Asked 26th Mar, 2020

Dear all, why is only glucose completely metabolized in the body?

All digested carbohydrates are converted to glucose and metabolized. We know that the mechanisms. But, is there anyone knowing the specific reason for glucose?

Most recent answer

Luay A. Al-Helaly
University of Mosul
Because glucose has a chemical formula that qualifies it to perform different functions, it is a very simple sugars that absorbs from the intestine quickly and is used directly in the brain and RBC to produce energy, which is the main axis in the various metabolic processes and through glucose can be converted into various compounds.

Popular answers (1)

Kumar Sumit
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture and Technology
I am very happy for the question and i want to tell you a specific answer.
all living mostly made of five element like C, H, O, N and P in which C, H and O is primary elements. three element mostly conserved in our body system and glucose have balanced ratio of three element composition. the chemical composition of glucose in living system is a important key to play all activity in the living system as well as help of respiration (exchange O2 and CO2) for survival in nature. Various kind of by product of glucose during metabolism its help to cyclic approach for molecules regeneration or alternative sources in living system.
Dear your query
Why is only glucose completely metabolized in the body?
Because glucose have three common carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in certain ratio, they element contribute to any kind of other glucose molecules and easily change into glucose get to energy in cells.
Thank You
3 Recommendations

All Answers (8)

Masar Jabbar Al-kurdy
Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University
because most cells use glucose for ATP synthesis, but there are other fuel molecules equally important for maintaining the body's equilibrium or homeostasis.
Kumar Sumit
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture and Technology
I am very happy for the question and i want to tell you a specific answer.
all living mostly made of five element like C, H, O, N and P in which C, H and O is primary elements. three element mostly conserved in our body system and glucose have balanced ratio of three element composition. the chemical composition of glucose in living system is a important key to play all activity in the living system as well as help of respiration (exchange O2 and CO2) for survival in nature. Various kind of by product of glucose during metabolism its help to cyclic approach for molecules regeneration or alternative sources in living system.
Dear your query
Why is only glucose completely metabolized in the body?
Because glucose have three common carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in certain ratio, they element contribute to any kind of other glucose molecules and easily change into glucose get to energy in cells.
Thank You
3 Recommendations
Ahmed Tokhi
COMSATS University Islamabad
Kumar Sumit;
Very comprehensive explanation
İsmail Mücahit Alptekin
Ataturk University
Kumar Sumit, thank you for your valuable answer. These may helpful for us. Thank you again.
Eric Klein
Obesityhelp Foundation
Attached is an example of how a carbohydrate (fructose) is not converted into glucose.
Also attached is diagram of beta oxidation, an example of how it not true that only glucose is completely metabolized.
1 Recommendation
Nice Contribution Eric Klein
Luay A. Al-Helaly
University of Mosul
Because glucose has a chemical formula that qualifies it to perform different functions, it is a very simple sugars that absorbs from the intestine quickly and is used directly in the brain and RBC to produce energy, which is the main axis in the various metabolic processes and through glucose can be converted into various compounds.

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