Asked 26th Jul, 2013
  • All India Institute of Medical Sciences Gorakhpur

Can someone please suggest online free software for the analysis of relative gene expression after obtaining delta ct values on real time pcr?

It would be more convenient if someone could suggest some excel sheet method/software to calculate delta ct and folds expression. Manually one by one is quite complex and time consuming.

Most recent answer

Mohammad Al-Deeb
United Arab Emirates University
I suggest this excellent online tool which gives accurate calculations. You can use it to calculate gene expression according to the Liavk method for example. The link is
2 Recommendations

Popular answers (1)

Daniel Dehany Scott
University of Missouri - Kansas City
If you've calculated your deltaCts, you've established the difference in Ct between your test TARGET(S) (e.g. a gene targeted by siRNA) and your control TARGET (usually a housekeeping gene, e.g. GAPDH)
To go from deltaCts to quantitation in excel, you first need to calculate the deltadeltaCts; this is the deltaCt of your test SAMPLE(S) (e.g. a knockdown sample) minus the deltaCt of your control SAMPLE (e.g. a scrambled control treatment).
The final step is quantitation, which will give you the amount of test TARGET in your test SAMPLE relative to the amount of test TARGET in your control SAMPLE. The formula for this is: quantitation = 2^(-deltadeltaCt).
So, for example, consider the following example:
Scrambled control: GAPDH=18, HC11=26
Knockdown treatment: GAPDH=19, HC11=29
Now, the deltaCts are as follows:
Scrambled control: 26-18 = 8
Knockdown treatment: 29-19 = 10
This means that the delta delta Ct is 10-8 = 2
Finally, we quantify: 2^(-2) = 0.25
This means there is 25% of the HC11 in the test sample as the Scrambled control, suggesting that the knockdown has resulted in a 75% decrease in HC11 levels.
I hope this helps!
14 Recommendations

All Answers (10)

Daniel Dehany Scott
University of Missouri - Kansas City
If you've calculated your deltaCts, you've established the difference in Ct between your test TARGET(S) (e.g. a gene targeted by siRNA) and your control TARGET (usually a housekeeping gene, e.g. GAPDH)
To go from deltaCts to quantitation in excel, you first need to calculate the deltadeltaCts; this is the deltaCt of your test SAMPLE(S) (e.g. a knockdown sample) minus the deltaCt of your control SAMPLE (e.g. a scrambled control treatment).
The final step is quantitation, which will give you the amount of test TARGET in your test SAMPLE relative to the amount of test TARGET in your control SAMPLE. The formula for this is: quantitation = 2^(-deltadeltaCt).
So, for example, consider the following example:
Scrambled control: GAPDH=18, HC11=26
Knockdown treatment: GAPDH=19, HC11=29
Now, the deltaCts are as follows:
Scrambled control: 26-18 = 8
Knockdown treatment: 29-19 = 10
This means that the delta delta Ct is 10-8 = 2
Finally, we quantify: 2^(-2) = 0.25
This means there is 25% of the HC11 in the test sample as the Scrambled control, suggesting that the knockdown has resulted in a 75% decrease in HC11 levels.
I hope this helps!
14 Recommendations
Shailendra Dwivedi
All India Institute of Medical Sciences Gorakhpur
@Daniel Scott thanx but i know this method ,known as Livak method but since i have more than 500 samples so i want to know about some online free software ,that makes it easy,,,,,
1 Recommendation
Daniel Dehany Scott
University of Missouri - Kansas City
Ah, fair enough - that would be tedious! I'm afraid I've not used any free online software as most of my datasets are smaller.
If you did want to do it in Excel, and provided that your experimental outputs are pretty uniform in layout (e.g. you're always putting the same kinds of samples in the same wells etc.) you could always write a couple of macros to automate the analysis for you? If you could do that, you'd only ever have to do the long analysis once to write the macro then you could just replicate it with one keyboard shortcut? Not sure if your samples are laid out to allow that, but just a thought!
Good luck!
2 Recommendations
Raul Loera Valencia
Tecnológico de Monterrey
the REST software is NOT compatible with x64 Windows 8.
3 Recommendations
Yassar Mortada
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences
hi..write the formula in excell and it will calculate the fold change quickly. then you can analyze it easily by prism software
1 Recommendation
Joshua Shaffer
University of California, Santa Cruz
I know it's been 8 years since you posted this but I wrote a python program for delta delta ct analysis all you have to do is enter the Cq/Ct values manually and it will do the rest of the math for you. Here is the link to the program and the directions on how to use
In my experience it cuts analysis time approximately in half. The program assumes you are using three technical replicates per condition and one experimental sample/one control sample/one experimental gene/one housekeeping gene
Ayham Shakouka
Indian Agricultural Research Institute
u may use Excel
Khaled Musa Saleh
Hashemite University
Mohammad Al-Deeb
United Arab Emirates University
I suggest this excellent online tool which gives accurate calculations. You can use it to calculate gene expression according to the Liavk method for example. The link is
2 Recommendations

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How do you calculate SD for Delta Delta Ct? Would you agree with the one I found out?
12 answers
  • Mingchuan YuMingchuan Yu
I noted many discussions about SD or SEM in qPCR relative gene expression study.
Some recommended that we do not need to show SD as it does not make sense any in this analysis.
Some added SD or SEM too. Even for Calibrator (Control), although it is simply FC1 but some still show SD or SEM.
I am also confused at the end after reading all discussion and made me headache.
Because of confusion and not clearly written anywhere. I decided to share what I have found out. I found out a way to get SD for your qPCR relative gene expression study. See the attached file from a paper written by Livak et al 2001.
From there, we can noted that he use geometric mean rather than arithmetic mean. I noted that all qPCR software also use geometric mean too.
In the paper, c-myc Ct will have SD and GAPDH Ct too will have SD, although they were not mentioned there. Then Delta Ct will also have SD. This Delta Ct SD was calculated from SD of c-myc together with SD of GAPDH. It was not calculated from ave value of Delta Ct. Formula to calculate the Delta Ct's SD from the two SD mentioned above is
SD DeltaCt = {(SD of c-myc)^2 + (SD of GAPDH)^2}^1/2
We will get SD of Delta Ct and this is also followed for SD of Delta Delta Ct and finally we can get variation of FC value too according to SD of DDCt. From that 3 variation of FC (mean, upper, lower), we can get SD of FC. Would this be OK? Some said, FC should not have SD because FC is not distributed normally. So confusing. How do yo think?
For those who are having difficulties to get SD or which SD is the right one in qPCR relative gene expression for FC, this will help.
Although I have found this calculation, I am still not clear whether we should show SD or SEM or both are not necessary in this qPCR relative gene expression FC analysis.
Some of them still going on for T test or Oneway anova too. I do not understand for this too. It it so clear answer to know they are significant or not as we are looking at 1 for control. Less than 1 is down and more than 1 is up. in other words, 1 = 100%. From there we can know already clearly whether our results are significant or not. Why are some people still doing stat analysis. It is really unnecessary.
Appreciate your opinions. Thanks

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