Asked 10th Jul, 2014

Can anyone tell me how to simulate a Peer to Peer network in Qualnet Simulator?

I want to simulate Peer to Peer Network architecture (Node >500) in Qualnet Simulator. I did the simulation but now I have to analysis the result. So anyone can suggest what parameter should I consider for better results? Thanks in advance.

All Answers (3)

Ashutosh Bhatia
Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani
The parameters to be analyzed  and the parameters which can improve the performce of certain application solely depends upon the purpose of your simulation.
Is it wired network or wireless.?  Which  application you are running on top of peer to peer network.? Are you interested in application performance or the performance of underlying protocols like routing and transport layer ?
Vikram Runthla
Polytech Nantes
it is wired network and applications are running on that network like VoIP, File Share and many more. I am interested in application layer performance. 
Seil Jeon
Institute of Telecommunications
Hi, I also had an experience conducted on P2P simulation based on QualNet simulator. Actually, I have no idea what you gonna see and analyze. So, depending on your stressed proposal points, it could be varied. FYI, I'd suggest you check my former following publication as proposed for a real-time P2P scheme, based on QualNet simulator.

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