Asked 21st Nov, 2016

Help! Does anyone know what kind of eggs are these?

Making some reseach in wild birds parasites I found these eggs in feces samples. 
Birds hosts: 
A - Asio otus [ long-eared owl ]
B - Athene noctua [ little owl ]
C - Aquila pennata [ booted eagle ]
D - Milvus migrans [ black kite ]
E - Buteo buteo [ common buzzard ]
F - Athene noctua [little owl ]
I thinks they're all the same kind of egg, they're very similar in morphology and size.
Thank you, in advance, for your kind help!

Most recent answer

Thank you for all your answers! When I did the research I didn't make any measures, so it's difficult to add a reference scale. All I can say is that they're all almost the same size and the magnification is: 
Picture 1, 4, 6, 7, 9: x400
Picture 2, 5: x200
Picture 3, 8, 10: x100

Popular answers (1)

Carolina R. F. Chagas
Nature Research Centre
Hi dear, all of these are mite eggs. They are pretty common in animals that feeds on rodents, like the "hosts" you mentioned. They are considerated to be pseudoparasites of them. 
3 Recommendations

All Answers (7)

Carolina R. F. Chagas
Nature Research Centre
Hi dear, all of these are mite eggs. They are pretty common in animals that feeds on rodents, like the "hosts" you mentioned. They are considerated to be pseudoparasites of them. 
3 Recommendations
Thank you, Carolina! Do you know what species of mites? Is it possible to know? 
1 Recommendation
Carolina R. F. Chagas
Nature Research Centre
At least for me, it is really hard to know which mite species you are dealing with just with the eggs. If you have accsses to the rodent and consequently to the adults, maybe you can identify them.
Idris Ahmed Yagoub
Animal Resource Research Corporation (ARRC) Sudan.
The egg you are showing looks very like that of  Trichostronglus spp.  eg. (T. tenuis)
Paolo Tizzani
World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH)
could you add a reference scale to your photo. It might help!
1 Recommendation
Majid Abdul Aziz Bannai
University of Basrah
By your Question  that you removed the eggs from some bird during the scanning process for parasites that certain of the eggs is kind of isolated host can continue parasites and parasite types getting to goal achievement
Thank you for all your answers! When I did the research I didn't make any measures, so it's difficult to add a reference scale. All I can say is that they're all almost the same size and the magnification is: 
Picture 1, 4, 6, 7, 9: x400
Picture 2, 5: x200
Picture 3, 8, 10: x100

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