Asked 7th Jul, 2022
  • Pupuk Indonesia Holding Company

Can decaying atomic using magnet?

could the spinning magnet on toroidal shape decaying atom?

Popular answers (1)

Pedro L. Contreras E.
University of the Andes (Venezuela)
Interesting question, now we should remember that inside atoms are several particles: electrons around them, and protons & neutrons inside.
They interact differently when the strong spiring magnet is applied, I guess, the same stability of the atom can be questioned as you mention, now which of those components will feel more the effect?
Thank you, very interesting.
14 Recommendations

All Answers (1)

Pedro L. Contreras E.
University of the Andes (Venezuela)
Interesting question, now we should remember that inside atoms are several particles: electrons around them, and protons & neutrons inside.
They interact differently when the strong spiring magnet is applied, I guess, the same stability of the atom can be questioned as you mention, now which of those components will feel more the effect?
Thank you, very interesting.
14 Recommendations

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Velocity discrepancy - Kinetic theory and MD using LAMMPS
1 reply
  • Suman ChakrabortySuman Chakraborty
Hi All,
My simulation domain is a cuboid (image attached) with alkane (liquid) at the center and nitrogen as the ambient on either side. One of the cases, for example, involves n-heptane (at 350 K) surrounded by nitrogen at 27 bar and 350 K. When I am creating the particles, I am assigning them a velocity using:
velocity all create 350 492859 rot yes dist gaussian
velocity group_hep zero linear
velocity group_n2 zero linear
I am using the dump command to get the particle locations and velocities:
dump 1 all custom 10000 dump.atom id type x y z vx vy vz mol
Then I have a post-processing code in which I find the mean-spatial velocity variation of the particles. I was expecting that away from the interface and deep into the ambient, the nitrogen gas would follow kinetic theory formulations. But, my code gives a mean velocity of around 725 m/s and a RMS-vel of ~790 m/s. The v-RMS from kinetic theory (sqrt(3*Kb*T/m)) on the other hand is ~570 m/s, on the other hand.
So my questions are:
1. Am I thinking on the wrong track? Is the velocity profile from MD not supposed to obey kinetic theory?
P.S.: I have even tried at low pressures of 1 bar and also on single atomic gases like helium, thinking that the shape of the molecule might have been a reason, as kinetic theory is built on assumptions of solid hard spheres as particles.
2. Is it because of the ensemble that a bias velocity is being imposed on the system at each step and that causes the higher velocity from MD? But I do a "zero linear", shouldn't that take care of it?
3. My MD is based in united-atom (UA) model. So I model N2 as two N atoms. So with the dump command, I get Vx, Vy and Vz of each N atom. I find the velocity magnitude (sqrt(Vx^2 + Vy^2 + Vz^2) ) for each N atom, sum them up and divide by 2 to get a velocity value for one single N2 molecule. Any flaw in this approach?
Will be hoping to get a response. Thanks in advance.
Can we use ambertools for the proteins having missing residues within?
3 answers
  • Purva DuaPurva Dua
I have taken a protein and because of its larger size I have taken the residues around the active center. Because of this, there are missing residues and the residues are not in chain. I want to run MD simulation for this modelled protein but in the first step of generating mol2 files using antechamber, I am getting a fatal error as follows:
Welcome to antechamber 21.0: molecular input file processor.
acdoctor mode is on: check and diagnose problems in the input file.
The atom type is set to gaff; the options available to the -at flag are
gaff, gaff2, amber, bcc, and sybyl.
-- Check Format for pdb File --
Status: pass
Warning: Detected more than 10 Residue sequence numbers;
this may be a large multiple residue PDB file;
large multiple residue PDB files are not supported.
This warning usually indicates a conceptual misunderstanding.
We recommend reviewing the Information flow in Amber documentation
and the antechamber tutorials.
Continuing, but problems may be encountered.
Info: The number of atoms (2560) exceeded MAXATOM.
Warning: Detected more than 10 Residue sequence numbers;
this may be a large multiple residue PDB file;
large multiple residue PDB files are not supported.
This warning usually indicates a conceptual misunderstanding.
We recommend reviewing the Information flow in Amber documentation
and the antechamber tutorials.
Continuing, but problems may be encountered.
Info: Determining atomic numbers from atomic symbols which are case sensitive.
-- Check Unusual Elements --
Status: pass
-- Check Open Valences --
Status: pass
-- Check Geometry --
for those bonded
/opt/amber20-mpi/amber20/bin/antechamber: line 9: 14993 Segmentation fault (core dumped) $AMBERHOME/bin/wrapped_progs/antechamber "$@"
How can I do antechamber with my protein?
Thanks in advance
I got errors during scattering calculation when the solution method change to transiesta, anybody who can figure out?
3 replies
  • Rom HaniRom Hani
The electrode coordinates does not overlap within the required accuracy: .10000E-02 Ang
The maximal offset repeating vector is [Ang]: -.2003 -.2977 -.4480E-01
The maximal offset tiling vector is [Ang]: -.2003 -.2977 -.4480E-01
The system coordinates of atoms 1 to 36 does not coincide with the electrode coordinates found in: ./elec_Au.TSHS
This is a requirement to place the self-energy terms correctly.
To ensure the electrode coordinates conform with the system coordinates you can take the following list of coordinates
and replace atoms 1 to 36 in your system AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies block
NOTICE: The below listed coordinates are tiled as that provides the best performance
NOTICE: The listed coordinates are already arranged with respect to atom 1 in your system AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies block
NOTICE: You have to add the correct species label for the atoms
NOTICE: You can possibly do this by using this awk-command on this output:
awk '{print $5,$6,$7,1}' <OUT-file>
DEVICE EXPANDED ELECTRODE (expected DEVICE atomic coordinates)
X [Ang] Y [Ang] Z [Ang] |dXA| [Ang] X [Ang] Y [Ang] Z [Ang]
2.5149176976 2.9911042509 -0.0043033698 0.000000 2.5149176976 2.9911042509 -0.0043033698
5.9129053043 3.0222269379 -0.0055022868 0.191572 5.7238510878 2.9912968417 -0.0041984446
9.0907829043 3.0118262468 -0.0129886629 0.158637 8.9337471231 2.9910897009 -0.0043083704
2.5224189708 5.8915021017 -0.0180221772 0.092549 2.5144558101 5.8003250459 -0.0042854371
5.7360141496 5.9044602893 -0.0104261101 0.105055 5.7242238541 5.8002511084 -0.0042668469
8.9326756378 5.8805116757 -0.1975798668 0.209372 8.9337326804 5.8002218560 -0.0042178791
2.5052362783 8.8678697675 -0.0222322440 0.137788 2.5146212754 8.7315862086 -0.0042233100
5.7256810079 8.8624656295 -0.0194472865 0.132176 5.7240351553 8.7311833113 -0.0041958062
8.9322408930 8.8704372787 -0.0251380729 0.140509 8.9336229543 8.7315019825 -0.0042120990
4.2895197394 4.2335362045 2.0369868488 0.174464 4.1193700366 4.2702733360 2.0252816657
7.5172563903 4.2539650071 2.0453294850 0.190478 7.3284886402 4.2697400968 2.0253348711

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