Asked 10th Jan, 2017
  • Sokolov Co. Ltd. Sankt-Petersburg, Russia

How can I solve system of logarithmic equations?

Dear colleagues!
Who knows whether the set of equations below has a solution? These equations (somewhat simplified) are used in encoding and study of any changes in compositions by RHAT method. Here, R is rank formula, H - Shannon information entropy, A - anentropy, T - tolerance - the latter two are the question author's formulas
1= ∑xi           i =1÷4
H=-∑ xi lnxi
T=ln∑1/ xi

All Answers (2)

Tomas G. Petrov
Sokolov Co. Ltd. Sankt-Petersburg, Russia
Thank you very much for the information sent. Unfortunately, I could not find there way to solve a system of equations with four unknowns.

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