Started 17th Jan, 2019

Enhanced oil recovery

Suggest any book for Microbial enhanced oil recovery (MEOR).

Most recent answer

Cleveland M Jones
Rio de Janeiro State University
I don´t do that with technical articles...wait for AI to improve...
Or wait for English publication in the near future...

All replies (6)

Sid James Nelson
RAM Biochemicals, Inc.
This book is excellent start from 1990... Yen, T.F. Microbial enhanced oil recovery. United States: N. p., 1990., and Dr Yen has additional journal articles reviewing more recent updates, that are probably accessible to your library.
The field is quite old and gets revivals of interest and new research at roughly 10-20 year intervals.
Cleveland M Jones
Rio de Janeiro State University
I have extensively researched MEOR (Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery), and published my thesis in 2014. I am still working on an English version, but if you care to see the original, Portuguese version, see: http://bdtd.ibict.br/vufind/Record/UERJ_cde857c1488183c8bc51288b29567d9e
Good luck…
1 Recommendation
Sid James Nelson
RAM Biochemicals, Inc.
@C.M. Jones; I read the abstract at the link you provided, and though I didn't find the link to the Thesis, I am intrigued to read it ( though it is in Portuguese) since you obviously focused on Brazil's use of MEOR. I can assume that you did a thorough review of the literature through the time frame of 2014 and good MEOR lit reviews are invaluable for advancing the field. Would you be able to post the electronic version of your thesis to researchgate.net for the community at large?
Thanks in advance,
Muito obrigado!
Sid J Nelson
Cleveland M Jones
Rio de Janeiro State University
Thanks for the interest.
If access is blocked I can send via e-mail.
In the next few months an updated English version will be made available...
Sombir Pannu
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
@ C.M JONES; is it translatable by google (Portuguese version).
Cleveland M Jones
Rio de Janeiro State University
I don´t do that with technical articles...wait for AI to improve...
Or wait for English publication in the near future...

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