Asked 24th May, 2020

How and where do I get a reflective essay reviewed and published?

I spent the past few months interning as an independent researcher at the Field Museum in Chicago. Here, I spent my time observing the design procedure that leads up to the creation of a context-focused exhibition. The term culminated with a paper at the end on the nature of objects in such exhibitions. I'm currently looking for places which can help me review, edit, and publish this work. Any direction would be helpful!

Most recent answer

Shuraik Kader
Griffith University
The best option is to chose an online magazine which covers humanism, arts, history and culture.

Popular answers (1)

Michael W. Marek
Wayne State College
Some journals will accept conceptual papers, i.e. not based on empirical data collection. But you would still need to draw on the academic literature.
Here is my recommended structure for a conceptual paper:
3 Recommendations

All Answers (12)

Michael W. Marek
Wayne State College
Some journals will accept conceptual papers, i.e. not based on empirical data collection. But you would still need to draw on the academic literature.
Here is my recommended structure for a conceptual paper:
3 Recommendations
David H Rosen
Oregon Health and Science University
Write a book and publish it with a small press.
1 Recommendation
David H Rosen
Oregon Health and Science University
Or you could write a song & sing it.
Better yet, do comedy.
For an example, see Dr.Nada Live at the Tiny Tavern.
I even did a performance at the Green Room.
As we all know, laughter is healing.
the outline above is fine. i would add at the beginning a small survey of previous work in this field with comments, especially what your paper adds or corrects. also, some comment at the end - now standard with research papers - about possible drawbacks or flaws in your model.
there are two types of venues for your paper: museum journals (i know nothing about this field); theoretical/design type journals (i know nothing about such journals either but am sure there are such "meta" type publications.) and, this is CRUCIAL: you must read the "information for authors" section of any journal to which you submit anything for categories of papers, length, et cet. i would do this after familiarizing yourself with the journal recent back issues. if you are submitting the wrong type of paper to a journal or to a journal that only publishes solicited manuscripts, it will probably not be answered or if so returned in a heartbeat.
lastly, i would ask someone who is (1) a person knowledgable about your subject and (2) someone you trust to be fair and helpful to read it before submitting it.
good luck!
2 Recommendations
Ann Eberwein
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Hi Anirudh,
I am the editor in chief of a student-run anthropological journal at University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee. If you are interested in publishing, our journal is yearly and the submission deadline is in January, but you are welcome to send us your article for possible incorporation in our current volume. If you would like to email us at, I can take a look at your submission and see if it fits in with any of our accepted article types. Our journal is called Field Notes: A Journal of Collegiate Anthropology and you can view past volumes by looking us up on
Kind Regards, Ann
1 Recommendation
Rasa Žukienė
Vytautas Magnus University
Please review the online magazine Art History and Criticism / Meno istorija ir kritika and write to us.
Kind Regards
1 Recommendation
Joy Malnar
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Michael W. Marek‘s outline is excellent. As you do a literature search you will find journals that focus on your topic. Check their submission process. Most reputable journals send submitted papers out for blind peer review. Their comments will help you refine your paper for publication in their journal.
Claudia Eugenia Della Negra
Ministerio de las Culturas, Gobierno de la Provincia del Neuquen, Argentina
Hi! In Argentina i published My Works in the ATEKNA magazine. But this only Patagonien Works. I recomend You the "INTERSECCIONES EN ANTROPOLIGIA ". I can send You the links of their editorial norms
This is totally free to the authors.
I hope this can help You.
Lic. Claudia Della Negra
Sherif Goubran
The American University in Cairo
It depends on how well the writing is theorized and referenced.If the writing is academic/scholarly, I would still suggest to prioritize looking for journal before settling for a book/book-chapter.
If the piece is less academic - maybe you can discuss with the Museum how and where they would like this to be published (they might be willing to help you in the process).
Charles Verrastro
Broward County Government
Check for previous related papers, incorporate in your paper, post (with free subscription ) and ask for reviews at
Kong F. Cheong
American University Washington D.C.
The University of Western Ontario Journal of Anthropology (
is a really good peer-reviewed, student run journal. Check it out.
Shuraik Kader
Griffith University
The best option is to chose an online magazine which covers humanism, arts, history and culture.

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