Asked 14th Oct, 2015

How can we design an electronic circuit for TDCS with a current source for I=0-2mA?

I want to design an electronic circuit for TDCS, with the range of current that is given, I=0-2mA. how can I do it.
I'm glad if you can help me

Most recent answer

Good Answer Prasanna Waichal

All Answers (6)

Prasanna Waichal
Research Lab
Hello Batool Saeidi,
You have not specified what is your (Control) input to this circuit that delivers a current of 0-2mA but I would suggest you to go for some op-amp based V-to-I (Voltage to Current) converter circuits. You  can try any classic book on op-amp or else let me know your exact requirements and I can send you some details of such a circuit.
Thanks with best wishes!
1 Recommendation
Batool Saeidi
Amirkabir University of Technology
No matter what. It can be every thing
Falk-Martin Hoffmann
Sony Europe B.V.
Hello Batool Saeidi,
as already suggested, an op-amp based circuit would be best. The key word 'transconductance amplifier' may also be of use here. You would need to find suitable DC capable versions though, but the should be available.
However, as with all electronics, it is better to design the circuitry with someone who has experience in the field, as there is loads that need to be considered for accurate circuit performance.
Hope this might help!
Josef Punčochář
VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava
I agree with Prasanna Waichal, your specification is very vague. It is necessary to know the maximum output operating voltage, output impedance (ideally infinite), achievable supply voltage, ... And last but not least, surely "security" guarantees which the circuit gives .
You might find some good ideas in this paper: Development and Validation of a Miniature Programmable tDCS Device
Good Answer Prasanna Waichal

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