with your research!
1 Recommendation
Maged Mikhael
Canadian International College
There is a perfect example of what you are looking for in Cairo-Egypt. Try to make make a deep study of the Maspero Triangle area in the city center of Cairo. This area has been considered a rural area - unplanned- in the heart of historic Cairo and very close to the many important government buildings as well as the Nile river. Almost, two or three years ago all those old buildings were demolished, new urban planning was completed and many high rise buildings are being constructed in the same place.
1 Recommendation
Maya Slm
Sapienza University of Rome
Thank you so much all for your answering ,surely it is a great help...
Usama Badawy
Technische Universität Berlin
Sustainable financing for (an owned) sustainable architecture development: time for to give the driver’s seat to domestic resource mobilization ,smart cities by using apparat checklists.
1 Recommendation
Usama Badawy
Technische Universität Berlin
Green buildings design and the economical effect ,comparison between usually design method and by using green buildings applications or straps.
1 Recommendation
Simon Weir
The University of Sydney
Koolhaas' book "Delirious New York"
Maite Aguado Roca
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Dear Maya Slm
Take a look to "Gas Natural" headquarter. Barcelona. Architects :Enric Miralles and Benedetta Tagliabue. It's a special tower.
Maya Slm
Sapienza University of Rome
Thank you so much for your kind ..
Raed Rahim Khuder
Imam Al-Kadhum College (IKC)
حسب فهمي للسؤال انكِ بحاجة الى مورد يجمع العمارة والاقتصاد والتاريخ...كمورد يشمل الجميع نادر...لكن كتب التاريخ تجمع العمارة التاريخية للمدن القديمة خاصة العراق ومصر..وفي العصور الاسلامية نلاخظ ان اغلب المدن تم بنائها وفق موقعها الجغرافي...وحتى المدن القديمة مثل قرطاجة
Frédéric Davidovits
Geopolymer Institute, Saint-Quentin France
Most of the subject are relevant in XIXth or XXth century in architecture history. You have more documentation in that period. Now you can choose the subject according to the geography.

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