Asked 9th May, 2014

Can powder diffraction data distinguish between normal and inverse spinel structures?

I'm trying to determine whether a PDF card indicates a normal versus inverse spinel structure. Is this possible to determine using only angle and intensity in a powder pattern? This is for a Ni-Co-O spinel. Both ions are expected in both the octahedral and tetrahedral sites. My understanding is that the structure factors for Ni and Co are similar enough that it makes normal methods difficult.

Most recent answer

Marcella Bini
University of Pavia
As also suggested in the other answers, with powder diffraction is not possible distinguish the inversioni of spinels with elements so similar for what concern the scattering factors. I think it is very difficult!!

All Answers (6)

Aidin Lak
Technische Universität Braunschweig
I guess it is not easily possible. I do know it very well for magnetite (inverse) and maghemite (normal) that it is almost impossible to resolve the two phases by doing simple XRD. I would suggest using techniques such as XAS, XPS, SANS or Mössbauer Spec.
1 Recommendation
Jesus A. Blanco
University of Oviedo
Using neutron diffraction one can distinguish much better Co ( 2.49 fm) from Ni (10.3 fm) and O (5.80 fm) because they have different scattering lengths (in paranthesis).
John S. Mccloy
Washington State University
These are good suggestions. However, my samples are thin films and have far too small volumes for neutron diffraction or Mossbauer and probably SANS. I have done XPS on them. These materials can be high or low spin Co2+, Co3+, Ni2+, Ni3+, Ni4+ some in both octahedral and tetrahedral sites. XPS interpretation is quite difficult. I think XAS will only give me valence information, which could be complementary to the XPS..
Any other ideas?
Shahin Khademinia
Semnan University
You should Know that some of materials have same XRD patterns because of the nearly same electron populations and crystal structure. So, when you take XRD pattern and find that the pattern is the same of the other, I suggest you use ICP for elemental analysis to find the exact amounts of the elements and use XPS analysis to find the cation environment. You can use EPR to find that I there is an unpaired electron or not.
Lawrence Margulies
University of Guelph
If you are looking for inversion symmetry or the lack of it, then powder diffraction will not distinguish between the two. You will have to use a single crystal for x-rays.
Marcella Bini
University of Pavia
As also suggested in the other answers, with powder diffraction is not possible distinguish the inversioni of spinels with elements so similar for what concern the scattering factors. I think it is very difficult!!

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Basis read from rwf: (5D, 7F)
No pseudopotential information found on rwf file.
The combination of multiplicity 1 and 65 electrons is impossible.
Now the cluster is charge neutral...
the input information is as follows.....
#PW91PW91/6-311++G(3df,3pd)/auto counterpoise=6 SP
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
S(Fragment=1) 5.63290100 0.52591500 0.76587900
O(Fragment=1) 4.63936500 1.16263000 -0.08688600
O(Fragment=1) 6.05347300 -0.83160800 0.13301600
O(Fragment=1) 6.94306300 1.33994500 0.65171200
O(Fragment=1) 5.25034000 0.34952700 2.16284200
H(Fragment=1) 7.39300400 1.00699600 1.51062400
H(Fragment=1) 5.24104300 -1.41327900 -0.08587100
S(Fragment=2) 1.31089800 1.96295600 0.00138900
O(Fragment=2) 2.60913400 2.66555700 0.48177000
O(Fragment=2) 0.29223700 2.99563700 0.02151000
O(Fragment=2) 1.54793500 1.26440500 -1.25355300
O(Fragment=2) 0.92009900 0.93747700 1.11423800
H(Fragment=2) 2.05312200 -0.23818000 -1.58451200
H(Fragment=2) 1.34967300 0.03539000 0.93617400
S(Fragment=3) 2.64973400 -2.01929800 -0.53556800
O(Fragment=3) 2.37814300 -1.16712900 -1.81864300
O(Fragment=3) 2.08092000 -1.34570000 0.62717700
O(Fragment=3) 1.92873900 -3.35507800 -0.82178700
O(Fragment=3) 4.05756700 -2.36541000 -0.47035000
H(Fragment=3) 3.43328000 2.09364100 0.29286500
S(Fragment=3) -1.59995000 -2.19358300 -0.59944000
O(Fragment=4) -1.63664300 -2.02052800 0.94452000
O(Fragment=4) -0.92396300 -0.88719400 -1.16007100
O(Fragment=4) -0.65874400 -3.25555200 -0.88460700
O(Fragment=4) -2.94534700 -2.31840700 -1.13075700
H(Fragment=4) -2.46136200 -1.46572700 1.22444700
H(Fragment=4) 0.91162300 -3.25800500 -0.83419000
H(Fragment=4) -1.56635800 -0.12145800 -1.23668400
S(Fragment=5) -3.06860300 2.37293800 -0.79259600
O(Fragment=5) -2.46789700 1.25244000 -1.47857300
O(Fragment=5) -2.93579700 3.56475300 -1.84378800
O(Fragment=5) -4.44404000 2.30367100 -0.35339800
O(Fragment=5) -2.23238800 2.81962200 0.43482600
H(Fragment=5) -1.22163100 2.84246600 0.24659300
H(Fragment=5) -2.34377200 3.08871200 -2.45853500
S(Fragment=6) -5.08346100 -0.82219700 1.28284900
O(Fragment=6) -3.64784100 -0.55065400 1.47057800
O(Fragment=6) -5.78111100 -1.60969300 2.24616600
O(Fragment=6) -5.82094300 0.55602500 1.17969900
H(Fragment=6) -5.30047600 1.18573100 0.60420600
O(Fragment=6) -5.27474800 -1.40827400 -0.17138700
H(Fragment=6) -4.40490500 -1.75564900 -0.52936900
1 2 2.0 3 1.5 4 1.5 5 2.0
8 9 1.5 10 2.0 11 2.0 12 1.5
12 14 1.0
13 16 1.0
15 16 1.5 17 2.0 18 1.5 19 2.0
21 22 1.5 23 1.0 24 2.0 25 2.0
23 28 1.0
29 30 2.0 31 1.0 32 2.0 33 1.5
31 35 1.0
36 37 2.0 38 2.0 39 1.5 41 1.0
39 40 1.0
41 42 1.0
I have attempted to to use
#PW91PW91/6-311++G(3df,3pd)/auto pseudo=read counterpoise=6 SP
and the file immediatley crashes eith error message
Standard basis: 6-311++G(3df,3pd) (5D, 7F)
Pseudopotential Parameters
Center Atomic Valence Angular Power
Number Number Electrons Momentum of R Exponent Coefficient SO-Coeffient
Wanted an integer as input.
Found a floating point number as input.
1 2 2.0 3 1.5 4 1.5 5 2.0
and also tired....
#PW91PW91/6-311++G(3df,3pd)/auto pseudo=read counterpoise=6 nosymm SP
and the following error message for the log file...
Standard basis: 6-311++G(3df,3pd) (5D, 7F)
Pseudopotential Parameters
Center Atomic Valence Angular Power
Number Number Electrons Momentum of R Exponent Coefficient SO-Coeffient
Wanted an integer as input.
Found a floating point number as input.
1 2 2.0 3 1.5 4 1.5 5 2.0
Does anyone have any suggestions to solve this issue

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