Asked 29th Oct, 2017
  • District Disaster Management Authority, Madhubani, (Bihar) India

Does melting glaciers of Himalaya is also contributing to sea level rise?

Due to the greenhouse effect, melting of Earth's glaciers is leading to sea level rise (SLR). Researchers found that land ice which includes mountain glaciers and ice sheets, covering Greenland and Antarctica are contibuting major part in SLR. These giant blocks of ice are melting and the water is flowing rapidly into the oceans. Does glacier of the great Himalaya , which is also known as third pole is contributing in SLR ? Please share any article related to it.

Most recent answer

Kundan Sagar
District Disaster Management Authority, Madhubani, (Bihar) India
Thanks all for your time and answer.

All Answers (8)

Robert Istvan Radics
Lincoln University New Zealand
I agree with Kenneth, it contributes and the significance of the contribution can be calculated.
Also, the reason of melting has nothing to do with the level of contribution or the sea level rise.
Cole C. Pazar
Colorado School of Mines
Like Kenneth and Robert both concisely stated, yes. The melting ad retreat of all valley glaciers globally contributes to SLR. Melting any amount of cryospheric land based ice (be it the permafrost, ice sheets, or valley glaciers) contributes to mean SLR.
1 Recommendation
Christian Nygren
Lynntech Inc.
As mentioned, any land based ice will contribute to sea level rise, but it should be kept in mind how much each glacier system would contribute.
If all of the Antarctic ice melted sea level would rise about 200ft, If all of the Greenlandice melted sea level would rise about 20ft. By generous estimates, if all of the Himalayan ice melted sea level would raise about 1cm.
1 Recommendation
Adel Ben Lakhdhar Oueslati
University of Monastir
Of course, the gl aciers ofHymalia will contribute inhlevel increase of the sea under the effect of Pollution. It's a huge problem!
With my best wishes!
Asit Kumar Batabyal
Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute
Dear Kundan,
Studies show that Himalayan glaciers are melting - glaciers are retreating at rates ranging from 10 to 60 metres per year and many small glaciers (<0.2 sq km) have already disappeared. But it is difficult to say, it's share of contribution to sea level rise.
Read the attached paper on Himalayan glaciers.
Best regards
1 Recommendation
Kundan Sagar
District Disaster Management Authority, Madhubani, (Bihar) India
Thanks all for your time and answer.

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