Asked 16th May, 2016

Does anyone know a software for automatic analysis of karyotypes ?

Levan and ImageJ don't fit for my purposes. I am interested in automatic analysis of chromosomal plates. It may not be free. Thank you in advance!

Most recent answer

Muhammad Jamil
Chughtai Lab
we are using cytovision softwear in our lab. It is a manul system not a fully autumated i think its not good for karyotyping.kindly recommonded me for best softwear karyotyping.

Popular answers (1)

All Answers (7)

Husni Mubarok
Universitas Gadjah Mada
I think the same with you
1 Recommendation
Elodie Laharanne
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Bordeaux
We are using metasystems for automatic karyotyping, FISH counting..etc... It's a really good system.
1 Recommendation
Eugene Daev
Saint Petersburg State University
Your could check this:
1 Recommendation
luis alberto mendez-rosado
Centro Nacional de Genética Médica
We are using Cytovision and metasystem in our laboratory. In my opininion metasystem is more easy and more robust system. With both we do FISH and conventional cytogenetic. Both systems are very good,the best of the market.
3 Recommendations
Muhammad Jamil
Chughtai Lab
we are using cytovision softwear in our lab. It is a manul system not a fully autumated i think its not good for karyotyping.kindly recommonded me for best softwear karyotyping.

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