Asked 27th Oct, 2015

Can anyone please provide me correlation between poly-dispersity index and particle size?

Dear all,
I was wondering if any one of you can provide me some reference which shows the correlation between poly-dispersity index and particle size.
Thanking you all,

Most recent answer

M. R. Mozafari
Australasian Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Initiative
It has been explained in details in the following publication:
Danaei, M.; Dehghankhold, M.; Ataei, S.; Hasanzadeh Davarani, F.; Javanmard, R.; Dokhani, A.; Khorasani, S.; Mozafari, M.R. Impact of Particle Size and Polydispersity Index on the Clinical Applications of Lipidic Nanocarrier Systems. Pharmaceutics 2018, 10, 57.
The suitability of nanocarrier formulations for a particular route of drug administration depends on their average diameter, PDI and size stability, among other parameters. Controlling and validating these parameters are of key importance for the effective clinical applications of nanocarrier formulations. ...
Attached, please find a Figure from the above paper with the following caption (related to your query):
Figure 3. (A,B) schematic representation of typical particle size graphs indicating a polydisperse sample (composed of heterogeneous population of particles) (A); and a monodisperse sample (containing homogenous population of particles) (B); (C,D) representation of the particle size distribution of a sample containing a polydisperse population of particles (with a high PDI value) (C); and a sample containing a monodisperse population of particles (with a low PDI value) (D).

All Answers (4)

Leonardo Chiappisi
Institut Laue-Langevin
What do you mean exactly?
In principle, polydispersity and mean size are two different variables, you can have small monodisperse or polydisperse particles, as well as large monodisperse or large polydisperse.
G. F. Goya
University of Zaragoza
Usually a set of particles is called 'monodisperse' if the standard deviation of the size distribution is less than 10%, i.e., sigma=0.1 or less. Irrespective of the mean value of the distribution (particle average size).
hope this helps.
M. R. Mozafari
Australasian Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Initiative
It has been explained in details in the following publication:
Danaei, M.; Dehghankhold, M.; Ataei, S.; Hasanzadeh Davarani, F.; Javanmard, R.; Dokhani, A.; Khorasani, S.; Mozafari, M.R. Impact of Particle Size and Polydispersity Index on the Clinical Applications of Lipidic Nanocarrier Systems. Pharmaceutics 2018, 10, 57.
The suitability of nanocarrier formulations for a particular route of drug administration depends on their average diameter, PDI and size stability, among other parameters. Controlling and validating these parameters are of key importance for the effective clinical applications of nanocarrier formulations. ...
Attached, please find a Figure from the above paper with the following caption (related to your query):
Figure 3. (A,B) schematic representation of typical particle size graphs indicating a polydisperse sample (composed of heterogeneous population of particles) (A); and a monodisperse sample (containing homogenous population of particles) (B); (C,D) representation of the particle size distribution of a sample containing a polydisperse population of particles (with a high PDI value) (C); and a sample containing a monodisperse population of particles (with a low PDI value) (D).

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