Asked 3rd Feb, 2020

How do you import flow data into an Ansys Fluent flow simulation?

Hi all,
I have had to partition my flow model into segments due to element limitations and I am testing whether I can conduct my analysis by partitioning my model into smaller models and preforming the same analysis by carrying the solution data of one part into the inlet of the succeeding part.
I have attempted to export and import the data in a .dat file format but Fluent could not carry the information forward into a succeeding simulation.
It could read the data but said the "data size does not match current grid".
Warning: read-data: data size does not match current grid.
Warning: case and data files are inconsistent; zone 2, case [1,343], data [1,1029]
Warning: case and data files are inconsistent; zone 1, case [1,882], data [1,2744]
Warning: case and data files are inconsistent; zone 5, case [883,931], data [2745,2842]
Warning: case and data files are inconsistent; zone 6, case [932,980], data [2843,2891]
Warning: case and data files are inconsistent; zone 7, case [981,1176], data [2892,3430]
............. etc.
The topology of the outlet of the first segmented model and the inlet of the second model are simple 10 cm squares with the same number of elements.
Does anyone have insight into how to overcome this issue?
Please see attached JPEGs of my simplified test analysis.
Best Regards and Many Thanks.

All Answers (2)

Abdul Mohizin
KIST Europe Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
Hello Mr. Ryan. The '.dat' file is used to write the data value for the present mesh conditions. If you run a case and saved the data value as '.dat', it will store the data value of each every mesh element in the case. If you import a different mesh and try to read the data value from '.dat', it will show error as the mesh are different. From my understanding what you need is the data values from 'outlet' of the first mesh and need to give it as the 'inlet' of the second mesh. For that I recommend to use the 'file>>write>> profile' of the outlet in first case and 'file>>read>>profile' in the second case and give the inlet parameter as the read profile for the second case. Can look into , for some insight.
Dmitriy Karnaushenko
Technical University Chemnitz - MAIN research center
Something similar to your multi domain was discussed here:
And possible answer from Gert-Jan was:
" What you can try is: 1) setup your first case. In OutputControl>Export define a CFX CSV export file with particle information on the outlet. 2) run the simulation to generate the csv-file. 3) setup the second case. 4) import the csv-file as profile data (Under Tools) 5) Look for "Injection region" in the top ribbon. This menu allows injection positions from a Profile. "
I think would be similar for dat files or ports.
Ether manually rename mesh on the port side to match it to data from dat file
Or Generate profile flow on outlet and re import it for the second domain as inlet.

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