Asked 7th Apr, 2020

How can I plot time series of each component resulted from group ICA Melodic?

I have run Melodic ICA on 4D resting state data of a group of subjects (56). Now I want to view spatial maps, time series and power spectrum for each component (25 components totally). I am using fsleyes on Melodic mode however voxel intensity across all components is shown in time series instead of the component time series for the current component. It is the case for power spectrum plot too. In plot control panel I have marked two available options: pixdim and component time courses for melodic images. I attached an image showing spatial maps, time series and power spectrum plots. Does anyone know how I can plot time series and power spectrum for each component not each voxel?
Any suggestion and comment is appreciated.

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How can I extract volume values (voxels, mm3?) for each individual on a particular cluster in FSL-VBM analysis?
11 answers
  • Jonatan Ottino GonzálezJonatan Ottino González
Hi everyone,
I ran a VBM analysis between unpaired groups and got 4 significant clusters.
  1. I used the Cluster command to get the significant clusters on a text file to visualize their p-values, coordinates, etc.
Cluster –i tfce_corrp_tstat1 –t 0.95 -o cluster_size osize=cluster_size > results.txt
  1. Then I used fslmaths to extract a particular cluster (remove just 1 out of 4 from the tfce_corrp_tstat1) and binarized it as a mask.
fslmaths –dt int cluster_size -thr <min value> -uthr <max value> -bin <mask_name>
Where –thr and -uthr is the minimum-maximum (threshold) value from the index_cluster column at the results.txt where every significant cluster is displayed (1-4). In my case the -thr and -uthr values were the same (1), because only cluster 1 was of my interest.
I checked the mask and everything went ok at this point (1 cluster = 1 mask).
  1. I finally used fslmeants to calculate volumes for that cluster on each individual. The problem, I think, is that I’ve calculated the mean values of voxels' intensity in that cluster, not the total volume of it.
fslmeants –i <GM_mod_merg_s3> –m <cluster_mask> > results_cluster.txt
I would like to calculate the total volume of that particular cluster (voxels, mm3) for every subject (n=56) to do correlations/regressions with other behavioral/cognitive variables in SPSS. I think my problem is in Step 3, do someone know a better way to calculate volumes on a particular cluster?
I also performed a manual extraction for the data using kernel spheres but I’m not happy with the results/method because even if I merge several spheres to create a mask to cover all the cluster I still got some voxels out of it (and viceversa).

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