Asked 16th Aug, 2018

How do I calculate effect size for mixed model regression (run using MIXED in SPSS) when there's only one group? So I can report the effect of time?

I have one group of people who completed measures at 3 time points and I'd like to calculate the effect size of change over time.

Most recent answer

Ali Gholamrezaei
The University of Sydney
David Morse Jimmy Y. Zhong why then running mixed model for the main analysis? the question here is how to calculate effect size based on the mixed model outputs?!

All Answers (5)

Kosta Sotiroski
University "St. Kliment Ohridski" - Bitola
For that purpose, use one of the non-parametric aunts in the SPSS in the case of a single sample.
1 Recommendation
David Eugene Booth
Kent State University
See the notes at this link. Marie Davidian is a real expert.
Best, David Booth
1 Recommendation
David Morse
Mississippi State University (Emeritus)
Hello Josephine,
A very simple way to proceed would be to compute mean (M) and standard deviation (SD) for each of the three time periods. Then, using time 1 as the baseline, define a Cohen's d ES estimate as (M_t1 - M_tx) / SD_t1 where "tx" means either time 2 or time 3, as desired. That statistic will give you the difference, in baseline SDs (and that is your ersatz common scale), from time 1 to time 2 (or time 3).
There are plenty of other schemes as well. Just enter "effect size" in YouTube or on the Amazon web sites to get a variety of explanations.
Good luck with your work.
2 Recommendations
Jimmy Y. Zhong
Georgia Institute of Technology
You can simply apply three one-sample tests, one for each time point. The baseline mean will the total mean from all time-points. For each time-point, you deduct this total mean from each time-point's mean to get the mean difference and you divide this over the pooled SD. In this case, you would derive three effect size values. For the predictor of time, you can code them into two dummy variables and regress the effect size values against the two temporal regressors. With time-point 1 (or another) set as the reference time-point, you will get two beta coefficients, for instance, beta1 showing the change in effect size from time-point 1 to 2, and beta2 showing the change in effect size from time-point 1 to 3.
1 Recommendation
Ali Gholamrezaei
The University of Sydney
David Morse Jimmy Y. Zhong why then running mixed model for the main analysis? the question here is how to calculate effect size based on the mixed model outputs?!

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